[Teenage Buick Driver]'s diary

49192  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-01-06
Written: (6846 days ago)

Never hold your farts in!
They travel up your spine, into your brain,
and that is where all the shitty ideas come from!!!!

46445  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-12-18
Written: (6865 days ago)

depression is just anger without enthusiasm

I leave for South Africa today. I'm nervous, excited, scared, and lonesome feeling. I will miss my family, my pets, JEFF, his kitty stupid. I hate feeling like this, but soon I will be on a plane to New York then off to SA. It would be much easier if this was a family vacation. My senior year I dont get to be with my family.

Jeff was really thoughtful last night. He took me allllll the way to Hilsboro to go eat at my favorite Italian restraunt Frenkies. Man o man do I love Frenkies. We ate a Pasta Combo, split. Frenkies has the best rolls. I also had a salad doused in Ranch dressing. I wish I was able to scroung a small gift for him before I leave, but i wasnt. He scrounged up one for me! He gave me a Symphony Chocolate Bar and a small TY Beanie Baby Penguin thats name is Waddles. He put his cologne on it so Waddles would smell like him. I really will miss him. I guess I suppressed those feelings untill before bed.

Anyhow, I'm excited

31551  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-08-02
Written: (7003 days ago)

"the new harry potter book was so dark and depressing, Tom Cruise had to take an antidepressant after reading it."~ David Letterman

31083  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-07-30
Written: (7006 days ago)

"What would you like?" my wife asked as she prepared the evening meal. "Tuna, salmon, chicken, beef or liver?"

Surprised and pleased by this unusual opportunity to make a selection from such an extensive dinner menu, I replied, "Beef would be nice for a change, thank you."

"Oh," she said, "I wasn't talking to you, I was asking the cat. We're having soup."

30912  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-29
Written: (7007 days ago)
Next in thread: 32191

well, apparently jeffs gunna wanna break it off.
I'm not all that surpised. it was enevatible. I hope we can still be friends, but i dont think its going to work that way. It didnt last time. He thinks i lied to him. I didn't, but whatever. I dont feel like telling him i cram dates together when i havent wrote in something for awhile or feel like ihave to. He searched and looked for it. Its my writting, i'm not going to justify the confusing. Its sad. But, he's enjoying himself, he's got a job and he's hanging out more with his friends again. I don't need to be around. So I guess it this is going to happen its better now while he's collected everything.

I dont want to go to china spring anymore. I want to be somewhere else, AJ moore, Waco High, really .... i want to be far away. but after this year i will be.
I shouldnt be upset. after highschool we'll all go our seperate ways.
who really stays in contact with highschool friends. Isnt that why i shouldnt break up with him, so I'll atleast have one friend when its all said and done?..... I cant always have my way, especially when i dont want to be hurt when its all said and done. that was enevitable also. I cant have my way, I accept that.

30294  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-07-25
Written: (7011 days ago)

Armadildo- a plated vibrater
voyear- one who gets sexual gratification from eves dropping
Whoresale- prostitutes way of purchasing condoms
sexclamation- exclamation or scream during sex
sexaggeration- souding like your having an orgasm when you arent to make your partner feel better
sexcuse- a headach or other ailment to avoid sex
ejoculation- making a joke when your ejaculating *i hope my little buddies dont turn into little babies*
Whorizontal- a whore on her side

29994  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-07-24
Written: (7012 days ago)

I feel like im a pawn.
just like my xbf..... someone is using this thing to send me subliminal messages to make me feel a certain way. This really does hurt. I dont think i can last much longer. who cares really. people can tampor with what i feel, but not with what i do. That is the only thing in my life I have control over. What i do. but people want to control that to.... but what happens when you dont feel anything anymore. for anyone. you just want to be alone but not have everyone just go away. i know its confusing. something some people can not understand.

two controversial messages are being sent thru my mind and body. and one is winning.  but like i said. Who really cares anymore. Who gives a shit about legitimatly not wanting to use someone for their own good. Lets all just go and piss the other side off.

sometimes i feel like i dont want to live anymore in this kind of world.
this is one of those times.

the song below really describes how i feel

25419  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-06-27
Written: (7039 days ago)

Had a bad day, don't talk to me,
gonna ride this out,
My little black heart, breaks apart,
with your big mouth.

