[Cerulean Sins]'s diary

132631  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2011-07-02
Written: (4942 days ago)

Please join Highway to Hell! It's a spin off to The Blaidd Drwg Mafia!! :D Join if you want to, no pressure or anything :D

132618  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-06-30
Written: (4944 days ago)
Next in thread: 132619

I'm so going to miss [Eternal Sunshine] now that Rei is never coming back online :( I'm gonna go for the night and have a good cry over this lost. Laters :*(

132607  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-06-29
Written: (4945 days ago)

Right well I was meant to get my friend Laura to dye my hair to Blonde but I chickened out of it before we bought the stuff. So I went to the hairdressers and they took some strands of my hair to do a strand test on them. So I have to go to the hairdressers tomorrow and find out if it has worked or not. If so I make an appointment and folk out £60 to get my hair done and I'll be back to Blonde once again *sighs*

132603  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2011-06-28
Written: (4946 days ago)

Well guess what guys?! I'm going blonde soon :D yes that is right I will be a honey blonde when I make an appointment with my hair dresser Charlie ^^ It's going to cost me £60 but I don't care cause when I go on holiday with my family I really don't want to come back with a burnt scalp lol So yeah I shall be going back to my real hair colour as much as I don't want to but oh well ^^

132585  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2011-06-25
Written: (4949 days ago)

Had such a good time at Morven's party! Four hours of drinking and am not that badly drunk lol

132576  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2011-06-24
Written: (4950 days ago)
Next in thread: 132577, 132579

OMG! Right well you all know that I was at [**Yummy**Mummy**]'s house for the past few days. She and I both have Google Chrome and you can download apps and what not. She should me one that lets me call anyone in the USA or Canada for free! And when I say call I mean I can call your house phones and mobiles (cells phones)!!! :D I'm sooo happy. So if anyone wants to talk to me as in voice to voice just private message me your number and if we're both online I'll call ya :D :D :D

132537  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-06-20
Written: (4954 days ago)
Next in thread: 132538

Hey Guys :D

Right well you all know that am godmother to [**Yummy**Mummy**]'s children, well I'm going over to her house tomorrow which is Tuesday so I can babysit the monsters on Wednesday and Thursday. So I'll be online tomorrow morning until I have to leave for my bus then I won't be online until Friday afternoon or night it depends if I can be assed to get online lol

So yeah I just thought you should all know. And YES there shall be more pics of me and [**Yummy**Mummy**] cooking! hahaha!! :D

132519  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2011-06-18
Written: (4956 days ago)

My room is all clean....well at least I can see the carpet lol xD But I'm just waiting to use the iron so I can get all my clothes packed :D

132518  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2011-06-18
Written: (4957 days ago)

Right well I've got to clean my room cause you can't see the carpet at all >.< 
And I have to get my clothes all ready for my hols in July cause mum and dad are taking them down to granny's next week. And I have to get packed for my visit to [**Yummy**Mummy**]'s house next week on Tuesday cause am babysitting my evil god kids lol

So yeah I'll be back later....that's if I life though the cleaning lol xD

132505  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2011-06-17
Written: (4958 days ago)

Okay well as we all know I love to chat to folks from the USA or from Canada. I normally chat to Max on Skype but if any of you have Skype then please please please add me and we can have chat :D With Skype I can voice chat or video chat with you for free -

My username on Skype is scottishrose_xx

132496  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-06-16
Written: (4958 days ago)
Next in thread: 132497, 132499

My New Bra!! :D It's soooooo pretty and it makes my boobs look huge! xD

132494  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-06-16
Written: (4958 days ago)
Next in thread: 132495


I just got asked out on facebook by some 18 year old XD I find it sooo funny that he think he can get me to go out with him XD

132490  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-06-16
Written: (4958 days ago)

Had an awesome time at my Ann Summer's party :D I ordered myself some pjs, a cute lace thing and I got an awesome bra! I swear this bra perked my boobs up something good and made them look bigger than they are already lol XD

132489  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-06-15
Written: (4959 days ago)

Hey guys :)

Right well I won't be online until tomorrow night because I have a my Ann Summer's party tomorrow afternoon but in the morning I need to pick up my mate, Cherene who is doing my party for me. So yeah I'll be a little busy bee tomorrow :) So night everyone!!! :D xxxxx <3

132479  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2011-06-14
Written: (4961 days ago)

my internet is being strange so am gonna go for a couple of hours then come back online and see if my internet works better :)

132474  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-06-13
Written: (4961 days ago)

Hey guys!

Thats me back home now :) Had such a good time at [**Yummy**Mummy**]'s house :D Bethany's 2nd birthday party was awesome and I spoiled that little girl rotten, what can I say? I love my goddaughter soooo much <3

132429  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2011-06-10
Written: (4965 days ago)

Join The Fey Court Please!!!! It's about fairies <3<h1>

Missing: </h1>
132424  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-06-09
Written: (4965 days ago)

Right well am off to bed cause I need to get up at a normal hour lol XD

Well I got news for you all I won't be on this weekend until monday cause it's my godchild Bethany's second birthday on Saturday. So I have to go down to [**Yummy**Mummy**]'s house tomorrow afternoon. So I'll be on ALL morning tomorrow to rpg as much as I can lol XD :D

So night love you all and all my rpgs are on hold....thats if any of them are active lol

Night!!! <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxx

132420  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-06-09
Written: (4966 days ago)
Next in thread: 132421

Well I've graduated college and today I've got my end of year BBQ with my class and some tutors. But I will so be crying because of Pat. I have known that woman for the past five years and she is leaving Borders College for good! :O So yeah it will be upsetting to see Pat leave and it will be upsetting to see everyone in the class one last time :(

So yeah when I go off line, I have no idea when I shall be back online.

132409  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-06-06
Written: (4968 days ago)

Here are some old rpgs for who ever wants to join :)

The Russian Watches

Night's Twilight

Kingdom of Blood

132405  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-06-06
Written: (4969 days ago)
Next in thread: 132408

Right when ever I make a new rpg I always save the information in my documents. So I have all the information for The Watches. I was just wondering if anyone wanted to rpg on it?

 The logged in version 

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