[XxUntouchablexX]'s diary

112851  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-03-23
Written: (6138 days ago)
Next in thread: 115537

People who wish to end their lives are stupid:
1) that's really selfish:
goddamn, don't you care about everyone who's left to deal with the body? what about people that actually care about you? what about them? don't me so goddamn selfish.
2) waste of time:
try making a potato clock or something useful. nobody wants to hear about your shitty life. seriously. just shut your mouth.
3) waste of resources:
you've already destroyed natural resources in your race to survive so far, why stop now? last meal? who needs it, you don't need food in hell anyhow :)
4) if you fail at your attempt:
wow. you really suck. you fail so much you can't even succeed at ending your life. good job, loser.
5) nevermind, just kill yourself. the earth is overpopulated and if you think your life isn't worth living, you're probably right. if you're stupid enough to want to die, then you should.

 The logged in version 

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