[¿thomas?]'s diary

37149  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-09-27
Written: (6948 days ago)

MYSPACE!!!! www.myspace.com okay im on this page alot mine is www.myspace.com/haesslich okay now go there sign up or do what ever you have to do because it is awsome. in a way. but yeah

<3 y0ur 2m4$

36000  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-09-13
Written: (6962 days ago)

Okay lets see here hurricane katrina we are using many recorses including other countries which of course i support the help of those in need. we wanted other countries to help i mean why wouldnt wee but lets see here we are uber hipocritical i mean wow what kust happend in japan? a tsunami and what did we do to help?NOTHING. we had nothing better to do at the time and why didnt we help?
Sure it wasnt as catastrophic as hurricane katrina but thats only because they arnt idiots. americans cant handle when something goes wrong, when something bad happens that we cant control we go streight to panic and atempted anarchy. we cant work together just whine about how we dont get supplies to a spot when the helicotper was attemptedly shot down by some poser radicals. we could of done alot to prevent katrina we might of tried but we of course failed. our "superb" countrie cant stand together when we need it and aroun 350 die just in new orleans.... so this whole event effects gas prices why? the cost of gas in florida is around 5 to 6 dollars in some places. and of course weve found shale that can help our limited supplies but since we cant concentrate on one thing at a time it will take 30 years to help the prices. gas is a nececity to some to work to go to school and all we can do is wait 30 years?? but we stick to gas and not alternative fuel? if hemp oil can power a car than we can think of a alternivitve we arnt that concervitive r we? hmm 1 more thing.... you see a biker do some cool trick and a cop might even aplaud him but if a skater goes somewhere or through certainplaces they get threatend or fined, that is retarded!!!! but yeah whatever.... humanity is narcasistic.


33069  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-08-14
Written: (6992 days ago)
Next in thread: 33077

I strain to keep but your image in my head, but your touch that makes me dread, i only hold on to what i never had, lost without you, never to be with you, i am just a toy in your despicable game.... i am only a sight that u ignore........... heh i uhm read that some where o.O or did i

33068  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-08-14
Written: (6992 days ago)

Wie hasst du wich, warum hast du mich, onhe dich ich bin nichts, ohne mich du bist frei.... Willst du speil mit mir oder willst du hast gift fur mein blot?
okay though my german is crappy it translates to....
How do you hate me, Why do you have me? without you i am nothing, without me you are free.... do you whant to play with me or will you have poisen for my blood? heh cheezy ><....

23299  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-06-17
Written: (7049 days ago)

du weisst nicht was du willst

22827  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-06-14
Written: (7052 days ago)

i have found new musik

22545  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-06-13
Written: (7053 days ago)

im all alone in this fuking world u must despise....

20637  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-06-03
Written: (7063 days ago)
Next in thread: 22655

hey God
there's nothing left for me to hide.
i lost my ignorance, security and pride.
i'm all alone in a world you must despise.
hey God
i believed your promises, your promises and lies.

 The logged in version 

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