[Arcanien]'s diary

109766  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-12-24
Written: (6129 days ago)
Next in thread: 119532

My Personal Quotes and Thoughts:

1. Women are like a Painting, they are beautiful and hard to make, and when you have them finished, you cherish it, preserve it, you brag about it, and hell, you even show it off that you have such a masterpiece, and what it took for you to get it, but they are not an entertainment stand. Yes there are Women out there that they would prefer dislaying themselves that way, and let themselves be use, abused, and walked apon, but no Woman is something to play with, and to use to you own free will, they are the most fragile and beautiful things apon this earth, weather Man can see this or not.

2. Riddle me this, if life is so hard why is it so hard, is it out of great coincidice that life is to hard... is it fate... is it destiny... is it just because you think it is... or is life hell because you made it so... think about it, does life really conspire to making life hell for you... or do you create it by the choises you choose if that is so... then what choises is it that you or I are doing to have life be a BITCH!!!

3. What is True Love, is True Love a human made emotion, a great phenomenon beyond human control to have such feelings made, or is it a connection between 2 people that is so closly bound that they seem as one... the true answer is only by those who have experiance such a touch or feeling, and I would guess... I can consider myself one of them to even know the answer, so I would have no need to answer the question for you, because the best way to know, is for you to figure it out for yourself.
 The logged in version 

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