[GangstaGabe]'s diary

136469  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2015-07-13
Written: (3530 days ago)

I wander if I'm ever gonna meet the girl of my dreams ever ??

136410  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2014-11-07
Written: (3778 days ago)

sometimes I wish I was in ur arms forever but when ur gone I think u dnt care bout us mayb we dnt belong together who knows I gave u my everthing u became my world and I loved the nights we have on the phone talkin but now ur changed and it's buggin me deeply so im goin solo again and I know the next time u wanna hear from me I will mayb shut you down and move on its best w be friends cause I know in the end I will always be hurt nomatter what so u do u and i'll do me ok

135885  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2013-10-31
Written: (4150 days ago)

I love guns and roses and I love to play with guitars a lot and im outgoing too so ibm

135884  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2013-10-31
Written: (4150 days ago)

I am now jamming to a song called angie by the rolling stones and loving it to the max yo lol hmm lets see whats on my mind rightnow hmm well I have nothing rightnow just this song im jamming to lol

135866  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-10-07
Written: (4174 days ago)

I wander what ryans thinken bout now cause we really had a fight that broke us up as true blood I was confused and well very mad cause he started this between us and I dnt hate him I just said I did so he will shut his big effin mouth up so we disowned eachother lastnight or the other night I think it was but I miss him sometimes not all the time cause really he wasn't there for me at all. I lived in cardston all my life and im thinken of maybe givin someother place a chance to be my new home oneday from now if I dnt get married soon my heart is open and free so yeah I dnt know if that one person should have what she wants cause really I dnt know her that easy or well enough to trust my family around I love her but not enough to take her into my home yet so yeah I changed my number and didn't give it to anyone who is and always was a hater in my eyes I look for ppl with friendship and kindness and someone I can share my love with forever I have no kids and im not married im single and waiting to met someone I can love forever and yeah so if anyone wants to get to know me and stuff like that inbox me and lets make a special feeling happen

135821  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-08-26
Written: (4216 days ago)

hello to elfpack world whats up sorry I have been busy with life and death so excuse me for not being here ok whats up anyways lol

135769  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2013-07-28
Written: (4246 days ago)

sup lol

135697  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-05-27
Written: (4307 days ago)

somebody talk to me I need some friends rightnow like rightnow im not happy and I seem to have changed a lot within my life and I dnt feel tha same nomore so ibm or something ok

135688  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2013-05-22
Written: (4312 days ago)

what the fuck is up yo lmfao

135612  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2013-04-18
Written: (4346 days ago)

peace im out for a while and to my friends inbox me guh dnt be shy ok im ur friend and im here always ok peace and if u have fb my fb is Gabriel slick dayrider ok peace

135611  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2013-04-18
Written: (4346 days ago)

damn I love playin guitar its something like a dream u make come true and then when u master the basics u become a pro and then work to becoming a master of the music ya know lol

135584  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2013-04-11
Written: (4353 days ago)

what makes a man so happy rightnow huh ? a woman can make a man do anything for the love they both share together so im happy to be with the girl in my heart forever and im gonna oneday marry her too so yeah

135568  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2013-04-02
Written: (4362 days ago)

why live when really life ain't worth it to me anymore I keep makin mistakes and they come back to hurt me bad like I was told I was a loser ten to twelve times already and I believe what that means now so yeah im nomore a man of my honor but a man of defeat and loss so yeah I think im gonna take my life and leave this fucked up world already peace out

135561  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-04-01
Written: (4364 days ago)

I feel like killin myself cause really I was told I was a loser and now I belive this shit now so really I am thinken bout killin myself rightnow

135560  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-04-01
Written: (4364 days ago)

fuckin Waylon and chad made my life all fucked up by getting drunk on this type of day and they wanted to fight me like who is that retarded to do something like this ? im not backin down from a fight cause I never back down Waylon may be a big guy but he wnt get far that fat fuck will feel my wrath of anger and hate he said doris bird is his aunty well he will die for callin me a bitch and for wanting to fight me I will end his life if I go over bored with it im not afraid of him im stronger than both them bitches

135553  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2013-03-29
Written: (4366 days ago)

I miss my cousin rightnow

135552  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2013-03-29
Written: (4366 days ago)

I promised to never reunite ever with my older brother ryan dayrider , we dnt mix cause he thinks we will get those boys back that beat him up when really im just too good for this kinda stuff ryan is my older brother in blood but when we reunite we tear the place in which he lives in I am nolonger a part of him I broke my brotherhood and told him when he dies and I am gone someday then we can reunite forever in heaven by our mom who died after I was born and never got to know at all my heart is and was alwaysbroken cause I had no love for our brotherhood. my life rightnow is full of fun and happiness cause I got everything he wants what I have and that's all my money I stored away for something special, ryan I love u bro but this is me sayin we are different from eachother cause my real dad isn't urs but mom is ours so im not true blood but half so Ican see how we are not the same

135551  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2013-03-29
Written: (4367 days ago)

when or if I get a new dog its gonna be male rottie so sasha can be a mom

135550  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2013-03-29
Written: (4367 days ago)

rotties are so awesome to have as pets once u give them a demand they do it right then and there lol mine is half in which is very rank towards others she dnt know like grampa art lol

135549  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2013-03-28
Written: (4367 days ago)

I love this game but rightnow its pissin me the fuck off

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