[Lucifer's Fire]'s diary

127072  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2010-01-07
Written: (5384 days ago)

omg i have such a headache >.<
im trying to fix two monitors and i dont know whats wrong with either of them really and it pisses me of D:< i mean seriously.
one turns on the just randomly shuts off.
and the other FLICKERS NON STOP!
almost had a farking epileptic seizure with that thing.
well imma bring the big one (the one that shuts off) to the computer store when i can. i think its just the adapters.
as for the one that flickers, it can kiss my butt.

127048  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2010-01-06
Written: (5385 days ago)

<img:http://lh4.ggpht.com/_q6EEIoA3F3c/SpGjzrd0aoI/AAAAAAAAAGI/mmP-pOLNP9s/s512/01.jpg> <img:http://lh5.ggpht.com/_q6EEIoA3F3c/SpGjzyo0nRI/AAAAAAAAAGM/NSnBIsZxI68/s512/02.jpg> <img:http://lh5.ggpht.com/_q6EEIoA3F3c/SpGjz6UMchI/AAAAAAAAAGQ/YXLfWRvwQqk/s512/03.jpg> <img:http://lh5.ggpht.com/_q6EEIoA3F3c/SpGj02F8waI/AAAAAAAAAGY/5WmvksPhBeU/s512/05.jpg> <img:http://lh4.ggpht.com/_q6EEIoA3F3c/SpGj1O4iLZI/AAAAAAAAAGc/2m7Fh-mf5bs/s512/06.jpg> <img:http://lh4.ggpht.com/_q6EEIoA3F3c/SpGj1osAruI/AAAAAAAAAGg/LgZARv4aDBE/s512/07.jpg> <img:http://lh5.ggpht.com/_q6EEIoA3F3c/SpGj2UEKQ1I/AAAAAAAAAGs/V-ISUCKSbj0/s512/11.jpg> <img:http://lh5.ggpht.com/_q6EEIoA3F3c/SpGj3MTXIEI/AAAAAAAAAG0/CybGjxPDU1U/s512/13.jpg> <img:http://lh4.ggpht.com/_q6EEIoA3F3c/SpGj4ESmMoI/AAAAAAAAAHA/QP-yhaLKLqs/s512/16.jpg> <img:http://lh4.ggpht.com/_q6EEIoA3F3c/SpGj6FMW_OI/AAAAAAAAAHQ/J8aRY47e_PM/s512/cheee-17.jpg> <img:http://lh6.ggpht.com/_q6EEIoA3F3c/SpGj6adTCCI/AAAAAAAAAHU/SxYHsrW5nxI/s512/cheee-19.jpg> <img:http://lh6.ggpht.com/_q6EEIoA3F3c/SpGj6zeBKzI/AAAAAAAAAHY/Xq3T01vpSXs/s512/cheee-21.jpg> <img:http://lh3.ggpht.com/_q6EEIoA3F3c/SpGj8Q5c1qI/AAAAAAAAAHk/gD4dRqgzXVs/s512/cheee-31.jpg> <img:http://lh5.ggpht.com/_q6EEIoA3F3c/SpGj7VSyZwI/AAAAAAAAAHc/Q5HyVDY9n3I/s512/cheee-29.jpg> <img:http://lh5.ggpht.com/_q6EEIoA3F3c/SpGj95ys2JI/AAAAAAAAAH0/CyfmuuW4mnI/s512/cheee-43.jpg> <img:http://lh5.ggpht.com/_q6EEIoA3F3c/SpGj-P1_2jI/AAAAAAAAAH4/IyYuAvo9dZw/s512/cheee-47.jpg> <img:http://lh6.ggpht.com/_q6EEIoA3F3c/SpGj-BqoIuI/AAAAAAAAAH8/Sqd5yvCDuI8/s512/cheee-49.jpg> <img:http://lh6.ggpht.com/_q6EEIoA3F3c/SpGj-wo5YnI/AAAAAAAAAIE/iYwUOh8LbXU/s512/cheee-53.jpg> <img:http://lh5.ggpht.com/_q6EEIoA3F3c/SpGkDpj5tMI/AAAAAAAAAI8/Xjto1nXXSR8/s512/chema_madoz-17.jpg> <img:http://lh4.ggpht.com/_q6EEIoA3F3c/SpGkEsSYTkI/AAAAAAAAAJE/x4RlAGLcGaY/s512/chema_madoz-19.jpg> <img:http://lh4.ggpht.com/_q6EEIoA3F3c/SpGkFFcGbfI/AAAAAAAAAJI/AWZ3yw9Qsh8/s512/chema_madoz-2.jpg> <img:http://lh6.ggpht.com/_q6EEIoA3F3c/SpGkFXnT7sI/AAAAAAAAAJM/htBctxiRPEk/s512/chema_madoz-20.jpg> <img:http://lh5.ggpht.com/_q6EEIoA3F3c/SpGkGvsdQlI/AAAAAAAAAJg/6UVx89m4rgU/s512/chema_madoz-26.jpg> <img:http://lh4.ggpht.com/_q6EEIoA3F3c/SpGkHLGuYMI/AAAAAAAAAJk/WEjqQ9I7hGI/s512/chema_madoz-4.jpg> <img:http://lh4.ggpht.com/_q6EEIoA3F3c/SpGkHSlZcBI/AAAAAAAAAJo/OEKMADGzmU8/s512/chema_madoz-6.jpg> <img:http://lh6.ggpht.com/_q6EEIoA3F3c/SpGkILzkd_I/AAAAAAAAAJ0/XrcYDzm7KDo/s512/chema_madoz.jpg>
this is what i get for using stumble.
all these photos and more can be found here http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/2AwYRS/haha.nu/creative/creative-photos-by-chema-madoz

