Page name: Naruto: Yamato [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-03-25 20:02:39
Last author: wheelsy
Owner: wheelsy
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Name: Yamato ヤマト
Age: ?
Rank: Jōnin, ANBU
Height: ?
Weight: ?
Birthday: ?
Blood Type: ?
Registration #: ?
Affiliation: Konohagakure (Hidden Leaf)
Signature Ability: Shichūrō no Jutsu (Four Pillars Prison Technique), Mokuton: Shichūka no Jutsu (Wood Release: Four Pillars House Technique), Moku Bunshin no Jutsu (Wood Clone Technique), Mokuton: Moku Joheki (Wood Release: Wood Locking Wall), Hokage Shiki Jijun Jutsu: Kakuan Nitten Suishu (Hokage-Style Sixty-year-old Technique: Enclosed Hermitage Return to Society)

One of the more talented members of the ANBU, Yamato is Hatake Kakashi's replacement as the leader of Team Kakashi while Kakashi is recovering from a previous mission. Because the mission team Kakashi will be going on isn't an ANBU mission, he is forbidden to wear his mask and has been assigned the codename 'Yamato'; his real name is unknown. Yamato was chosen as the leader of Team Kakashi because according to the Godaime Hokage, he had the best performance record in ANBU while serving under the Sandaime Hokage. He seems to have great respect for Kakashi, and even worked with him while Kakashi was in ANBU.

Yamato is able to use Mokuton Ninjutsu, which was previously thought to only be used by Shodai Hokage. It turns out that Yamato's abilities stem from an experiment done on him and 59 other children by Orochimaru. In this experiment, the DNA of the Shodai Hokage was forced into the children in an attempt to give them the First's ability in Mokuton jutsu, as well as an unquantified ability to "control bijū" (which Shodai himself apparently also possessed). Yamato is the only one of the children who survived.

Yamato is able to perform a jutsu that forcibly reverses a bijū transformation, and has used it on Naruto once.

Unlike Sai, Yamato seems to care greatly about his team members. He lets Sai, Naruto, and Sakura have some time to get to know each other a little better before the main mission. Later in the arc, Yamato takes Naruto aside and tells him about the true cause of the damage done to the surrounding environment and the cut on Sakura's arm, that it had been caused by Naruto's four-tailed form, instead of Orochimaru, as he had been told by Sakura. She had lied about both in order to protect Naruto. However, Yamato tells him the truth due to the fact that he believes that Naruto will be stronger even with the Kyūbi's chakra sealed off. Although using Kyūbi's chakra may allow Naruto to rescue Sasuke faster, relying too much on it will hurt Naruto and all of his friends. Yamato decides to completely seal off Kyūbi's chakra, stating that Naruto will not lose any power due to this because his true power comes from his own chakra, not that of the Kyūbi.

Like Sai, however, Yamato is still a very mysterious individual. In one scene prior to the meeting at the bridge, Yamato is going through Sai's belongings. a mask similar to the one that Sai's senpai from the "Ne" division wore is shown on Yamato's desk. It is possible he has some connections with "Ne" himself. However, since Sai's bag and some other belongings of him are also on the table, it's more likely, however, that the mask was Sai's and that Yamato was going through Sai's belongings to find out about Danzō's mission. Yamato's suspicions have been confirmed as his Moku Bunshin has recently spotted Sai leaving with Orochimaru. Following them, he discovered what appeared to be the body of Sai but was dicovered to only be a fake created by Kabuto. Realizing that this means that the enemy know that he is following them, he now has to decide whether to continue following them or call for backup. He decided to continue pursuit and his Moku Bunshin has followed Orochimaru and his retinue back to their hideout.

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