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This wiki focuses around increasing awareness about "Stalking", and more specifically, "Cyber-stalking".
This particular page will be centered around these two main topics of Stalking and Cyberstalking.

Come join the group on Facebook: "Cyberstalking Awareness"


What is "Stalking"? What is "Cyberstalking"?

See also: Bullying-MobbingHacker-Stalker_ToolboxVictimizationVictimizing_Methods.



Stalking is the unwanted, unwarranted, continual, repetitive surveillance of another in greater or lesser degrees for any number of reasons justified 'in the mind' of the perpetrating stalker, but in a "normal" mind, the act is never justifiable or reasonable.

Stalking is a term commonly used to refer to unwanted, obsessive attention by individuals (and sometimes groups of people) to others. Stalking behaviors are related to harassment and intimidation.

Stalking can be defined as the willful and repeated following, watching, and/or harassing of another person. Most of the time, the purpose of stalking is to attempt to force a relationship with someone who is unwilling or otherwise unavailable. Unlike other crimes, which usually involve one act, stalking is a series of actions that occur over a period of time. Although stalking is illegal, the actions that contribute to stalking are legal, such as gathering information, calling someone on the phone, sending gifts, emailing or instant messaging. Such actions by themselves are not usually abusive, but can become abusive when frequently repeated over time.

People characterized as stalkers may have a mistaken belief that another person loves them (erotomania), or that they need rescuing. Stalking can sometimes consist of an accumulation of a series of actions which in themselves can be legal, such as calling on the phone, sending gifts, or sending emails.

Stalkers may use threats and violence to frighten their victims. They may also engage in vandalism and property damage and make physical attacks that are mostly meant to frighten. Less common are sexual assaults.

Psychological effects on stalking victims

See also: Health_Issues_Of_Victims.

Stalking can be a terrifying experience for victims, placing them at risk of psychological trauma and physical harm. Common emotional consequences include depression, anxiety, loss of self-esteem, shame, hopelessness and a sense of vulnerability that can persist long after the stalking ends. It is common for victims to blame themselves (self-blame), especially if the stalking results from an established relationship with the stalker. Families and friends may contribute to this sense that the victim is at fault (victim blaming). Disruptions in daily life necessary to escape the stalker, including changes in employment, residence and phone numbers, may take a toll on the victim's well-being and lead to a sense of isolation.

According to Lamber Royakkers, "Stalking is a form of mental assault, in which the perpetrator repeatedly, unwantedly, and disruptively breaks into the life-world of the victim, with whom they have no relationship (or no longer have). Moreover, the separated acts that make up the intrusion cannot by themselves cause the mental abuse, but do taken together (cumulative effect).

Types of stalkers

See also: Behavioural_TendenciesPersonality_Disorders.

Psychologists often group individuals who stalk into two categories: psychotic and nonpsychotic. Stalkers may have pre-existing psychotic disorders such as delusional disorder, schizoaffective disorder, or schizophrenia. Most stalkers are nonpsychotic and may exhibit disorders or neuroses such as major depression, adjustment disorder, or substance dependence, as well as a variety of Axis II personality disorders (such as antisocial, avoidant, borderline, dependent, narcissistic, or paranoid).

Some of the symptoms of "obsessing" over a person is part of obsessive compulsive personality disorder. The nonpsychotic stalkers' pursuit of victims can be influenced by various psychological factors, including anger, hostility, projection of blame, obsession, dependency, minimization, denial, and jealousy. Conversely, as is more commonly the case, the stalker has no antipathic feelings towards the victim, but simply a longing that cannot be fulfilled due to deficiencies either in their personality or their society's norms.

Many stalkers fit categories with paranoia disorders and as well, stalking behaviors may have multiple motivations.

   <img:> ~ Rejected stalkers pursue their victims in order to reverse, correct, or avenge a rejection (e.g. divorce,
          separation, termination). The continual clinging to a relationship of an inadequate or dependent person
          couples with the entitlement of the narcissistic personality, and the persistent jealousy of the paranoid

   <img:> ~ Resentful stalkers pursue a vendetta because of a sense of grievance against the victims – motivated
          mainly by the desire to frighten and distress the victim. These demonstrate an almost “pure culture of
          persecution,” with delusional disorders of the paranoid type, paranoid personalities, and paranoid

   <img:> ~ Intimacy seekers seek to establish an intimate, loving relationship with their victim. To many of them the
          victim is a long-sought-after soul mate, and they were 'meant' to be together. They often have delusional
          disorders involving erotomanic delusions.

   <img:> ~ Incompetent suitors, despite poor social or courting skills, have a fixation, or in some cases a sense of
          entitlement to an intimate relationship with those who have attracted their amorous interest. Their victims
          are most often already in a dating relationship with someone else.

   <img:> ~ Predatory stalkers spy on the victim in order to prepare and plan an attack, often sexual, on the victim.

