[♥lOVE MEE OR hAtE MEE♥]'s diary

106309  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-09-29
Written: (6215 days ago)
Next in thread: 109407

dEAR diiARY......


ii AM A ChANGEd GiiRl SiiNCE ii StOPPEd CUMiiN ON hERE...
ii ChANGEd bECAUSE ii WAS liiStENiiNG tOO WhAt EVERY1 thOUGht Of MEE ANd ii ShOUldNt hAVE....
NOW ii dONt GiiVE A ShiiT WhAt ANY1 thiiNkZ Of MEE....

ii USEd tOO bEE QUiiEt, ii kEPt tOO MiiSElf, CAREd WhAt PEOPlE thOUGht AbOUt MEE, ANd kEPt tOO dARk CORNERS....

bUt NOW........
iiM thE COMPlEtE OPPOSiitE.... iiM VERY COlOURfUl, dONt CARE WhAt PEOPlE thiiNk, lOUd (REAllY lOUd), ANd AlWAYZ OUt ANd AbOUt WONdERiiN WhERE thE NEXt PARtY iiZ....

YEhh SOMEtiiMZ ii StiiL hAVE bAd dAiiZ... bUt WhEN thAt hAPPENZ ii USUAllY GEt lOUdER ANd MORE kRAYZii.... lOl...

YEhh ii hAVE AlOt Of PRObZ Wiith GUYZ... bUt iiM SOOOO OVER thEM... Mii fRNZ SUGEStEd thAt ii GO lESbiiAN... bUt ii SAiid thAtZ thE lASt thiiNG iiM GONA dOO...
ii dONt hAVE ANYthiiNG AGAiiNSt PEOPlE WhO liikE thE SAME SEX... bUt iitZ JUSt NOT WhO ii CAN SEE MiiSElf AS...

iil JUSt WAiit fOR thE RiiGht GUY... hEE WiiL POP UP ONE dAii... (ii hOPE)

"fOR SOMEONE WhO hAS hAd A liifE liikE MiiNE.... iiM SUPPRiiSEd thAt YUU ARE liikE YUU ARE NOW".... ANd thAtS PREttY MUCh WhAt Mii COUNCiilER SAiid tOO MEE.....

WEll... thAtS All ii hAVE tOO SAY fOR NOW....

iiL fiiL YUU iiN ON MORE ANOthER tiiME....

bYE fOR NOW...


67134  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-05-08
Written: (6724 days ago)
Next in thread: 83550

i thought i really loved this guy but guess what? i was totally rong... like ****ing usual..... he treated me like shit... by calling me a slut, cunt, dickhead and all those ****ing bad names that guyz can think of... and that really hurt... i thought i loved him and i thought he loved me... but obviously NOT! i should have known when i found out i couldnt trust him...

2 be continued...

62986  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-04-07
Written: (6756 days ago)

well hello,
well usually im complaining how bad my life is... but 2day im just in the mood 2 say all the good things/people in my life... so this will be short... lol...
the best thing/person in my life is my hubby.... he loves me and i love him... i no i can trust him and he can def trust me...
and that i believe is the only thing/person in my life... oh and my frnz on ere... lol....
anywayz.... im off 2 explor the world.... (NOT).... ta ta...
infinite x's and o's 2 all those ppl out there....

61934  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-03-30
Written: (6763 days ago)

dear diary,
well about that guy... umm im still with him but he said he wont treat me like shit...
if he does do it again i will tell him where to go...
i love him alot and i hope he feels the same bout me...
well im gona see him today and tell him how i feel and see wat he sayz... any im off... for now...
with infinite x's and o's.....

 The logged in version 

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