And I'm sick of my sickness
Dont touch me, you'll get this.
I'm useless, lazy, perverted,
and you hate me.

You can't save me,
You can't change me,
Well I'm waiting for my wake up call,
And everything, everything's my fault.

Went to the doctor, and I asked her,
to make this stop.(whoa)
Got medication, a new addiction,
Fucken thanks a lot.

Had to relapse, I'm outta rehab,
It ruined everything.(whoa)
So point your finger, at the singer,
He's in the pharmacy.

You can't save me,
You can't change me,
Well I'm waiting for my wake up call ,
and everything's my fault.

You can't save me,
You can't blame me,
Well I'm waiting here to take a fall,
and everything, and everthing's my fault.

And I'm a death threat haven't slept yet,
Baby wide awake at dawn.
Helmet bad boy, tell the tabloids,
everything's my fault.

Whoa whoa yeah, write it write it,
Whoa whoa yeah, write it write it,
Whoa Whoa everthing's my fault,
everthing's my fault.

I went to heaven, couldn't get it,
For what I had done.
I said forsake me, you said you're crazy
you were too much fun.

You can't save me,
You can't change me,
Well I'm waiting for my wake up call ,
and everything's my fault.

You can't save me,
You can't blame me,
Well I'm waiting here to take a fall,
and everything,everthing's my fault.

You can't save me,
You can't change me,
You can't save me,
You can't change me,
You can't save me,
You can't change me,(everthing's my fault)
You can't save me,
You can't change me,

Everything's my fault

25418  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-06-27
Written: (7039 days ago)

Katie went home today. I'm sad. There goes the rest of my fun summer back up to Virginia.
WE didnt go to sleep until 3 last night and woke up at 7:15

Took Katie to the airport... said our goodbyes and took our last pictures.

So far thats it for today.

MY mom and iwent to hillsboro outlet mall, nothing there we went in to some store and i got a photo frame.
Went to Frankies italian restraunt . Great food but some of th estuff wasnt fresh

I need to take my car by jeffs

and i want to finnish my picture frames.

24482  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-06-23
Written: (7043 days ago)

A poem for girls...

I shave my legs,
I sit down to pee.
And I can justify
any shopping spree.
Don't go to a barber,
but a beauty salon.
I can get a massage
without a hard-on.
I can balance the check book,
I can pump my own gas.
Can talk to my friends,
about the size of my ass.
My beauty's a masterpiece,
and yes, it takes long.
At least I can admit,
to others when I'm wrong.
I don't drive in circles,
at any cost.
And I don't have a problem,
admitting I'm lost.
I never forget,
an important date.
You just gotta deal with it,
I'm usually late.
I don't watch movies,
with lots of gore.
Don't need instant replay,
to remember the score.
I won't lose my hair,
I don't get jock itch.
And just cause I'm assertive,
Don't call me a bitch.
Don't say to your friends,
Oh yeah, I can get her.
In your dreams, my dear,
I can do better!
Flowers are okay,
But jewellery's best.
Look at me you idiot...
Not at my chest????
I don't have a problem,
With Expressing my feelings.
I know when you're lying,
You look at the ceiling.
DON'T call me a GIRL ,
a BABE or a CHICK .
I am a WOMAN.
Get it?, you DICK!?!

24450  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-06-21
Written: (7044 days ago)

Went and picked up Katie in at DFW yesterday.
It was cool ....... of course she had pink on lol.....and her luggage was easy to spot because it was also pink.

