[The Luckiest Loser ♥]'s diary

80609  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-08-16
Written: (6625 days ago)

This is a poem. I hope it has no rhymes. It’s not intended to. I hope it’s not to your liking; it’s not meant to be. It’s a letter, in poem form, to those I wish to read it.</center>

I’m just a teenager. 
I’m not a child, without a care in the world. 
I’m not an adult that thinks they have every worry under their control. 
I freak at the smallest things. 
Worry over nothing at all.
I cry for no reason.
I’m happy beyond ecstatic.
My emotions are worse than a roller coaster,
They make me sick with their swift changes.
I feel as though my life is always just out of grasp.
Movie, TV, they make life seem simple.
It is anything but.
It’s complicated beyond compare.
In movies, the intended are together in the end.
In life, you never know.
You miss opportunities for happiness,
You end up with a life full of misery.
Your life is not set out for you.
Destiny is something made up along with religion.
It’s because of people not being able to control it,
They make excuses, try to bend things to their wills.
I just want to make my mistakes,
Experience everything,
And find happiness in life.
If said happiness means having to break my heart, others hearts,
Lose important people, gain new ones,
Make life wreaking choices,
So be it.
I’m all for it.
I want to live.
The past is precisely that; the past.
Mourn, grieve, move on!
Sulk ‘til the end of your days, but always move on.

I do hope to one day find out what this ‘love’ is.
I’ve heard it’s one of the many greatest feelings.
I’m young, I only think I know what it is.
I know better than that.
I can’t know what I want.
When I finally do realize whom it is I love,
They will be far beyond my grasp.
Wasn’t it Murphy who came up with that one law?
The law that stated whatever bad could happen, would?
If not, then oops.
I guess I don’t know my dead guy quotes.
Oh well. It’s inevitable,
History is doomed to repeat itself, why learn about it?
So your brain can be filled with worthless crap about things you’ll eventually forget?
Sure, wonderful, fun!
The education system of today is downward spiraling.
No one wants to learn,
Those who do, are few, lost in the crowd.
I wish for days of proper,
Days of brilliance,
Days where people dreamed,
Not rot their minds.

Everything is my fault.
Blame me for all your problems.
I can’t do a thing about it.
I should wear a shirt,
One that says “I’m Stupid.”
Wear it constantly.
That is me.
Just ask my family.
To them, it’s always me.
I wish I could be nice.
I wish I could be beautiful.
I wish I could be skinny.
Hell, even semi-skinny would be nice.
I wish my stupid attitude didn’t get in my way.
I wish life didn’t suck.
I wish I wasn’t such a spoiled brat.
I wish my family weren’t psychotic,
That it wasn’t inevitable for me to inherit the ‘Braun Gene’ (now dubbed ‘Roth Gene’),
That it wasn’t inevitable for me to be fat.
I wish that the ‘love of my life’ realized I liked him.

I wish so many things that I want to be true…
It’s nothing I can help…
I’m jealous of things….
I’m only human….
God help me,
I’m only human…

Written during the month of August…

-Steffanie Roth
Missing: </center>
77523  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-07-23
Written: (6648 days ago)

If you are my friend, then I demand that this be put on your house/page thingy! I demand</i>! OH, and have a wonderful day!!

Missing: </i>

73538  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-06-28
Written: (6673 days ago)

Grrr!! I'm so pissed. I can't do anything when I'm here! I talk: "Steffanie, shut up! Your voice is annoying!" It's not my fault I was cursed with my mother's high pitched voice! I listen to my music: "Turn that shit down! Your Grandma is trying to sleep!" AT 3:34 in the afternoon!? Damn! I get on the internet: "Get off, I need the phone." "But I just got on." "I don't care get off." And you know what? They don't even use the phone then! I watch TV: "Move, My show's on." And you know what he watches? GOLF! The most boring thing on the face of the earth (sports wise) GRRR!! I'm just so fucking mad!!!! Adding to the fact that I had the most awesome week up until now.

And Hanna had to go and say "Steffie, when are you getting your puppy?" Big mistake! Grandpa got all pissed and said "She ain't getting no fucking dog. We had the last one and that's good enough!" I have my puppy picked out and everything! His name is Bon and he's three weeks old! So adorable!! And he told me I can't keep him! I've known the little guy since he was born! I can't bear to part with him! :(

Okay, done ranting.

70843  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-06-07
Written: (6694 days ago)

I miss Curt. *crawls into a ball and cries* When he was home I could stay at my dad's house, which was where he was staying, and just have fun all the time. But now I'm back home, my mom's house, and not even two hours and I'm in tears! It's a super long story...But she said something that caused my mind to think the worst and we got into a fight and I just got so mad/scared that I just started crying. It's not fair! I want Curt back. Or even Chad! When he's home Mom yells at him...I just want one of my siblings!!! *sobs* 

yes I do realize I sound pathetic here...But I only see Curt twice a year (if that) and Nici the same...Heather I haven't seen in three and Chad only recently came back...I feel so alone...

