Page name: Naruto: Nara Shikamaru [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-01-18 15:51:33
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Nara Shikamaru


Age: 12 at start of manga, now 15 years old
Date of birth: September 22
Height: 152,1 cm
Weight: 42,9 kg
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Black
Blood type: AB
Registration #: 012611
Rank: Chūnin
Jutsu/Kekkei genkai: Kagemane no Jutsu (The Art of Me-and-My-Shadow), Kage Kubi Shibari no Jutsu (Shadow Neck Bind Technique), Kage Nui (Shadow Sewing)
Current affiliation: Konohagakure (Hidden Leaf)
Current team: Team Asuma (Sarutobi Asuma, Nara Shikamaru, Yamanaka Ino, Akimichi Chōji)
Previous affiliation: N/A
Previous team: N/A
Relatives: Nara Shikaku (father), Nara Yoshino (mother)

Personality and Ability:

Originally a Genin level ninja that graduated with Uzumaki Naruto, Shikamaru is a lazy, easy-going genius who was promoted to Chūnin level after the Chūnin Exam Arc. He is from a family of shadow manipulators and deer herders. His main technique is Kagemane no Jutsu (Shadow Imitation Technique). Later in the series, his father teaches him his second jutsu, Kage Kubi Shibari no Jutsu (Shadow Neck Bind Technique), an extension of his first technique.

Shikamaru is the sort of unenthusiastic person who would rather take a nap than get excited over something and likes the thinking games that older men are usually into, such as Shōgi and Go. When thrust into action-laden situations, uncomfortable situations, or indeed, any situation at all that would require him to exert himself, he tends to remark how "Mendokusai" (pronounced mendok(u)see, meaning troublesome) the whole thing is. He is fully aware of this side of his personality and even dubs himself "the number one at running away".

However, when duty calls, Shikamaru has a strong moral compass and sense of commitment to his comrades. Even though by his own testimony he lacks bravery, he will sacrifice himself and face almost certain death for the sake of his friends without a second thought. Since he has been promoted to Chūnin, his responsibility for the lives of his friends has weighed very heavily on him on occasion.

Shikamaru is a brilliant strategist, and though his sensei, Sarutobi Asuma, often plays Go and Shōgi against Shikamaru, he has never actually managed to beat him. Asuma got suspicious upon realising that Shikamaru was so good at board games despite his abysmal grades, which were almost as low as Naruto's. As a result, Asuma administered an IQ test disguised as a game to Shikamaru, which revealed that Shikamaru was a genius with an IQ of over 200. Shikamaru had felt that even moving his pencil in class was a bother and always slept through tests, resulting in his low grades. Shikamaru has a habit of putting his fingers together to create a circle and closing his eyes so he can concentrate and come up with a strategy. Once he does, which often takes only a few minutes, he is often already thinking way ahead of his opponent.

Shikamaru has a longstanding friendship with Akimichi Chōji, in whom he has complete trust. Before they were promoted to Chūnin rank, Shikamaru, Chōji and Yamanaka Ino were on the same Genin team under Asuma. The team was put together because their fathers were on the same three-men team as well.

Chūnin Exam:

Initially introduced as nothing more than a lazy bum who is always complaining, it is during his organised matches in the Chūnin exam that Shikamaru's strategic ability shows through. In one battle, he defeats Kin Tsuchi by sneaking his shadow under the thin strings she is using to control her bells; she does not notice that a string that thin and that far from the floor shouldn't be making a shadow. His shining point during the arc is his battle with Temari, where while it seems as if he is just futilely attempting strategy after strategy and it is only a matter of time until one of her wind attacks catches him, he is in fact five steps ahead and manipulating her into a position where he would be able to catch her in his shadow bind from behind. Ironically, with her caught and under his mercy, he forfeits the match, remarking that despite having thought of about 200 different strategies, he'd run out of chakra very quickly the moment he catches her. By then, he'd lose the advantage over her. In addition, it would just be troublesome to exert himself physically just to defeat her without chakra. Despite having lost the match to Temari, he impresses the higher echelons of the village ninja with his ability to take into account every aspect of a situation, no matter how insignificant, to outmanuever his opponents such that they are completely caught off guard. As a result of his decisive mind and tactical prowess, he is the only member of the 'Rookie Nine' to become a chūnin after this chūnin exam.