127047  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2010-01-06
Written: (5385 days ago)


OMFG!!!!! i love this!!!! XD

127023  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2010-01-05
Written: (5386 days ago)

It's times like these that are dangerous for me.
When I want to withdraw, and disappear.
When I want no one around me.
Surround me with people and it will be the same
I won't talk to anyone or even look them in the eyes
My heart hasn't been this heavy in so long,
I forgot how much it hurts.
You can say you'll be there for me,
But I may not listen.
I know it's true.
But only I can help myself in these dangerous times.

*side note to Rei* Yes I'm depressed. And no i don't really want to talk. But I am trying to help myself through this.

126986  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2010-01-03
Written: (5388 days ago)

I'm serious! I found out fucking TODAY that my best friend miscarried her first child. And don't tell me everything happens for a reason cause that's fucking bullshit. There is absolutely NO reason to take the life of an unborn child. NONE. Period. Kael never had a fucking chance to live. The worst part about it, is I fucking broke a promise to always be there for her.
What all powerful and all knowing God would put someone through that much fucking pain?! 2010 has just fucking started and I've already lost two people. One I've known my whole life and loved dearly, and one I've never even met and knew I loved already.
She doesn't deserve this, and neither does the father.
People always wanna fucking ask me why I don't believe in God, this is fucking why.
I'm sorry Beka, I wish i could bring Kael back for you.
Your Little Nudger is gone, and I am so sorry.
RIP Baby Stelly.

126960  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2010-01-01
Written: (5390 days ago)
Next in thread: 126961, 126964

This year is not going to be the best one of my life.
At around 2:00 central time on January 1 2010
my grandfather was found dead.
He had been hit by a car and then a truck which drug him a ways.
He will be missed. Greatly.

You're gone from this world,
But not from my heart.
Robin "Pop" Hinrichs
June 6, 1956-January 1, 2010

126913  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-12-29
Written: (5393 days ago)

well now everyone,

i know my sister said id be gone for about 3-4 days, buuuuuutttt,


woohoo!!! so im home from the hospital but rayn is watching me like a hawk. ill survive.
126892  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-12-28
Written: (5394 days ago)

To whom it may concern,

Frank will not be on for a while. He is currently in the hospital. He shouldn't be there long and will be back as soon as he can. He ask that you please not worry. He's fine, he simply let his blood sugar get to low. He will be under hospital observation for about 3-4 days then he will be home.


126852  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-12-26
Written: (5396 days ago)

My Uncle's family (biological. he's adopted into mine) came visit him as a late Christmas present.
Well....they're from England. And I hardly understand a word of what they're saying right now. They're still here as they will be for a few weeks. His mom came too and hes VERY happy cause she's been sick but she's feeling better now. His family is including:
Jan<---this is a boy btw.
and last but not least
William and Willow, my adoptive aunt and uncle, are between Rozetta and Marie.
His father, fortunately for him, did not show. So they're won't be any fighting.
Well this all I really have to say: My Wiccan uncle is having a very Happy Christmas.

Happy Zombie Jesus's Birthday from the Lucifer family.
(i know its 2:39 am central time here in the States but oh well. i havent really been on all day)

126724  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-12-18
Written: (5404 days ago)

Isaac is better.
thanks to everyone who gave there advice to the struggling father.

126666  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-12-14
Written: (5408 days ago)
Next in thread: 126667, 126669

i need help!!! 3 of the 7 kids that live in my house are sick! and its all the boys surprisingly...haha. what do i do to help them??
i have taken them to the doctor and everything but alas they just gave me antibiotics...that does not help with a newborn, 2 year old, and 6 year old SCREAMING NON STOP

any suggestions?? please help me.... T_T

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