[xXmerkabaXx]'s diary

116546  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-07-07
Written: (5934 days ago)


Not knowing, I feel
Disreguarded and tossed aside.
Pushed away, I watch
Observing from the outside.
Unwilling, I kneel
Tearing at my tear soaked eyes.
While I pray, I fought
The loss from this compromize.

Lack of lacrimal production
The gaiety of distruction
Firebrand for dececption
Placed me, in a, state of confuction

Catabolism occurs then dissimilated and metabolized
Began tearing up the very architecture that I called my life
Desperate victim to the environment that changed the integrity
Concede to the atmosphere of subjugation and captivity
Design to the freshet of a catastrophic memento mori
Conscionable and centripal a non-transitoriness story

Lack of lacrimal production
The gaiety of distruction
Firebrand for dececption
Here I am broke by this rejection
Lost again in a state of confuction

116545  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-07-07
Written: (5934 days ago)


Uninformed I try to stay together
Put a smile on to not looked bothered
I have no way to vent this depression
As this fades so does my motivation
There is no one here that I can confide
So all alone inside here I will hide

What is left of me now
Just piled up shattered dreams
What is left of me now
Too many broken promises

Every night when I can not sleep
I lie awake lost in the dream
The unobtainable perfection
Is now my sweetest adiction

Nothing left of me now
Nothing pure nothing good
Nothing left of me now
Nothing I ever want to be

But this is me now
I guess

 The logged in version 

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