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Tainted_Soul (I'm back, and better than ever!)

Member #12408 created: 2005-03-14 23:22:21Simple URL:   

Name: Morgan Gibson

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Elfpack titles and orders
Drunk-assSex-monsterCrazy kid

My life is rated R for retarded
-- [Name:] Morgan
-- [Nickname:] Klepto, Jackass
-- [Birthdate:] August 23, 1986
-- [Birthplace:] somewhere near old project
-- [Hair color:] Dirty Blonde.
-- [Height:] 5'3"
-- [Righty or lefty:] Right.

-- [Your heritage:] Irish, Scottish, British, American... I'm a mutt
-- [The shoes you wore today:] same old crappy shoes
-- [Your weakness:] Females.
-- [Your fears:] I'm not scared of much, they can beat me up and kill me, but I still dont fear them
-- [Your perfect pizza:] cheese
-- [Goals you'd like to achieve:] survive 3 years in old project

-- [Your most overused phrase:] I find that offensive, Please dont ever say that again, and that goes against my religion
-- [Your thoughts first waking up:] is it the apocolypse?
-- [Your best physical feature:] I'm friken ugly...
-- [Your bedtime:] When the insomnia lets me
-- [Your most missed memory:] I lved living in DC

-- [Soda:] Sprite and orange fanta
-- [Fast food joint:] Mcdonalds
-- [Single or group dates:] someone wants to date me!?!?

-- [Smoke:] Hell no
-- [Cuss:] Tryin to stop
-- [Sing:] I cant sing worth crap
-- [Take a shower every day:] Yeah.
-- [Have a crush(es):] I did
-- [Do you think you've been in love:] Yup.
-- [Want to go to college:] I hate schools.
-- [Like high school:] I hate any school.
-- [Want to get married:] Dont care.
-- [Believe in yourself:] sometimes
-- [Get motion sickness:] no
-- [Think you're attractive:] I'm ugly!!
-- [Get along with your parents:] I'm disowned from my family.
-- [Like thunderstorms:] luv em
-- [Play an instrument:] I can play drums

-- [Played a game that required removal of clothing:] yea... but it wasn't a game....
-- [Been trashed or extremely intoxicated:] Yeah, but never again.
-- [Been caught doing something:] I dont ever get caught doing anything
-- [Been called a tease:] nope
-- [Gotten beaten up:] If you go to Old Project you get beat up every day
-- [Shoplifted:] Yeah.
-- [Changed who you were to fit in:] you callin me fat?

In the preferred sex...
-- [Best eye color:] green or brown
-- [Best hair color:] black or blonde
-- [Short or long hair:] about shoulder length
-- [Best height:] you gotta be taller than me but around the same height
-- [Best weight:] Around 110. Just not fat, alright?
-- [Best articles of clothing:] thongs
-- [Best first date location:] since when do people date me?
-- [Best first kiss location:] anywhere

-- [Number of drugs taken illegally:] once but I didn't smoke them
-- [Number of people I could trust with my life:] a couple
-- [Number of CDs that I own:] 23
-- [Number of piercings:] none
-- [Number of tattoos:] None.
-- [Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper:] 5
-- [Number of scars on my body:] 12
-- [Number of things in my past that I regret:] I regret nothing I do

[ ~~~#@***READ THIS***@#~~~
You may ask me four questions.
Any four, no matter how private or how random.
I have to answer them honestly,and I have to answer them ALL!
In turn you post this message in your own journal, wiki, or profile and you have to answer the questions that are asked of you!
~~~#@***READ THIS***@#~~~]

I got a friend named Joey, he's the badass of our 'group'. Also check out [Mrs. Siskinator], who is the hot asian of our group, REALLY HOT ASIAN!!!!!Shes even got a fanclub, go to it if she is your friend. She's also got this new bf named Jody,[Young J.C.], I don't know him but whatever.
I'm blond(natrual, not highlighted hair) I have glasses(wish it was contacts) and about normal size, besides the shortness that is. I'm normal width(a little
overweight:( )     
Below are a few things descibe what I think of when I'm being yelled at by sumone.
       /  / / 
      /  / /
..........,/¯../ /
........./..../ /
('(...´...´.... ¯_/'...'/
\......fuck You....'./
.'\'...\.......... _.·´
if I'm ever nice to a teacher I tell my friends to punch me. I'm a klass klown and I'm a bastard to all forms of adults...well crabby adults anyway. I had a teacher try to expel me but it failed, I broke two teachers last year and so far 1 this year. I'm very funny but... it sumtimes are preverted jokes, which isn't bad it's just sum people don't like it. I've beaten up only a couple people but they deserved it trust me. Most of the people made fun of my friends and I'm a loyal person so DON'T FUCK WITH MY FRIENDS!!! I hate preps. it's put that simply, I've even thought of in school if the world were to freeze the things I would do to preppy girls would put a whole new meaning fucked up. If you think I'm messed up in the head there are two things I need to tell you: first, you're right.Second, Go to hell. but if you think I'm totally normal then we should probalay be friends and get counseling together. I drown out anything that does not have to do with my mind so this is my mind:sex, blah, blah, blah, boobs, blah, blah, blah, anime, blah, blah, blah, killing, blah, blah, blah. so if you go into my mind you better be high or drunk(or both) cause it's pretty fucked up in there. If you wanna be friends message me, and if you dont then FUCK OFF or eat sum chips.

damn I'm meassed up....
Insanity test results:60.22727272727273
Paranoid: Very High
Schizoid: Moderate
Schizotypal: High
Antisocial: High
Borderline: Moderate
Histrionic: High
Narcissistic: High
Avoidant: Low
Dependent: Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive: High

I wanna give you a hug but,
a hug leads to a kiss,
a kiss leads to a lick,
a lick leads to a suck,
and a suck leads to a fuck.
hmm... wanna hug?!

I am so lucky cause I got an inner dragon and you dont!!!!

and my inner dragon is a ....

Viper Drake

In the war between good and evil, your inner Dragon self is rotten with the stench of EVIL.
When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order, your inner dragon walks a fine line between Law and Chaos.
As far as magical tendancies, a Viper Drake's nature does not lend itself well to the ways of Magic.
During combat situations, whether by spells or by claw, your inner dragon will do whatever it takes to get the job done.

Dragon Description:
The Viper Drake has a sleek, deep green body that moves quickly and swiftly through the swamps and bogs where it makes it's home.

Despite their evil nature, the Viper Drake is not terribly aggressive and will generally leave most creatures alone unless provoked, that is unless the drake is hungry.

While not venomous, as it's name might imply, the Viper Drake is a powerful fighter. A Viper Drake makes great use of both it's corrosive breath weapon and it's terrible bite, which has a nasty tendency to fester even the smallest wound.These creatures are dangerous and are widely feared.

I see sum preps outside my house and I MUST GO KICK THEIR ASSES!!! so message me bye^_^

Age: 15Year of birth: 1990Month of birth: 8Day of birth: 23

Gender: male

What do you do?: Being lazy

Place of living: USA-Georgia

Exact place of living: murrayville

Known languages

adult popalternativeblues
grungehip hopjazz
popprogressive metalpunk

Other interests
bookscatschasing the preferred sex
chesscookingcrime stories
role playingsingingscifi
travellingwatching sportwriting

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: normal

Height: 163

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