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Lyka (peanut butter jelly time)

Member #56150 created: 2011-12-06 02:37:07Simple URL:   

Name: Brett

My friends and I at my 2008 going-away party just before I left for college Nick/Demanic (left) Me/Lyka (center) Christine/Bane (right), bobbijo/JoJo (front)

Possessing the Elemental Power of Water

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I am a huge fan of the fantasy genre and have a strong affinity for elves, the supernatural, and anything else that is strange that happens to catch my eye. Although it has been said that I tend to attract a lot of paranormal things to me, I don't really mind, as long as it's not something that's out to eat me. 

I like to cook on occasion, even though some guys like to say that it's exclusively for women--which in my opinion is an outdated concept. I also enjoy playing a wide variety of video games, two of my favorite being the Legend of Zelda games, as well as the .hack//G.U. games. I am also a big fan of the Final Fantasy series as well. I like to play MMORPGs too, my favorite so far being Fiesta Online (has its bugs and whatnot, but still a fun game), CABAL online, and Shaiya Online. I would play Rusty Hearts, too, but I don't know if my graphics card is capable of handling it.

I like to read and write, mostly from and about the fantasy genre. I write freelance poems from time to time, or just write to express how I'm feeling at the time. I watch a lot of anime (just because I'm a huge fan of it), though I know I couldn't tell you offhand which one is my favorite. I read manga from time to time, and to be totally honest, I wouldn't mind going to a cosplay convention, since I've never been, although I think I'd go just for the convention--I really hate dressing up in any formal wear or any other form of dressing up--Halloween, conventions, etc.

I don't really have that much of an interest in religion. You can believe what you want, but I'm content in just believing that someone or several someones created us all. I don't really care what you worship--hell for all I care you could be part of some cult that gets drunk off their asses and worships the alcohol-induced hallucinations of dancing purple elephants. I'm really not picky about what other people believe in. As long as you don't try to convert me or shove your religion in my face, you're just fine. I'm just cool that way.

I'm a nice person once you get to know me, but I have trouble sometimes with opening up to people. I don't like it and it's not really something I consciously control, but it's a roadblock that I'm willing to work at smashing into pieces. Once you do get to know me, though and I open up a bit, people tend to realize that I'm just a lonely person that has a hard time trusting people. I'm a bit of a recluse, and I like it that way, considering large groups of people make me nervous...but I'm fine hanging out with a few good friends. I like spending time at my local library (when I can) because they have a lot of good manga and other interesting books on their shelves. It seriously seems to be the only place I feel that I can truly read peacefully. Lately I've taken an interest in the TV show "Glee", which I find both funny and touching at the same time. For me it's a very enjoyable show which I hope to watch until the very end.

I drink on occasion, but only socially, and with my two best friends. I don't like the idea of becoming an alcoholic, and I like my internal organs to function properly. I don't exactly slack, but I don't really have a job right now. I volunteer at a local Veterans Home on Mondays and Fridays, but that's really all I have going for me at the present time.


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Age: 22Year of birth: 1990Month of birth: 3Day of birth: 19

Gender: male

What do you do?: Something in between

Place of living: USA-Wisconsin

Exact place of living: Ogdensburg

Known languages

Skype Username: kazuma_yagami48

new agepoppunk

Other interests
bookscard gamescats
chasing the preferred sexchesscooking
role playingscifislacking

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: a little overweight

Height: 183

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