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The Phoenix House [Exported view]
2012-04-30 20:27:56
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The Phoenix house was founded by Marcus Phoenix, who was originaly born in Britian, he was friends with Gryffindor, and decided to start the school in the New Lands. He and his three othr friends all moved to what is now known as Wyoming when the colonists were settling East. The Phoenix house represents strenght, bravery and wizdom.
Year one:12, year two:13, ext. only seven years to go through
Good:Luna and Scorpious' side, bad: Vee and X's side
Good or Bad?:
Photo being searched for]
Name:Scorpious Malfoy
Personality:He seems standoffish, but in truth he cares. He's brave, strong, wize, and some would say calculating.
History:He lived hapily with his parents in Colorado, he was a happy-go-lucky kid. He didn't have absolutetly everything handed to him like his father had. When he was six, he watch Vee torture and kill his mother while X made him watch. X attempted to perform the killing curse on him, but Draco arrived home just in time to duel and save his son. In the midst of the duel, Scorpious was hit by a curse. He was left with what looks like burns along his chest and arms. He was in acoma when his father died. When he finally did wake up, he was sent to his Uncle's on his mother's side. When he got to Monarch, it was difficult to sort him, but he's happy with where he is. His biggest rival was once Luna Blackheart, but slowly they became friends, despite house differences.
Good or Bad?:Good

Tis gone but never gone]
Name:Lilly Redfern
eet, bubbly, annoying, loud, stubborn and sometimes bitchy once you get to know her but normaly she dosen't talk much and she's a bit of a loner.
History:Lost lost her mother when she was one year old, she dosen't have any memories of her mother at all but everyone keeps telling her that her mother was a sweet caring wonderful woman. But Lilly dosen't believe them because she knows there hiding something from her. Lilly gose to Monarch while trying not to change her appearance. She is always alone at Monarch, people stay away from her because they think she is a freak cause she is a Metamorphmagi. Matamorphmahi is a type of wizard or witch that can change the shape of their noses, hair colour, and other physical attributes at will. She is a half-blood, her father is a muggle but her mother was a great witch.
Good or Bad?:Good

Good or Bad?:
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