68042  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-05-15
Written: (6717 days ago)

I've known this guy for like....My entire life and I had the first conversation I've ever had with him tonight. It was freakin' weird! Because he was like really mean to me when I was dating his brother. But now that that's over he's all "hey you're cool now, you wanna hang you?" Yeah. Pretty awesome time. Jeremy (don't know how to spell his name) Is in a way a lot like me...Which is why I find him so cool, when he's not being mean to me...But yeah I thought it was interesting that I've known him about 13 years and never had a conversation with him until tonight. O.o

66716  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-05-05
Written: (6728 days ago)

My wonderfully, fucked-up, dis-lusional, alternate universes

Number One
In this one I am a demon (don't ask) I am half kitty and half fox. (again...don't ask me and my friends are beyond retarded)

Mother Carissa Dixon [GANA]
Father Some random guy; fore my mother is a....whore...
Step Father Lord Sesshomaru of the Western Lands
Siblings Rachel Long [The Girl at the Rock Show], Marissa Beauchamp [Nexus], Leticia Hindrichs, Karly Neubauer, Rhiannon Blankenship, Riley Boushie, Carissa Dixon (sister-in-law) [GANA], Sesshomaru (brother-in-law) and I suppose that's all.
Husband Inuyasha (he's just so sexy lmao even though he isn't real)
Lovers Kougaiji, Inuyasha, ...I guess...dunno lmao

Number Two
In this one I am a guy that likes guys and dresses like a girl but is married to a girl and has a girlfriend. (hehe)

Wife Marissa Beauchamp [Nexus]
Husband None as of yet-
Girlfriend Megan (she moved back to Central though)
Boyfriend None as of yet-
Son Travis Roth
Daughter Taylor Randol (my soon-to-be-daughter-in-law...she will marry my son (Travis))

Hmm...my second disalusion needs more....hmm...

That would be all (besides today was the best day EVER) And...Good night.

64032  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-04-14
Written: (6748 days ago)

de·grade  Audio pronunciation of "degraded" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (d-grd)
v. de·grad·ed, de·grad·ing, de·grades
v. tr.

  1. To reduce in grade, rank, or status; demote.
  2. To lower in dignity; dishonor or disgrace: a scandal that degraded the participants.
  3. To lower in moral or intellectual character; debase.
  4. To reduce in worth or value: degrade a currency.
  5. To impair in physical structure or function.
  6. Geology. To lower or wear by erosion or weathering.
  7. To cause (an organic compound) to undergo degradation.

61021  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-03-25
Written: (6768 days ago)

Kevin...umm.. LeClere like grabbed me, put his hand over my mouth and made it look like we were making out. Eww!! His hand tasted horrible. lol Twas weird. He hugged a cop as well. I wonder what it feels like to hug a cop....??????

61019  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-03-25
Written: (6768 days ago)

kill me......I'm so sick....Too many energy drinks........too much for system..........room spinning......stuttering........i can't function...... someone please kill me.........

60841  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-03-24
Written: (6769 days ago)

Marissa said that she might like hit dear Taylor if Taylor pisses her off...Taylor said she'd get in to a fight at the dance............Gah! I'm just goin' to drink Full Throttle.... *sigh* There are gonna be fights galore...drugs....making out... man! I feel like I'm missin' out on some things there!

60838  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-03-24
Written: (6769 days ago)

hahah I'm a counselor! "Tell me all your problems dear...."

60658  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-03-23
Written: (6771 days ago)

Just because I usally wear black...doesn't mean that I don't wear other colors! Are people so dense? They were like "oh my god! You wear pink?" OR "why are you wearing pink" even my stupid dad said that!!! *growls* people are so stupid. That's just another example to add to my list of why I hate people.

*growls* fucking pissed.

-Steffanie Renee

60377  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-03-21
Written: (6773 days ago)

heheh......I feel so weird!! I'm so tired and giggly!! I laugh at absolutly nothing!! Like a guy on the TV said something....It was so not funny but I laughed for like five minutes! hehe weeee!!!!!!!!!! *spins in a circle* *sing* I'm a little teapot short and stout, here is my handle here is my spout. When I get all steamed up hear me shout..tip me over and pour me out...doo do do do do do do...doo do do do. do. do. do.*done singing* that's so my and Marissa's theme song!! heheh *runs around in a spy coat and hat humming the inspector gadget theme song* weeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *falls over*

 The logged in version 

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