Page name: What I'm Sick Of Hearing. [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-08-15 16:01:31
Last author: KillChasityDead
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I'm going to be straight forward with you. I get so sick of hearing people talk down to others who are over weight. Everyday I hear people say things along the lines of: "Oh that person isn't attractive in any way because he/she is fat." Or, "Because you're fat that means you like to eat a lot, which means you're a selfish pig." What I would truly like to know, is where the hell people come up with their bullshit theories. People can be attractive no matter what their size is. Take Marylin Monroe for example. She was a size sixteen back in her day, but she was and still is considered to be a sex symbol to some. For the majority now-a-days, if someone sees a girl who is any bigger than a size 4 they're considered to be "ugly" and "fat", which is completely ridiculous in my opinion. Also, where do people get off with jumping to the conclusion that just because someone is over-weight that they must eat a lot? For all you know it could be genetic factors causing their body type to be the way it is.

Before, people like this were the reason I was so shy, and not comfortable with myself. But I've come to realize that no matter how big are small you may be, we're all human. Just skin and bones. Everyone has it. So why judge others because they're not like you are? If anything, it's people like this who you should admire and look up to, because they have to deal with people saying rude things to them and judging them by their appearance on a day-to-day basis.

Now, just because I say these things doesn't mean I find it to be okay that people are obese. Because I don't. But I do know what it's like to be around people who are shallow and tell you that you're not pretty because of your weight. I've come to realize that people like this aren't worth a minute of your time and you are so much better off without them. Who are they to judge not only you, but every other person in the world, for the same reason? They have no right to do so. Don't let anyone tell you that you're not beautiful. Because you are. No matter what your body type is. Be confident and have fun. Live your life to the fullest and never look back. And it doesn't matter what others think about you, but if YOU aren't comfortable with your body, you can do something to change it. All it takes is a positive outlook. <3

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2009-08-28 [KillChasityDead]: It's a lot of work to live on a farm.
I couldn't do it.
My grandma has one.
She has chickens, horses, goats, donkeys, and a big garden.
I like going over there.
But I couldn't do all the work that's necessary to keep everything running smoothly.

And why?

2009-08-28 [kimberly ida.]: I don't do anything.. because I think it's utterly repulsive to even think about playing in shit./:
My farm as, Chickens, a horse, pigs, cows, dogs, cats. :P

Well, because someone made fun of me for being epileptic
and then my mom kept yelling at me for no reason. And the only one that cared was my "brother" Kyle. (he lives at my house.)

2009-08-28 [KillChasityDead]: Yeah.

People are just stupid.
I've learned to ignore people like that because they're not very intelligent.
I wouldn't let it get to me if I were you.
And, just stay away from your mom.
Especially when you're having a bad day like that.

2009-09-01 [kimberly ida.]: Well, like not many people have made fun of me for it..
but, what they don't know.. is I can get severely hurt or could even die from it.. But, they think it's funny that I have seizures.. that's all they care about.

eh, I try to stay away from my mom..
but, when I get emancipated.. I'll definately stay away.(:

2009-09-01 [KillChasityDead]: Yeah.
That's really scary.
My best friends dad is extremely sick right now.
The doctors don't know what's wrong with him.
He has been having seizures for about a year now.
And he had a few really bad ones yesterday and quit breathing 3 different times.
And now, he can't control his bladder.
He's only in his 40's.
So, I know how scary seizures are.
I've been around when he's had one.

And, I guess I would if I were you too.

2009-09-09 [kimberly ida.]: Tis it be.. but, nothing can tear me down.. I've had to fight for my life ever since I was born.. this won't be any different.
I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope he comes out alright.<3
Mine are malnoric.. his may be grandmals.. the worst case of epilepsy../: those ones are super scary.
Like I said, I hope your friend's dad is going to be alright.

2009-09-09 [KillChasityDead]: Well, it's good that yours aren't as bad as they could be, ya know?
And yeah, I was with my friend and him Sunday and he was driving and I was tripping balls the whole time because I was just waiting for him to tense up and have a seizure while driving down the 4 lane.
I was scared shitless.

2009-09-13 [kimberly ida.]: that's really bad.
People that have seizures like that shouldn't be driving./:

2009-09-14 [KillChasityDead]: I know.
He's just too stubborn to quit though.
If something were to happen and he were to have one while driving and hit someone else and kill them, he wouldn't ever be able to live with himself.
And why wait until something like that happens before you stop?
It's ridiculous.

2009-09-18 [kimberly ida.]: My mom barely lets me drive..
and it pisses me off.. I'll never get better without practice.
Mine are more jerking of the nerves and clumsyness.. but if I have one when I'm driving.. I would have to be six months clear of them before I can drive agian.../:
So, I don't know.. I just hate having it.. because you learn something important for school.. and when you have one.. you forget it the next.. the fun part of failing everything.

2009-09-18 [KillChasityDead]: Well I mean, thats understandable.
Driving isn't so great anyway.
It's way over rated.
I hate it, to be honest.
And that's scary.
I'm sorry you have to go through that, though.

