[Fallen_Angel83]'s diary

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Written about Friday 2008-04-18
Written: (6013 days ago)

why are women such whores

i would like to know the answer. they will say men cheat
blah blah blah but they are the ones doing the cheating.
just about all my girlfriends have either been cheaters or golddiggers and they have hurt me. after the first few i wasn't surprised anymore. i never had sex w/ any of them
either b/c i know at first they were very attracted to me
but it was just a novelty thing. i just didn't trust them.
when you dont trust them and fuck them then they get angry.
but as far as i can see if they really wanted you they would have put up w/ anything.I ended up having sex w/ one of the better ones but i can't say that i was that impressed. they don't want a relationship not really they just want sex. esp this one model girl i dated, i knew i couldn't trust her wouldn't fuck her i was sort of waiting for her to leave me for someone else which of course happened. either some asshole or some guy who was $$$ loaded. i stopped
spending $$ on any of them too. at first i tried to but its
a bad idea. being nice to these fucking whores doesn't help
you one bit.i will never go out w/ the older ones though that have 2 or 3 worthless kids from an idiot male who has now left them. yeah their men tend to be the dangerous types. i dont even get involved w/ women who have kids b/c i dont want to get violently murdered.i get alot of pleasure from ignoring all women since i'm really good looking they are always trying to get my attention and throwing themselves at me...that is until either a man with a fat wallet comes along or someone who will treat them worse than me.yeah baby when things don't go their way it is
always 'you jerk' you asshole you this you that. of course they have already determined that i can't possibly have feelings. the only feelins that exist for them are their own.this one girl especially really got under my skin b/c i
thought that she was different. she really got to me more
than anyone else b/c when she was talking to me and stuff
she made me feel differently. like she really wanted me and
found me interesting...not some oddity who is to be
tolerated. i fell for her from the very first moment she
was also very sweet.she had the biggest tits i had ever seen on only a 5'2 frame and she has amazing hips. at first when she saw me i thought i had disappointed her, maybe something i wore,something i said something i didnt do. i dont know. then it didn't seem to matter anymore because she was talking to me and looking at me stealing glances etc.
ok change of topic but im so tired of people thinking
you are sexist b/c they are not your type. i didn't find
some girl attractive so she starts talking about #1 i am
sexist?? Then she asks why don't i think she's attractive
most guys do. whatever, just b/c i love women w/ big tits
and full hips does not make me sexist. i bet she
golddigging too. i dont understand do they even know what
love is???anyway this 5'2 sexy girl we were talking for a while then we went out. lol in the midst of the date i get this incredible hard on b/c she is being coy or something and shows me some cleavage.i was pretty embarrased and i was
trying to hide it from her. she thought i was really odd
but apparently that turned her on. this was before she
started calling me 'fucking jerk' 'asshole' whatever.
maybe if you hadn't left for some other guy. why are they
so impatient. the little tart still keeps in touch w/ me
though and talks about how she wants to fuck me. but
whatever i was so hurt...when she just gave up on me like
that treated me like i didnt exist it made me so angry. i
gave up on alot in those brief months i stopped being
courteous to anyone anymore. And for some reason all the
girls loved it and they were trying harder to hook up w/
me. When i ignore them it is always abusive names. im so
tired. anyway the reason i haven't written her off is she
basically came clean before i had to call her a lying bitch
to her face. she goes i got married b/c my mother was being
a bitch but i dont like the guy hes just a friend. i want
to fuck you etc. what would life be like if she wasn't back
pretty fucking awful.then she wrote me a letter about how earlier i had offended her. i had apparently assumed that she just wanted someone to throw $$ away on her which i refused to do. i made her believe i didn't have a dime so i can only imagine she really likes me.thats new she was 28 when i met her. usually its these older ones that want me, that is after they go chasing murderers, jailbirds and other scum of the earth they now want to be w/ a decent guy fuck no.i dont want these types of sluts then they want to call you all types of names b/c you don't want to be w/ some crazy bitch who now hates men and wants to destroy him.no thank you i dont want to get destroyed. i don't want abuse. i got news for you whores i hate women too.when i found out 5'2 big tits got married to some fuck i was about to kill that bitch.she was all over me about how she loves the sound of my voice and how sexy i am blah blah blah she was acting kinda desperate so i thought oh good she's mine. BUT NO she couldn't wait for me to call back??? 
You go fuck some other guy? i figured he had lots of $$
he wanted to throw away, that is before i found out about
her crazy mom. i want to believe her. that really shook me.
But then of course she loves me so much that is why it was
easy to give up on me again and go chasing after some other
guy. She kept telling me her type of guy is strong
protective sexy...implying of course that i am not
dependable or strong enough for her. FUCK YOU BITCH. Just
the other day she was going on about what a god i am and
how strong and beautiful i am. clearly attention span of a
flea. and i NOT ONCE did i try to flaunt some other girl
before her. because she knew to me she was the most
beautiful the most wonderful of them all.
she didn't even start really wanting me againt..like she
was ignoring me until i cut her off. i didnt talk to her
for couple of months b/c i was pretty hurt about what she
did even if she didn't know that i knew. yeah i was
controlling my feelings. she thought i was pissed
about something else b/c i let her believe that. i knew she
would be fucking terrified if i told her that i knew what a
lying bitch she was.so as usual she was calling me you
heartless asshole you block of ice i should have called
her you cheating whore.i dont understand. ok i cut her off for a couple of months when i get back she tells me stuff like 'i didnt believe you really wanted me. if you did i wouldn't have gone after anyone. you are my #1 choice' ????. But apparently not your #1 choice if i fail to call for one day?she wants me wrapped around her little finger.
she told me she's gonna come see me for a week or so and
its a good thing shes making this plans b/c i wouldn't have
paid for $$ or gone to see her. if you really cared about
me you would chose to do all these things on your own w/
me not lifting a finger. and i will always continue to
believe this. she's always saying how i dont call how i
don't try things how i dont write. if she cared so much she
would write.

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