[*--RaWr--*]'s diary

79779  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-08-09
Written: (6632 days ago)

alright i am sitting here waiting for 12:01 so i can make a phone call on my celly i made a bet with my sister that i could like no use the phone for a whole day it has been so hard but i havent used it all day i thought about it but i didnt. my dad was teaching me karate today or however you spell it and he like heeled me in the arm i almost passed out cuz a huge bump came up but thank god it was only a charlie horse. x_X

79703  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-08-08
Written: (6633 days ago)

Okay so i added a new picture that my friend sam took (love you lotz if your readen this) I am new on here. so i am updating it little by little. whenever i can get on here anyway i failed 2 classed this year my SENIOR year and i fail wouldnt you know it so like i guess i am supposed to be grounded of the computer but i am 18 so my dad cant really ground me now can he.lol

 The logged in version 

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