[;;STRANGER;;]'s diary

35026  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-09-02
Written: (6972 days ago)

Jaah mensen geluk bestaat tog nog wel:)....haha het leven is fantastishe..ik heb een gingantish lief meisje ontmoet:P..GUES WHO:!.....haha maar tog:)...ik gaat de lekker op zoeken in A'DAM probelem mee:P dont care:P....EN HET BUITGAANS LEVEN IS WEER BEGONNUH:D:D DRINKUH!!!OLE.....nou mensen weet hoe je leeft dan komt alles goed ik denk ik typ dit in NL geen sin in enegels:P....nou NLÉRS ik groet jullie allemaal HOUDOE!!!

25869  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-06-29
Written: (7037 days ago)
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Waiting For The Beast..The Beast Thats Going To Devour Me...Taking Me To The Place Where I Belong...That Afuwl Place...Of Burning Houses...Demons Inside....Can You Gues Witch lace?...I Do......Burning Disere.....Burning Eyes Of Fire..He Looks At Me....Then He Turns Around.....Afraid That I Am...Running And Running But Cant Hide...He Will Get Me....He Will Burn Me In The Flames Of HELL

22299  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-06-11
Written: (7055 days ago)


Wats going to happen when heaven fall?....should darkness take over the sky?
Shall al demons come..and destroy the earth?...Wat if?....The Engels falls..and god dies..wat then…should we live on….and turn to satans side?...........That are the things we cant answer..

13424  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-04-18
Written: (7109 days ago)
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[ You Know Death Is Near.....U Know that something is going to happen.......But u not stand alone....Your Friends are at your side always and 4-ever they never let u down.....But!........U must do things for them to......Never let THEM down......Friends are 4-ever...they are the people for supporting u in bad times.....Never Forgot U Cant Live With Out Friends Never!!]

 The logged in version 

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