We went to the Galleria in Dallas and shopped around. 3 stories of pure heaven. Shop, shop, shop. We went in Sephora< make up store. I looked for orange eyeliner but again, i'm ahead of the times. I bought some orange lipliner, It will have to work. they had some really awesome lip gloss that was orange..... 20 bucks tho.

We looked in some art galleries....... paintings and statues all around 3-4 thousand dollars.

We got some decent pizza.......perfect crust. Crispy.
With my drink came a SIMPLE PLAN CD on the lid hehe it was cool

We got chocolate at Godiva.. I got some champaigne chocolate truffle. it was really really good. I love chocolate.

I got 2 guitar picks at the first store we went into ..... charcoal gray, and purple sparkly. I wanna go back to that mall soon.

We got home kinda late.... 10-11 ish.... so we didnt doo much but chill. I showed her aorund hte house and that was that.

We looked at pictures from our trip to antarctica. my prom pics, symphoney bell pics.

and i got online to show her picks of my people.

that was it. The full day.

23638  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-06-19
Written: (7047 days ago)

TX ranger baseball game
Tx rangers won....... 4 homeruns
two cute little boys sat infront of us which i gave stuffed Chick-fil-a cows to. Keeton(5) and his little brother
i got mint chocolate chip icecream w/ whipped cream and 2 cherries..... mmmm mmmm good.  balls kept flying over our head. We got free posters with my "bro" Laynce Nix on them . I got another Nix tshirt that matches my dad's
hmmm....... fun day.

23494  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-06-18
Written: (7048 days ago)

<a href="http://www.nerdtests.com/ft_nq.php?im"><img:http://www.nerdtests.com/images/ft/nq.php?val=9621" alt="I am nerdier than 40% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!"></a>

Jack Rakam, or Calico Jack, as you like to be called, there's more to being a pirate than Wenching! Sure you love the ladies (and occasionally the cabin boy), but you can't plunder, pillage, navigate or brutally mame if you're constantly 'dipping your wick'. Forget Anne Bonny, she was a lesbian anyway! And you're undying affection for her got you and your entire crew hanged!

You scored higher than 0% on Treasurer
You scored higher than 0% on Seafairability
You scored higher than 14% on Bloodlusting
You scored higher than 91% on Wenchwanting

The What Kind of PIRATE Are You Test

23257  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-06-17
Written: (7050 days ago)

Well, I haven't done anything today.  DIDNT go anywhere.
Lil Tillie came by and wanted to stay and play with Buddy.

Last night we tried to get her to go thru Buddy's doggy door. She is deffently not a gulible child lol.
Yesterday I worked up at the hospital with Sylvia again.

I am sure i want to get my PhD in BUM. I think i could make some decent money off being a bum. My aunt hasnt called back about the job, so i guess i'm out.

My cousin is now 18. I worry about him because i know he isnt right in the head. I wish i could go back in time to when we were little so i could be as close to him as i used to be. He's the closest thing i've ever had to a brother, up until now atleast.

I have a few books i need to read (want to) and a couple scripts to write.   I need several Hott guys to be my guinea pigs! hehe unfortuently i'm not a hott guy magnent. but that's okay, as long as i know tho's who are.

Jeff's been spending time with his stepbrother who has a 2 week leave from Iraq. (the same SBro who hooked us up with our Rolexes lol). I think its good that htey are spending time together.

He told me about this woman he calls his mom..... he talks about her a lot......she got a boob job. It creeps meout.... He always wants me to meet her, but no i'm not too sure if i want to. maybe she went thru a midlife crisis...... that can make people do stupid/crazy things. I wish he knew how uncomfortable it made me to hear him talk about it. His choices of "mother figure role models" isnt all that great. I'm glad to have some normalness in my life.

My dad and I had some kinda connection a few nights ago... after eating steak at the Manly's. we usually dont get along and he always bitches at me. He was bitchin at me again and i mumbled something under my breath like. And he said all this shit happening isnt my fault.. It made me feel good. and then rubbing his head makes him happy.

