[gorillaeye]'s diary

114575  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-05-11
Written: (6103 days ago)

OK. So, prom night was last night. I went to a friends house before hand to just chill. Her and her date were there. Witch was cool. Cuz I haven’t gotten to hand with either of them in a while. We drove there, and Grand Geneva was where it was at. And this place is huge right, so me and my date went to the wrong place at first. Then we found out witch building to go to ok. 
Id started out kind of cranky. The waiting room for the ball room was really small with a really low ceiling. So we were all crammed up like sardines. That wasn’t fun. But once we got in and got our seats I felt better. I took off my tie, unbuttoned my shirt to a comfortable degree, and rolled up my sleeves and I felt better.
The food wasn’t great, so I got a salad, and I was glad, cuz I filled up on snacks and my friends house earlier. The dance, like all of them started out slow. And I slowly got more into it as usual lots of girls were dancing with me, and we were all taking pictures. My brother took my camera half way through cuz he left his in the car. But I’m going to get copies of everyone elses. Ill post them when I get some.  I didn’t take a single bad picture all night. I actually don’t hate the way I look these days. So that helped me feel better.
The music was actually pretty good, but I wish they had played some swing or jazz. (that was the theme after all) I get really into dancing. I kind of spaced on some of the fast songs and went nuts. Apparently I’m really good at dancing. O.o every one was saying so. And I was just like ”you just gotta move with the beat, you know?” lol the first time I ever went to a dance I pulled a muscle in my chest and had to sleep on my back cuz it hurt so bad to breath/ XD lol so I learned to try to control my self after that.  But there were a few times I almost died on the dance floor anyways though. Lol Like I said I get way to into it. I ended up taking my short off again. By again I mean I always seem to tear my short off at least once ant every dance. Lmao it happens. I wasn’t the only one basically stripping though it was ok. But every one was bumping and grinding though. I thinks that’s really stupid and….well sluty.
The end slow dance though was kinda sucky. (it was about 12 at night) I was dancing of course, but I saw so many like “in love couples” and I felt kinda lonely. Not like missing any one, or thinking of any one in particular, but wishing I had some one like that again. Idk…..
By then end I wasn’t even coherent. It was 12 at the end of the dance and I was exhausted. Really really loud. And still in “dance mode” and I was like the ULTIMATE SLEEPY HIGH! Lol omg I was freaking out and being really loud. And just cruising around the ball room till we left. I was sooo sore!!! My nech is still aching, my shoulders, my hands, my hips, my thighs, my feet, my Eyes! Lol I barley got undressed and into the shower. I got in bed by…oh I wanna say 2 or 3 in the mourning. No after parties. I didn’t wanna go to any cuz I know every body would be drinking, or fucking, and I hate the idea of both.  I fell right asleep, snuggled really close to my mountain of pillows and blankets. Like always.

Woke up today 1 in the afternoon.  And that was prom.  Sorry it was so long. :p

 The logged in version 

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