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Member #25876 created: 2005-08-09 15:24:24Simple URL:   

Name: Heather

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Elfpack titles and orders
Drunk-assAdventurerCrazy kid

well, I guess you can say that I'm Me... there really isn't any other way to discribe me because I'm very strange and out of the normal standards of other people... I guess... I use to be on elftown but considering the fact that everytime I log on the system is always down... That is so gay! Well I can discribe my looks, I'm goth of course, I have black hair I wear black clothes... My favorite pant I got at hot topic are awesome and I love them... My Boyfriend is also a goth and most of my friends are goth too... ok then... I'm sure that you guys don't exactly care...

~100 questions about me~


1. Full name: Heather Marie Hegnet

2.Nicknames: Shorty, Kid, Crazy Bitch, Crazy Cracker, and Hegz's ( talk to Elena about that one!!) 

3. Eyes: Hayzel

5. Hair: Black

7. Do you like to sing in the shower? No

8. Do you like to sing?: no

9. Birthday: January, 8, 1990

10. Sign: Capricorn

11. Lefty or righty?: You can say I use my right hand

12. Shoes or sandals?: Both depends on the day

13. Coke or Pepsi?: Coke taste better than pepsi

14. Have you ever cheated in a game?: most likely when I was drunk

15. Marital status: Taken!

16. Book: I hate books

17. Song: Poison Girl by H.I.M.

18. Movie: My H.I.M. dvd

19. Cologne & perfume?: perfume, i don't like smelling like a guy

20. Number: 21

21. Card game?: asshole (drinking game)

22. Radio station?: Razor 94.7

25. Food: any kind of munchies

26. TV show?: That 70'S Show

27. Cartoon: i dont watch fuckin cartoons

28. Actor and Actress: dont have one really

30. do you plan on getting married?: no

31. do you plan on having kids?: HELL NO

32. how many do you want?: none.. didnt you hear me the first time?

33. What's something you can't wait to say?: What kinda of stupid question is that?

34.Would you have kids before marriage?: I don't want kids at all!!!

35. Do you have a b/f or g/f?: yes and he treats me like a princess!

36. Do you have a crush: yes but I'm not saying who!

37. What hurts you the most: everything

38. Music/TV: Music is my LIFE

40. Green/Blue: blue

41. Pink/Purple: both

42. Summer/Winter: i like both at times

43. Night/Day: night
44. Hanging Out/Chillin:whats the difference

45. Dopey/Funny: ummm....???

46. You know I'm around when: You see me... duh!!!

47. What school do you go to?: Sturgeon Bay High School

48. Do you enjoy what you do?: I guess

51. Most blonde: Becky

52. Nicest: Atlanta
53. Funniest: Hillbilly!!!

54. Tallest: Tony

55. What's the worst thing a friend could do to you? Stab me in the back...

58. Is it right to flirt if you have a bf or gf?: ya when your boyfriend says its ok

59. What was the last thing you cried over or got teary bout?: my ex boyfriend

60. What's something about girls you don't get?: screaming when you break a nail good god its just a fuckin nail it grows back

61. What do you want right now?: Vodka and smokie smoke...

62. What's one thing you can't live without: my brain duh!!!
63. Love or Lust: love

64. Silver or gold : Silver

65. Diamond or pearl: diamond

67. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping? no way in hell is anyone every going to get me to do that!!! I'm out going but not that out going!!!

68. Do you sleep with stuffed animal? No i don't have any to sleep with.

69. Do you have any piercings: ya

71. What song are you listening to right now?: Im not.. im filling out this gay survey

72. What are the last 4 digits of your home phone: 1324

73. Where would you want to go on your honeymoon: I really don't care
74. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with?: Me, Myself, and don't forget about I!!!

75.What are some of the first things you notice about the opposite sex?: how big of assholes they are!

76. What makes you happy?: my friends

78. What was the best advice ever given to you?: I don't give advice

80. Do you like Funny or Scary movies better?: Scary

81. On the phone or in person?: In person

82. Hugs or kisses?: both I love hugging and kissing my boyfriend!

83. What song seems to reflect you the most: I Love You (Prelude to Tragedy) H.I.M.

84. If you died tomorrow who would you leave everything you own to? My imaginary friend Guss!!

85. Do you have any enemies?: oh yes... the list never ends

86. Who was the last person to hug you besides your parents?: Tyler

87. Last person to kiss you besides your parents?: Tyler

88. Would you rather be rich or famous?: neither.. they both suck balls

89. What time is it in Albania now?: I don't know.. I know it is 4:20 in Amsterdam.

90. What time is it where you are?: 10:20 am

91. Have you ever met Santa?: I hate him!!!

92. Name something pretty: Atlanta!!!

93. When did you last talk to the person you like?: Yesterday at about 9:00pm.

95: How many pets do you have?: I don't have any fucking pets

96. Last time you were stressed: this morning

97. Are you an alcoholic?: no I just drink alot

98. Who sent this to you?: my friend April

99. What do you think of this person?: duh she is my friend.

100. Do you want people to send this back?: no not really.. i just needed something to do
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Help stewie rule the world!
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Age: 16Year of birth: 1990Month of birth: 1Day of birth: 8

Gender: female

What do you do?: Something in between

Place of living: USA-Wisconsin

Exact place of living: Sturgeon Bay

Elfpack crew wannabe: No

gothheavy metalprogressive metal

Other interests
beercard gameschasing the preferred sex

Civil status: involved

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: big breasted

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