Page name: SB WAR-minor characters [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-02-14 00:02:14
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This is where you have characters you never see for a while XD

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ep name- [Tis gone but never gone]
Charater name- Alyla Turrner
Age- 850 years old but she looks 29.
Race- Vampire (Night one)
Sexual like- Guys
Power- Super speed, strenght, mind control and mind reading.
Weapons- Fangs and any kind of weapons.
History- She is Remus Turrner's second wife and she is step mother to Armond and Niol. Alyla is a very carng person to everyone and she is the only one Remus is nice too and they love each other. XD

ep name- [Tis gone but never gone]
Character name- Poppy Hale
Age- 14
Wht kind of SB- Ghost Vampire
Powers- Mind control, telaporting, power over water.
Weapon- Fangs,sword,fighting skills and water stuff.
Sexual- Striaght.
Side- She has no side, cause she is dead.
History- Poppy's parents work for Lord Armond and so she too works for him V.V She always dose as she is told,cause she really dosen't want to get hit by Lord Armond >.< Poppy belongs to Max, cause Lord Armond give her to him as a gift. So now she must do everything Max says or she will get in troble or get hit by Max or Armond V.V But now Poppy is dead, she got killed by Max and now she can't get to the other side,heaven or hell, until she helps him.

ep name- [Tis gone but never gone]
Character name- Casey Eden
Age- 400 but looks 23
Race- Angel
Sexual like- Bi
Powers- Healing, can fly and pysic energy
Weapons- Dosen't like to fight
History- She is a healer a the LSB base.

ep name- [Tis gone but never gone]
Character name- Holly Winters and Cassius Lapen
Age- Holly is 25 and Cassius is 500 but he looks 25
What kind of SB- Holly is a Witch (wise one) and Cassius is a Demon (Fallen one)
Powers- Holly's powers are white magic and Cassuis's powers are demon magic, mind control, mind reading, telaporting.
Weapons- Both of them use their powers and fighting skills
Sexual choice- Holly and Cassie's both like guys XD
Side- LSB
History-Holly lost her family & coven when lord Armond Turrner, ordered them to be kill for unknown reasons. She bearly got away from them and now she is living in the LSB base.
Cassius's family all got killed by Kelly (Jace's mom) and he watched them died but he lived because he made a deal with a witch that he would look after the oldest daughters in her family if he could live. So now he lives inside Holly but he comes out to play sometimes but only when she lets him. Cassius is a level 10 demon XD

ep name- [Tis gone but never gone]
Character name- Flora Turrner
Age- 1750 but looks about 29
Race- Vampire (Night one)
Sexual like- Girls
Powers- Can shape shift, talk to spirits, black mist and teleaport.
Weapons- Fighting skills and she uses her sword.
History- She is the second child of Rose and Luther Turrner and she is the baby sister of Remus. She is married to Michelle and they live in Scotland.

ep name- [Tis gone but never gone]
Character name- Michelle McKay
Age- 900 but looks 26
Race- Vampire (Made Night one)
Sexual like- Girls
Powers- Mind control, mind reading and teleporting.
Weapons- Fighting skills.
History- She was human until Flora turned her into a vampire because she was dieing. She is now married to Flora and they live in Scotland.

ep name- [Tis gone but never gone]
Chararcter name- Lestat Turrner
Age- 4000
Race- Made vampire
Sexual like- Girls
Powers- mind control and reading
Weapons- Fangs and anything he can get his hands on
History- He is the father to the first vampire, Vladimer Turrner.

Ep name- [Tis gone but never gone]
Character name- Hope Blackheart
Age- 20
What kind of SB- Vampire
Powers- Mind control and reading and can see the future
Weapon- Fangs and fighting skills
Sexual choice- Guys
History- Hope was a gift to Armond but he disowned her because she remind him of his mother, Azura, too much. So now Hope is a free woman but she stayed with Armodn to help with the war and help raise Jace, Luna, Elizabeth and Maximus. Hope is NOT in love with Armond but she respects him as a fellow vampire.
Picture ( If ya want)-

ep name- [WASHACKED]
Charater name- Remus Turrner.
Age- 1753 but looks about 30.
Race- Vampire.
Sexual like- Female.
Powers- Super speed, strenght, and can conroll dead spirts to do what he wants. ^^
Weapons- He uses his power of fisght with his staff.
History- He's the father of Armond and Niol Turrner and hates every one but his second wife Alyla Turrner.

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2009-12-03 [WASHACKED]: who are theother people?

2009-12-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: You mean the people I put on the wiki? or the ones we haven't put up yet?

2009-12-03 [WASHACKED]: Ummm Anchee Min and Casey Eden?

2009-12-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Anchee Min is the waitress at the cafe Armond took Max too. And Casey Eden is the healer, that healed Mina, Holly, Jace and Max.

2009-12-03 [WASHACKED]: XD OK I remember now :D

2009-12-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Nice XD

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