Page name: People of Belgariad [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-10-21 22:52:19
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People of Belgariad

There are eight classes you may chose from.

Elf's people of the forset
Elvels are people how have pyshic ablities. They can see into the future, move things with there minds, also speak to the dead, rarely. They also have a way with nature, listing to the voice of the tree's and such. There are two tribes. The Dalmaska elves, that live more near the montains, and rivers, who take more pride in ther pyishic powers, they are knowen masters of sight. Then there's The Ivyen Elves, who speak to the voice of nature, they are more knowen for there kindness, and sweet songs of Nights, but are skilled bowsmen.

Dragons creatures of the sky
Dargaons, fire bearthing, terauser stealing, monsters. That's all true, but they take a human form most of the time. They are skilled, amd most worshiped, they take great pride in themselves and spet (clans). There are four Spet's the green dragons, knowen for being the best of all thives, the bule dragons, trackers by nature, Sliver dragon, kiss of healing is there talnet, last, the red dragons, fighting, hand to hand combat, swordmenship, there not easy game. These dragon fallow a dragon lord, a Wyvren, alhpa. (note: only four Wyvrens if you diser to be one, ask frist)

Sorcerers, the true spell casters of Belgariad
Sorcerers are by brith and chosen only, they are the highst of ranked out there. Most respected, even dragons fear them, they controll, all elemnets, creatures and above all, can controll minds, but you'd have to frist have you seven year training and then be selected to join the Arm of Diamondeyed. Most sorcerers haven't gotten to the stage labled only one in the name of history has, Fiet Au Loour. But still powerful, all Sorcerers are.

Warlocks/Whictes dark holders of black magic
Warlocks and whictes are so much alike practing the drak arts, and such, that they come to controll, summon deamons, for there use. They also have tricks that are every unknowen. The are the most mistreist of all. But are every much like the rest. They can never be told apart, from other people and unless they make it so. They aren't the most soicalable of people, but do injoy company once in awhile.

Healers, Angels of the Goddess Malia, life
Healers arn't really angels, they are marked befor brith, able to use such power of pure light, to heal and protect. Healers are so rare, Alsing had all children adlut even baby killed if they bared the eight ponit star. The mark of Malia. Healers, can speak to animals, brids, fish ect...They can also cancel out the power of dark magic, but only if tuaght, but there hasn't been a healer then over two hunder years.

Knights, held by there word till death
Knights, when thriteen, the are bounded by magic, to keep there word. If broken, life is there pentaly. They can use magic of types, but are more of the sword willder, and save the girl kinda of type. They care for there kingdom, and rarely get married. These knights take pride, are useally most stroung in there kingdoms. To be a knight you must be willing to put your life befor anything eles. For Pride, Kingdom, and there Word.

Pirates and thifves, the under handers and romancers
These people make up for truble then lovers. They take what they can but do it with style. But when it comes to it, they would do what was right if they felt it was time to help out. Talneted, and skillful, they never stay in one place, and injoy the ride, if there be gold, sliver, gems invoded they's become your best friend.

Demons, The lackies, and srevnts of thoses they are summoned by
Demons are your dark little monster from down below. They care not of anyone, only if they get something in return, they must obay there mosters commands. The are powerful, and deadly, and take what ever from they wish.

Heros of Belgariad <= Sine up sheet
Belgariad Roleplay <= I don't think you need me to tell you what that is ^-^

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