21011  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-06-04
Written: (7062 days ago)

WEEELL My brain is out of commition for the rest of the day.

I had to wake up early as fuck to take the stupid SAT test.

It was hard... I think.

I saw a lot of people I knew...

Kathy(Kathrine from lake Air), Jackline, Liz Pacheco,Tim G(my math helper), brooke moore, Jessica Nitcholas,abigail, some girl i remember from WHS, and lots of others from CSHS. I'm glad Tim was there in the beginning. My medication hadn't fully taken affect and I needed someone to keep my attention and tell me when were all leaving to go somewhere else.

During the test my eyes were bothering me. burning and watering inside and around hte edges of the skin. It felt like I had crust all around them. then my eyes felt like i had something in them and that made them water worse.

When I got home I took them out.

At one of the stopping places during the test where the TGiver tells you to stop, I jumped because I was startled. Everyone kinda turned and laughed at me... Not reallly laughed outloud but kinda grinned. It was embarrassing but, not too bad. No one came up to me afterword and said i was stupid.

I got home and took a lil nap and my mom made Pizza for lunch

We watched the soaps, I got online talked to a few people such as Katie and some online guy from west going to MCC. Jeff called me and asked how the test went. I forgot to call him after it was over :-( *sighs* I forgot i said i'd call him too Anyhow its really nice that he's supportive and understanding about my tiredness and that kinda crap. He puts up with a lot of my ailements, habits,psycho problems, weirdness, and grossness.

Anyhow, I should probably call him later. That would be nice

My mom and I tried to hook up this PABLO to one of the coomps... it kinda worked on one but the other one doesnt have a spot to hook it up too. It doesnt work that well and its hard to use... harder than I remember.. (Pablo- board w/ pen. Use it to draw with on the computer instead of a mouse) Guess we may need to get another one.

I also want to buy a GIF maker.... A good one. something were i can create my own drawn images move or turn my video clips from video files to short GIF clips---- anyone reading this know what program that would be????

20540  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-06-02
Written: (7064 days ago)

Yesterday, Jeff and I started and finnished a 500 peice puzzle. BOY DID/DOES my back hurt! But it was fun. WE stayed up till bout 9:30 doing it. Jeff took me Go Cart racing. LOL I woulda beat him but i had the faster car the first time. and hte 2nd time i had the slow car and forgot i only had one lap left..... and did an extra. It was a bit imbarrassing..but i said that was my victory lap for my first "win"
While starting the puzzle we watched the first original Starwars.... I liked it... kinda got distracted by the puzzle.

The puzzle is put together and glued so it wont come apart.

19806  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-05-29
Written: (7068 days ago)

About 4 days ago i found a pair of Mourning Doves that fell from the nest. Both had no feathers

I took them in and fed them

about a day later both were pecking at each other doing quite well..... then hte smaller one who had just begun to get feathers in, stopped eating so much

the next day, he died.

His brother who had most all wing feathers stopped eating so much.

today he wont make it



my bebies didnt make it

19454  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-05-28
Written: (7069 days ago)

01 - Roaches
02 – someone I love dying
03 - the future

01 - science
02 - Math
03 – people

01 – To cook
02 - express my feelings
03 - ASL

01 - orange tank
02 - celtic beltbuckle on spiked belt
03 – no bra

01 - Lamp
02 - massive amounts of index cards
03 - phones

01 – Finnish up going to the last two continents i need to go to (Asia and Africa)
02 – Have kids
03 – see the future

01 - spunky
02 - ADD (random)
03 – creative

01 – lash out
02 – uncontrolable
03 – nervesness

01 - German
02 - Irish
03 - Native American

01 – my nose
02 - my teeth
03 - my nails

01 – my eyes
02 – the things that are supposed to be growing or have grown in on my chest
03 - birthmark

01 – How bad my temper really is.
02 – I have a habit i can not control
03 – I can write some perverted/graphic stuff

01 – "uh"
02 – "where did(it,that,they) go?"
03 – "shit"

