[Hereby Deleted]'s diary

107126  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-10-21
Written: (6193 days ago)

well, its my birthday and i'm now 18.. loving it too... basically...
my friend Sarah White gave me a faerie necklace which has pink wings and i love it and she gave me pink lip gloss and nail varnish...

i went out Friday to say goodbye to social services and got £50 from my solutions worker... bath stuff and a chocolate birthday cake from my social worker...

Saturday i saw my mum and my brother, my mum gave me £100 and my brother gave me a pint glass that has happy 18th birthday engraved in it.. i will not take it our of the box...

at 12:13am Aaron gave me my present which was a silver ring which he put on.. no he didn't ask me to marry him but did say that in a few years i would have another ring even more special..

this morning, nan gave me one of those 18 keys which i'm keeping in the box.. £30 and a collection of three faeries which have been given their own individual spot. and we are going out for dinner and she got me a birthday cake.

so yer.. will update later...

106897  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-10-14
Written: (6200 days ago)

well.. another diary entry... ermm..

yer i'm letting quite a few people down at the moment. i will get my wiki's done soon i am just really over run at the moment with school work and websites... i have like... four websites to do and i'm making a program, writing my new book, homework and coursework for school on top of everything else..

please be patient with me. i will get it done i just need to take my time. thanks people. i know your all really understanding...

anyway, i just wasnted to say...


and i love you all...

106527  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-10-04
Written: (6210 days ago)

a new start to my diary... thought i would start again... well lets try and bring everyone up to speed shall we?

you all should know me and have seen my page and talk to me so i don't need to go through all that...

basically... i'm me and yes i'm emo and yes i write poetry.. and i am starting my new book but i need an idea so please vote on my poll to let me know what i should do... my first book should be out soon.. "A Lonely Child".. poems in there can be found on http://www.tmainpoetry.com but this is due to be updated!

i am also being published in "Immortal Verses" so please take a look! that poem is for my dad which is in there.. i shall put it up if you like? let me know...

i have purple hair now and love it.. i will get a new pic of me up soon when i can get a good one done although thats hard to manage... beauty isn't my strong point let alone fashion... although i have been asked to be a model and i'm quite tempted to do that.. money!!!

not quite sure what to put in here to be fair... i will try and think about it and put something cool in... although i have a joke to finish with.......

What is the difference between Micheal Jackson and Santa?
Nothing, they both leave childrens bedrooms with empty sacks....


 The logged in version 

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