[Jester]'s diary

36133  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-09-15
Written: (6959 days ago)
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Hey I havn't written here in a while so I thought i'd break the old tradition and you know... write in here.

So im back to school as I probably noted in another diary entry, it sucks pretty bad but im trying to keep a level head and make up for 4 years of no work! I won 2nd place in the cutest boy award, so im waiting for my lil trophy know. Thanks to everyone that voted! Umm... Went to drama last night for the first time since before the hols, it was nice seeing everyone again. We're doing Oliver Twist! Woweee... Should be okish... Hope everyones well. Hey, I dont know if anyone actually reads these diary's I write. If no one does Ill stop writing them. If you do read them however, send the word "BOOM" To me on Elfpack. Ta-ra!

34639  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-08-29
Written: (6976 days ago)

gaha hello! Tash only just left and havin her over was really fun. We had some alone time, and We had a BBQ with my mum, my stepdad and my mums best friend and her husband. W00t! Going over Megans house on Wednesday! (Yes Megan, its for certain!) for a good bitching section which should be awesome! I dunno what to do now though... No ones online on MSN or Elfpack so im out of ideas. I could drink coffee.
I like coffee =D
Everyone should read Megan's [Moloogan] diary, its a good read.
Peace out!

33696  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-08-20
Written: (6985 days ago)

WOOO im in France now. Only have a few days left but ive already been here 2 and a half weeks! Im pretty chilled out now so its pretty cool. Ive decide to have a new outlook on life. Im gonna stay chilled, never lose my temper and try my best to be likeable to everyone! Woo good luck to me. Anyway, I hope everyones cool, and Dreading school just as much as me! Peace!

30654  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-07-27
Written: (7009 days ago)
Next in thread: 32157

Yaha! Another diary entry! Im gonna try my best to do this more regually. Well im all grown up on Elfpack now. Lol if you look back at my first entry in Febuary I sound so insecure. I didnt have a clue what I was doing. Well ive made lots of friend now and like it here. Anyway, I have tonsilitis at the moment! It sucks. They keep drugging me up with all these drugs for my broken wrist to. I keep on falling asleep for a few hours because of them lol...
Going to France next week! For 3 weeks! Looking forward to that! Well see you next time I write an entry, Bye!

19261  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-05-26
Written: (7071 days ago)

Wow after how long of being on elfpack I finally put an entry in my diary..... So what did I do today? Well I had drama, and Tash was there.... and we kissed....and I asked her out and she said she'll think bout it. Then we carried on kissing! Im kinda happy but peeved at the same time you know? Well Ill fill this in next time im here bu bye :-)

9244  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-02-21
Written: (7165 days ago)

Hey all this is my first diary entry on the 21st of Febuary. Im new here and its pretty cool. Im friends with sum other dudes here so hopefully they'll get me hooked up with sum peeps and ill actually get some cred here. Peeps need to talk to me more! If anyone reads this then please start chattin to me!

 The logged in version 

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