[Funny Bunny]'s diary

49065  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-01-05
Written: (6960 days ago)

Dance with me....I wanna be your partner, can't you see?.....Come on, the music's starting, and the night is calling, and now I am falling....Dance with meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

O.o Sorry, had to do it.

49063  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-01-05
Written: (6960 days ago)



This is goodbye.
I hope I see you again.
I won't see you again.
I hope you remember to call.
Will you remember to call?
It's been short, I know,
But it's been sweet.
The times we've shared
Have been some of the best.
I'll miss your smile.
I'll miss your voice.
I'll miss the way you flip your hair.
Wish I could've run my fingers
Through that hair...
Have a good time.
Please do your best.
And if you ever get lonely,
You know where to call.
I'll wait for your call.
Remember me always,
When I said goodbye,
The tears in my eyes.
Though you'll never hear me,
Or look in my eyes
While I cry

   Whoo, yeah, it got really freaky-hokey-messed-up-sounding there at the end. But that's okay, it was just a spur of the moment thing to get stuff off my chest. I need to do that once in a while, you know? Please, please, don't ask me who (or what) it's about. Anyone who really matters (no offence, you know) will know. And they know not to bug me anyway. Right?

   Besides, I know I'm pathetic. I know I'm sad. I know I shouldn't worry about it and should just move on with my life. I don't need people telling me that. I just need...to breath a little. And free my mind, get the worries out. I just need a little love really, but love is so hard to come by sometimes...

   Oh, sorry, I meant to leave the emo/depressed-ness stuff behind in the poem thingum. Sorry, guess it didn't work as well as I thought. Anyway,

   Goodbye. Have a nice life. And remember me, when you're off with your other friends, off to college, off to a job. Remember me, the girl you befriended, made her feel special, made her feel loved. The one you joked with and messed with and had a good time with. Remember how you were the one.

Okay I swear the Emo-ness is over now! XD

42259  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-11-15
Written: (7011 days ago)
Next in thread: 42383


You know, I really hate how much influence our friends have on us. I mean, all it takes is one little comment for me to second guess myself or change my mind completely about something. And it always leaves me utterly confused, and usually, heartbroken. And you what else I hate? The way guys give you mixed signals. I wish they wouldn't be all nice and flirty one day, and then completely ignore you the next. I wish they could make up their mind before they started messing with your head. I just wish.............grr!! I wish I could manipulate people's minds and make them my minions!!! Buwahahahahahaha!!!! *sigh* But alas, that would be considered...evil...by some....so sadly, I must stay, heartbroken and confused...

36283  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-09-17
Written: (7070 days ago)

Tired of posting poems on my house description...

Over You
I think I'm over you.
Over your eyes so blue,
The way you tie your shoes and
Chase my blues away.
I think I'm over us.
Over the thing it was,
Over the things you said and
Things I couldn't tell you.

But then I caught your scent the other day,
And everything came flooding back:
The good times,
The laughter,
Was so short,
But I was happier.
I guess things will never be the same.

...But I think I'm over you.
Over the words you use,
Over the way you lose and
Ways you'd choose to love me, too.
I think I'm over this.
Over this sad-song buisness.
Over the constant disses,
The hit-and-misses when I'm around you.

But then I caught your scent the other day,
And everything came flooding back:
The good times,
The laughter,
Was so short,
But I was happier.
I guess things will never be the same.

I guess I'm not over you.

31463  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-08-02
Written: (7116 days ago)

Whee! I never write in here, so I'm a-gonna write okay? Okay! So, I am working on a birthday present for *insert friend's name here*. It is a CG (of course, I have to go for something hard when I'm on a time limit). Her birthday is Saturday. And I'll have to give it to her sometime before then because I won't be here! XD Oi! I don't even know how to get it to her anyway...we hardly ever see each other. But anyway, I suppose I'll get it done somehow. (Although there are absolutely no promises on the final quality...O.o) Right now the lineart is really annoying me, so I took a break to bug you all with this rubbish. I should be getting back to work now I suppose...


NOTE TO PEOPLE: I never finished it! T___T

 The logged in version 

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