[BillyThePsycho]'s diary

38059  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-10-07
Written: (6937 days ago)

gtg tho i wanna write sumit over here i dont ave time for even that xxx

37664  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-10-03
Written: (6941 days ago)

today has been a rough day n yesterday an even rougher
right nw i jst am sittin over here but considerin what i ve been through well its been a lot
a lot number 1 :Billy hasnt slept this saturday n he went a trip on sunday mornin to participate in a chess tournament at the teenager-team he leads.....
he was dizzy coz he hadnt actually eaten for like 12 hours ....
A lot number 2:tho none of ya knew billy hasnt been home the past days n well he missd his dad homecomin coz by the time he was back (billy) his dad had jst left....
A lot number 3: 2day he went to school tho he was felin sick n like crap but noone seemd to care in the beggin they jst thought it was coz i didnt sleep well or something like that but most of my friends were checkin on me all the time as if i am sick or mad n that was pissinme off n i tried to tell em but none of em wantd 2 listen so now i m over ere i m depressd n i m missin her
A lot number 4:Yesterday i was playin agenist the guy i hate most (frm the chess players its jst the way he exists :P) anyway i won n we won by a score of 5-1 the only person that lost was the teenage girl of the team about who i ve already written on here (yea that story the tough part was that i was supposd to calm her down...)anyway its jst been a lot in thz dayz n now i jst am lost n tird n its jst really weird
i wanna jst sleep into her hands

36081  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-09-14
Written: (6960 days ago)

Guess what... i m off
well as i ve always been i guess n i hope i m wrong this time but something happend 2 someone i really care about
its probably my fault but i dont actually know wtf it is
so i dont wanna hurt the rest the same way so i just leave
hope you all dont mind...

35913  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-09-12
Written: (6962 days ago)

Yea yea things are agen going on like crap....................................................................................................................
2day i started school again n tomorrow i will get my books.... so i got a surprise in the mornin though.... it was a huge one actually
Billy goes to school with his cousin n his best friend.... n while walkin suddenly notices that the same girl that has been there for him has switched school and will be in his class from now and....

35843  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-09-11
Written: (6963 days ago)

Guess what>
lifez kept on being a bitch
the thing bout my foot well yea my foot is crackd...
and well i m here once agen tird n really scared
guess what billy has been playing chess today all day long he was the leader in a 4 member team and the team went well *got second place out of 21 participants :P* n well i was playin as the best player next to me was the second one *livin here 2 n well i dunno i jst have seen HER (yea its her) for a long time.... n i dunno what happend and she was behavin in a weird way.... *well after 4 games we went 2 eat n well she asked me 2 be just us cause she would ask me something ... i said ok but well it was more like a date i didnt want it to be though :S n well then she thought that we would go out together :/ but well its jst the way life is and i dont know what to do anymore then well while leavin (i was with her n her lil sister in her father's car with her father in...) she askd when we ll date again n i was like O.o n i said i dunno i got a lot of classes *couldnt stand sayin the truth at this time coz well she was there for me i couldnt say it for her the same day that she helpd me that much

*guess what i m startin to think of fillin it up lol its probably coz i write a lot over ere :P*

35842  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-09-11
Written: (6963 days ago)

Yea lifez being a bitch once again one thing just leadz to another.....

yesterday i went with some friends and played some football i cn barely walk now tho :/
i got my brain down cause i ve been in classes the past 10 hours n well things cn always get worse i jst dont hope they wont anymore :S

32533  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-08-09
Written: (6996 days ago)
Next in thread:

I just wanna ppl 2 know that if they dont hear from me again i will have passd out

28920  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-07-17
Written: (7019 days ago)

I dont really wanna go on holidayz but that d be rude of me and me mom told me that if i jst dont go i cant stay here coz ma back is supposd 2 get betta if i jst go in the sea :(
after all i am gonna miss ya all -leavin sumday @ random :'(-

28346  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-07-13
Written: (7023 days ago)

dunno whu is gonna read thz
i am harry
billy's away, he left home yesterday :'(
i dunno why he jst was pissd and startd runnin got outa home & didnt stop and slept @ a random place :(

26444  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-01
Written: (7035 days ago)

hmmmz well i guess that was it
i hope u all had fun

24747  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-06-24
Written: (7042 days ago)

Well here we go agen
i know that all i do over here is hurtin ppl by lettin em no me and stuff
so i think i am gonna take a break coz i need to think of many thingz
i dunno how much this is gonna last
if anythin goes wrong someone will log in and infom

 The logged in version 

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