Page name: Shut up, you're stupid rants [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-11-28 21:00:57
Last author: Imastrpr;)
Owner: Imastrpr;)
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Shut up, you're stupid rants

#1. Ok, What is with all this lack of confidence in Elftown/Elfpack?! I swear, Pretty much every house I come to says something about the person being so hideously ugly it's not even funny anymore! I've noticed that it's not just in Elftown/Elfpack anymore either, people I know in real life try & convince me that they're ugly & they're not! Most of the people I see/talk to are far from ugly. It makes me sad because I see people who honestly think that they're ugly & there's no way to make them think otherwise, & they are really VERY pretty. Granted, I do feel that alot of people don't think they're ugly, they're just looking for attention,a confidence booster. Well I'm sick of it. I'm tired of having to re-assure everyone about how they're Not ugly all the god damn fucking time. - [Imastrpr;)]

#2. Kind of along the same lines as rant #1. Those of you who have pictures in your houses that say "god I'm so ugly" or "don't look your eyes will bleed" or "yes, I know I'm ugly" or "GoD i HaTe DiS PiC, im LiKe...SoOo ToTaLlY UgLy! LiKe DuH lOl"
What I have to say to you:LiKe SoOo ToTaLlY Shut up. You're not fuckin' ugly. Get over yourself. If you honestly despise that picture SO damn much, don't put That one up, LiKe DuH lOl! It's that frickin' simple retard. If you think you're SO damn ugly, Do me & everyone else a favor who looks at your house, Don't even bother putting a picture up. Or put one up, just don't go bitching about how 'ugly' you think you are. If some one compliments you respectfully on how you look, don't argue with them. Accept all the compliments you can get. Alot of people genuenly mean what they say. No wonder you're so damn unhappy. - [Imastrpr;)]

#3. Everyone's got that one little prick who gets off on threatening you because 'It's sooo cool'. And I'm pretty sure that most of us has got those few dickweeds that threaten to come kill off you & some random family member/pet because you told them that they spelt something wrong in whatever it was that they typed. Now, it wouldn't have been as bad if they would not have made the threat over the internet. But nooo making threats over the internet is the way to go. It'll make all the boys want you. Honest. -sigh- Good god. Will someone please just shoot me. Why the fuck would you threaten someone over the internet? Oh my! Lets all be really mature & tell some one that you're going to come to their house in the middle of the night & kill you & your poor defenseless mom & or puppy who have no idea what's even going on to begin with. Shut up. Go find some one else in the same damn area code as you that you can wow with your stupid threats. It's more stupid then it is threatening. Chances are we'll never meet in real life anyways and even if we did, I really highly doubt that you're really going to kill me, my mom &/or favorite pet. I bet I could give you my address, my phone number, a list of all my friends & family members, How many pets I own & which one would hurt me the most if you killed, the name of my school & all my teachers, where I sleep & so on & you still wouldn't come kill me, & I've even made it EASY for you! Fuck you nitwit. You're not going to kill me or rape me or whatever it is you 'plan' to do. Don't make threats unless you honestly plan to carry them out. See, now this whole thing could have been avoided if you'd have just learned to spell. Dipshit. - [Imastrpr;)]

4. We've all heard the phrase "Respect your elders". This is freaking bullshit. I'm not going to respect someone just because they've got less time alive & can't move properly. I'm not saying that I don't respect old people, I mean if I met someone who was part of operation Overlord & gave 4 years of his or her life defending my country, he or she is going to be off the Respect-O-Meter. I respect people for the things that they've done, Not because they're a few years closer to pushin' up daisies. - [Imastrpr;)]( I didn't make this one up on my own.)

5. Okay. I hate people who cant mind their own fucking business. What kind of person, who is a guest in someone else’s home, not even paying rent, goes through the host’s computer, and goes through their files, taking the liberty to delete things they don’t like or agree with? And what the fuck is with correcting old pieces of work that your proud of? I can’t believe she would go through my room, and throw things away, then go and re-place things, like she did on my computer?!? I cant STAND people like that. I honestly, CANT. They should all just go and fuck themselves, or go get a life and respect one’s privacy, their sanctuaries, and their art. - [Necavi]

6. Dumb Fads:
You know what? What is this new fad with these white suburban boys who wear their pants down to their ankles and talk about how hard it is to live in the ghetto and talk like they’re all tuff? Yeah, they say that but dump them into the REAL ghettos in Detroit and see how they do there. These little whit boys that say they carry around a gun like they’re all big and bad when really, all they have in their pocket is a squirt gun that they got in their stocking at the age of three. They are stupid and I am about ready to take that squirt gun and shove it up their ass!
Is it a new thing for these all religious priests to rape little boys? I mean these poor little kids who probably don’t even know how to aim into a toilet with their dicks are having it played with by some 87 year old man in a confessional booth. What are these people’s problems? I mean come on, are you so desperate that you have to get an eight year old to suck your cock? FUCKINAYE!
It’s against the rules of god to do that and they’re doing it in a house of god… is this not ironic to anyone? These MALE priests are screwing little BOYS in a house of god. Many things are wrong with this but lets start with this one, isn’t against god to be gay? Yeah, I mean if all these priests are preaching against gays and lesbians then why are these males raping little boys? That would mean that the priest is…DRUM ROLL PLEASE…GAY! So all you hypocritical bastards that say that you are against gays and lesbians, you should probably make sure that your all important priest isn’t raping your son in a confessional booth.
All these people are becoming Wiccan and Pagan just out of the blue, like it’s a new fashion style or something. Don’t get me wrong I am Wiccan but I mean really, it’s a new thing to become a witch and get books like Teenage Witch’s Guide To Spells and try to get some guy that you have been stalking since the first grade to like you with a potion or spell. Half these ass holes don’t even know the true beliefs of Wicca, they simply want to be able to say “If you piss me off I will set a spell on you” to scare away these people who call them a freak. They fuck with these spells and have no comprehension on what the results will or could be. All I have to say is that I hope Karma bites them in the ass! So fuck you, and you’re new fads. I have been Wiccan for a while now and I do know and believe the truth behind Wicca so you can all stop calling me a poser. I think you all need to get a life, stop reading Silver Ravenwolf and raping little boys, and buy a belt cause no one wants to see your skinny white wigger asses! - [¤ WORLDS ¤happiest¤ EMO ¤™]

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