Later, when the attack by the Sand and Sound Villages on the Leaf Village commences, Shikamaru is one of the few Genin who successfully dispel the sleeping genjutsu cast on the chūnin exam third stage stadium (amusingly enough, he pretends to not have done so, so he can just lie there and not do anything, only to be awoken by Sakura attempting to dispel the Genjutsu placed upon him herself). He, Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi's tracking dog, Pakkun head off to find Sasuke, who has followed Gaara's trail, determined to end their battle. They are pursued by Hidden Sound Chūnin, however, and Shikamaru chooses to be left behind so he can stall them.

Shikamaru confronts eight higher-level Sound ninja. Using his wit, he is able to trap all eight in his shadow. However, a ninth ninja hides in the trees, protecting the captured eight against Shikamaru's attacks. Despite correctly predicting the presence of the ninth ninja, he simply doesn't have the chakra to fight off nine sound ninjas by himself and eventually runs out of energy, with no possible escape. However, right as he is about to be killed, his sensei Asuma shows up and makes quick work of his would-be killers.

Sasuke Retrieval Arc:

Shikamaru's first job as a Chūnin is to lead the team of Uzumaki Naruto, Hyūga Neji, Akimichi Chōji and Inuzuka Kiba on a mission to retrieve Uchiha Sasuke when the latter flees Konoha. The mission fails due to interference from the "Sound Four", a special team of ninja who are specially sent by Orochimaru to ensure that Sasuke arrives at the Hidden Sound Village safely.

Shikamaru demonstrates intelligent tactical skills when it comes to formations and avoiding and placing traps for the team's foes. In the end, the team ends up splitting up one by one and taking on fights individually. Shikamaru's opponent is Tayuya, a ninja who specializes in flute magic. She uses her flute to control three demon-like creatures, and to create Genjutsu to bind the opponent. Shikamaru once again demonstrates amazing strategy in his attacks, and successfully binds Tayuya with his shadow. However, when Tayuya releases her second-level cursed seal power, she is able to resist even Shikamaru's shadow choke with sheer brute force. She traps Shikamaru in a Genjutsu, where he is unable to move and it seems as if he is finally through. However, just as she attempts to kill him, he uses his own shadow to break his finger, using the pain to escape the illusion, counter her attack, and bind her in his shadow, this time at point-blank range, where he can keep a stronger grip. However, her brute strength still outmatches his, and just as he runs out of energy, he is again saved, this time by Temari.

Although Shikamaru tried his best as team leader, upon his return he is very hard on himself for the results; not only did the mission fail, but most of his team's members were in one point or another during the mission in mortal peril, and it was practically a miracle that they all came back alive. If it hadn't been for the Hidden Sand siblings arriving in time to save them from their clearly superior opponents, they probably would have perished.

Shikamaru's initial reaction is to quit being a Chūnin. His father berates him for being such a coward and explains to him that if he quits being a Chūnin there will still be missions and somebody else will lead them; and if Shikamaru truly believes in his own strategic ability, he will only experience worse pain when somebody else leads his friends to their deaths and he would have been able to prevent it by remaining in charge of them. Shedding tears of relief when a report arrives that his friends are all right and taking his father's advice to heart, Shikamaru resolves to do better next time for their sake. In the anime, Shikamaru is also appointed an academy instructor.

Naruto II Arc:

Shikamaru makes his Naruto II debut in Chapter 283. His appearance has not changed overall. However, he also now wears a satin blue long sleeve. He has developed a new jutsu "Ninpō: Kage Nui" which uses shadow tendrils to impale multiple targets. Shikamaru first demonstrated this technique to destroy several of Sai's picture lions. Currently as a chūnin, he also takes on the responsiblity as a chūnin examination proctor in addition to his role as a teacher at the academy.


-"Shika" means deer (鹿), and "-maru" means "round" and "well developed" and was commonly used for names in the feudal period.

-His IQ is unmeasurable, but is known to be over 200.

-According to the official data book, his favorite food is mackerel and kelp; His least is boiled eggs. His hobbies are napping, Shōgi (a Japanese game similar to chess) and looking at the clouds. His favourite phrases are "Mendokuse" (English: Troublesome) and "Live each day quietly”.

-Many speculate Shikamaru and Temari will become love interests. Even though Shikamaru finds women annoying, bossy, and troublesome, he has expressed a notably mature interest in marriage and raising a family. Also, it seems the men in his family have a history of matching up with such women..

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