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More features!

On top of your houses you can now see a link with "Simple URL:". It is if you only have English letters in your username and otherwise where "87" is your member number. It can be good if you want to give a link to your Elfpack house on paper, buttons and such. Please note that the username link stops working if you change your username! But it always work to use your membernumber, so use that if you're planing to change your username.

Images in wiki-links

You can now make a wiki-page link with an image in it. Write <wikiimg:your wikipage@wiki:URI/to/your/image.jpg>

<wikiimg:Hedda's Sword@wiki:img/image/1_1150294766.jpg?x=60> turns into:
Hedda's Sword
Read more on <URI:pseudo_html.html>

No more truck-loads of images

It's no longer possible to have more than one image in your Image-description. So it should eventually be easier to browse people's houses... Please have plenty of fotos and images, but put them on wiki-pages instead of in your description!

Date: 2006-11-20 10:31:53
News #: 118
Reporter: Hedda

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