2009-09-18 [kimberly ida.]: Ugh, I don't know.
my mom made a joke about me having a seizure when I was driving because I was being a smartass and I was like, your car would look good in the ditch.. and she was like.. that's alright, I'll just tell them that you had a seizure.. :( and plus, they wouldn't believe her because I don't have a medical alert. So.. she can't prove that I am.
but yeah.. my little brother told me earlier when I told him that it's not my fault that his pants aren't washed.. and then he was like.. how about you kill yourself.. then maybe we'd all be in a better place.

2009-09-19 [KillChasityDead]: Oh.
I see.
I had a fall out with my little sister today too.
I'm still not talking to her because she really hurt my feelings.
The best thing to do in this kind of situation is just ignore them.
Who the fuck cares what anyone else thinks?

2009-09-20 [kimberly ida.]: Actually, I'm one of those types that go off of what other people say to me. I can't think for myself most of the time.. so like if someone were to call me fat.. that's what I would think. I've always had my thoughts based on insults.. because that's all I've ever gotten.

2009-09-20 [KillChasityDead]: That's not healthy at all.
I think you're a very beautiful, intelligent person.
And you don't deserve to be treated the way that you are.
No one deserves that.
There is nothing wrong with you.
And I really mean that.

2009-09-22 [kimberly ida.]: I know it's not, but I don't know how to change it..
because that's just how I've had things go since I was like eleven.
I know no one deserves it, I'd rather have it happen to me than anyone else, to be honest.
There is way a lot of things wrong with me..
but thanks Chasity.<3
There isn't anything that I can think of that are wrong with you,
you have a great personality, great head on your shoulders, you're beautiful && you have great hair. (:

2009-09-24 [KillChasityDead]: There isn't anyway you can change it, I don't think.
Until you move out things will more than likely stay the same, unfortunately.
And I know what you mean when you say you would rather it be you than anyone else.
But I really don't think anything is wrong with you.
You're perfectly normal in my book.
And thank you very much.
The current hair that I have is a work in progress.
I'm thinking about going darker.
And I bleached out my bangs at school today because I'm going to put red and orange in them.

2009-09-30 [kimberly ida.]: I know that it won't change.. but some day it will.
and until that day.. I'm just going to wait, wait for it to change.
There are things wrong with me.. I just tend to hide them.
Like, lets see, me dating my boyfriend.. I can't tell him anything because I think I'm going to hurt him.. like how I think that me and him shouldn't date because I'm still in love with my best friend.. and that he's just going to end up like all of the rest of them.. going after my best friends. He talks about my best friend all the time.. and it doesn't help that she sits there and flirts with him all the time.

heh heh, you're welcome.(:
I need my hair dyed. :P
I wish I could get it soon.. :P

2009-10-08 [KillChasityDead]: It's kind of funny that you mention the whole boyfriend ordeal.
This past week has been really rough for me because my friend Joe invited me over to his house to hang out.
And, I went.
Well while I was there he kissed me, knowing that I have a boyfriend.
As soon as it happened I left. And when I got to my car I started crying because I knew my boyfriend would be so upset with me.
Well, I didn't mention it for about 2 days.
But during those two days I ended up having really bad dreams about it.
I have a super guilty consious.
So, I couldn't take it anymore and i purposly got into an argument with my boyfriend and told him he and I should take a break, because in my mind I thought maybe if he were already mad at me it would be easier just to come out and tell him what happened.
So, yeah.
I told him later that night what had happened.
Luckily he was really understanding.
And he told me that it wasn't my fault because I didn't know something like that was going to happen.
We ended up getting back together a day after that.
But, telling him that I had unintentionally cheated on him was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.
I dunno how I would react to something like that if I actually WANTED to cheat on him.
But I could never do that.
I love him way too much.
But, the point in me telling you this is that you don't need to keep things like that in.
And really, in situations like this you dont need to care about what anyone else wants. It's what YOU want.
I know that's kind of harsh, but if you go through life trying to please everyone else, you're never going to be happy.
Thats something I've recently learned.
So, do it for yourself.

And I've been cutting and dying hair allll week.
My mannequin looks just like me now.
But it has pink and blue bangs.
Not rainbow like I do.

2009-11-13 [R.]: It's not only bigger people that get mocked because of their weight
I get mocked because I'm skinny.
People say my body looks unnatural
Because I have a flat tummy, and a small waist.
With a big ass and size D boobs
People accuse me of not eating
Bullshit like that
It gets old fast
I used to be fat, I get made gun of for it
Now I'm a size 0 and people still make fun of me for it
No matter how you look or are, people always think you can be or look better
You just have to learn to not care about their opinions.

2009-11-13 [kimberly ida.]: Yeah, funny thing about boyfriends.. they say they're different..
and then go and prove that they've only gotten more worse.
my boyfriend broke up with me over FACEBOOK! O.O
how fucking lame?
Well, Monday, the nineth, I ran away.. because I got tired of it all.
but they eventually found me.

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