[wildfire2005]'s diary

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Written about Sunday 2006-01-22
Written: (6830 days ago)

every one ignore my other diary messages, if your reading this one its probly the only one you need to read, but for the first time in my life i am actually feeling good about my self, i thought i lost a friend, and for a while i probly did, but she said hi to me and we had a good conversation about random nothings and well im just glad i dont have some one cool that i really could relate to hateing me, and also i stopped some one from makeing today their last day on earth, but it took courage, and i can only have done it because of one person, but that person probly dont know it, and probly never will but i dont care as long as i keep that person in my heart and remember all they have done for me that helped me save a life well im gonna go and do something that will keep this good mood up :)

 The logged in version 

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