01 - Ireland
02 – NewYork
03 – Asia

01 - Stevie
02 - Amando Comando
03 - Mindy(or Mandi) Lue(Lue Who)

17189  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-05-15
Written: (7081 days ago)

Today, my mom and I found a turtle.
I kept it in a green plastic kitchenmaid tub/box. <img:http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y1/angel1877000/animalsnstuff051.jpg>
My bf came and picked me up to go jetskiing with him, my cousins, and one of his older friends, Bryan.
It was fun. The lake was a bit chilly, but the sun was out most of the day and inside the houseboat or "The Yacht" as my dad refers to it as. We didnt need to turn the air on. So my cousins Stacy and Jean were out there, Stacy's bf Raman and her friend from Austin Sara. Then my other younger cousins, Morgan and Lauren, and my uncle Pat came. We blew up the tube to ride. Jeff and I didnt ride but it was still fun. My cousin went to Bush's chicken and brought back food. I'd asked for a box of rolls and a couple of Dr. Peppers for Jeff and me.

After we were Jetskiing, we loaded up everything and Jeff drove up to the dock on the other side of the lake to get his truck. I drove the jetski on to the trailer. GOt IT on The FIRST time TOO!

Went home, changed, and went to the movie "A lot Like Love" with Ashton Kutcher and Amanda Peet. It was really cute. I loved the end where the girl went to what she thought was her true loves wedding, only to have him run out after her. She was like , no no, I'm too late. and he's like "no, I'm not getting married. My sister is" and the sister's always saying "You're such a dick!"... actually really cute movie.

Went home again, Jeff's dad was kinda getting pissed cuz it was almost 10 oclock and he wasn't home. I had to prepare the turtle to go to jeffs place. I painted the turtles shell so that maybe if we saw him again we could Identify him. Jeff had told me earlier that he thought it maybe a Snapping Turtle. He dangled his keys in front of the turltles nose and sure enough, the turtle open his mouth slowly and you can see teeth comming up from his gums. One in the front and one right behind it. and two on the sides. Sharp lil friggers im sayin!


16800  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-05-13
Written: (7084 days ago)

Well mrs siemon wasnt here today. HURRAY!! I worked on my powerpoint and i wasnt late to school today!

on of the girls in my 8th period BCIS class that i hardly ever talk to said she had a dream about me and Jeff
She said I was really sad. But couldnt rememebr what happened. she said maybe jeff died.
Kinda creepy.

Corey Morgan also told me this week he had a dream with me in it. I dont know the details on that one. He has probably forgotten about it by now.

Jeff brought his two kittens to my house for me to meet. We took them to Petsmart. And they wanted to run around and everything. It was so funny. They would crawl on the back of Jeff's seat while he was driving and stick their lil sharp claws int he back of him.

We went to fazoli's for food. Through the drive thru of course. Went by BlueCat Video to rent a movie. We took the kittens inside and Jeff's friend brandon played a lil bit w/ one of the kittens. We rented Flight of the Phoenix and I bought a Symphony candy bar then went back to Jeffs house to watch the movie. <img:http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y1/angel1877000/animalsnstuff027.jpg>

After the movie i played a lil on Jeffs really nice OVATION Guitar. I love the neck on it. It's smaller than on my guitar! Makes it easy to hold and place my fingers! It's strings havent been tuned in 6 months and were in tune when iplayed it. The sound was great, very whole sounding.


Lovely guitar eh?

14254  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-05-02
Written: (7096 days ago)

something i learned about friends in highschool
they wont be around forever
they care for a moment...but can drop you at a moments notice.
They take you for granted.
they ignore you. and can never be hurt.

match box 20- push

I wanna push you way 'round
well i will, well i will
I wanna push you down
well I will, Well I will
I wanna take you for granted, yeah yeah yeah
I wanna take you, take you
yeah well I will, I will, I will, I will, i will
push you around
yeah well I will

 The logged in version 

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