   <img:> ~ Vengeance/terrorist stalkers: Both the vengeance stalker and terrorist stalker do not, in contrast with
          some of the aforementioned types of stalkers, seek a personal relationship with their victims but rather
          force them to emit a certain response favourable to the stalker.
          <img7*0:> ~ Vengeance stalker: Motivated by the desire to "get even" with the person they feel has wronged
          <img7*0:> ~ Terrorist stalker: Also known as a "political stalker" because this stalker is motivated by having a
                political agenda.





Stalking is a continuous process, consisting of a series of actions, each of which may be entirely legal in itself. Lambèr Royakkers writes that:

  "Stalking is a form of mental assault, in which the perpetrator repeatedly, unwantedly, and disruptively breaks into the life-world of the victim, with whom he has no relationship (or no longer has), with motives that are directly or indirectly traceable to the affective sphere. Moreover, the separated acts that make up the intrusion cannot by themselves cause the mental abuse, but do taken together (cumulative effect)."

Cyberstalking is the act of stalking, which is the unwanted, unwarranted, continual, repetitive surveillance of another, except this type of stalking, cyberstaling, is carried out through the use of technological equipment, such as with computers and cell phones being the most widely and "easily" used devices. This type of stalking can also be in greater or lesser degrees for any number of reasons and also justified 'in the mind' of the cyberstalker, but is never justifiable or reasonable in the mind of a normal person. Also note, cyberstalking can branch out into or also be performed in conjunction with stalking, and as well, stalking can be performed in conjunction with and broadened into cyberstalking.

Cyberstalking is the use of the Internet or other electronic means to stalk or harass an individual, a group of individuals, or an organization. It may include false accusations, monitoring, making threats, identity theft, damage to data or equipment, the solicitation of minors for sex, or gathering information in order to harass. The definition of "harassment" must meet the criterion that a reasonable person, in possession of the same information, would regard it as sufficient to cause another reasonable person distress.

CyberAngels has written about how to identify cyberstalking:

When identifying cyberstalking "in the field," and particularly when considering whether to report it to any kind of legal authority, the following features or combination of features can be considered to characterize a true stalking situation:

<img7*0:> ~ malice
<img7*0:> ~ premeditation
<img7*0:> ~ repetition
<img7*0:> ~ distress
<img7*0:> ~ obsession
        <img7*0:> ~ vendetta
<img7*0:> ~ no legitimate purpose
<img7*0:> ~ personally directed
<img7*0:> ~ harassment
<img7*0:> ~ threats

<img7*0:> ~ disregarded warnings to stop

A number of key factors have been identified:

See also: VictimizationVictimizing_Methods.

   <img:> ~ False accusations: Many cyberstalkers try to damage the reputation of their victim and turn other people
          against them. They post false information about them on websites. They may set up their own websites,
          blogs or user pages for this purpose. They post allegations about the victim to newsgroups, chat rooms
          or other sites that allow public contributions, such as Wikipedia or

   <img:> ~ Attempts to gather information about the victim: Cyberstalkers may approach their victim's friends,
          family and work colleagues to obtain personal information. They may advertise for information on the
          Internet, or hire a private detective. They often will monitor the victim's online activities and attempt to
          trace their IP address in an effort to gather more information about their victims.

   <img:> ~ Encouraging others to harass the victim: Many cyberstalkers try to involve third parties in the
          harassment. They may claim the victim has harmed the stalker or his/her family in some way, or may post
          the victim's name and telephone number in order to encourage others to join the pursuit.

   <img:> ~ False victimization: The cyberstalker will claim that the victim is harassing him/her. Bocij writes that this
          phenomenon has been noted in a number of well-known cases.

   <img:> ~ Attacks on data and equipment: They may try to damage the victim's computer by sending viruses,
          trojans, worms, etc..

   <img:> ~ Ordering goods and services: They order items or subscribe to magazines in the victim's name. These
          often involve subscriptions to pornography or ordering sex toys and then having them delivered to the
          victim's workplace.

   <img:> ~ Arranging to meet: Young people face a particularly high risk of having cyberstalkers try to set up
          meetings between them.


See also: Behavioural_TendenciesBullying-MobbingPersonality_DisordersVictimizing_Methods.

Cyberstalkers meet or target their victims by using search engines, online forums, bulletin and discussion boards, chat rooms, and more recently, through "online communities" such as MySpace, Facebook, Bebo, Friendster, etc., and Indymedia, a media outlet known for self-publishing. They may engage in live chat harassment or flaming or they may send electronic viruses and unsolicited e-mails. Victims of cyberstalking may "not even know" they are being stalked. Cyberstalkers may research individuals to feed their obsessions and curiosity. Conversely, the acts of cyberstalkers may become more intense, more brazen, such as repeatedly instant messaging their targets as just one example.

More commonly they will post defamatory or derogatory statements about their stalking target on web pages, message boards, in forums, and in guest books designed to get a reaction or response from their victim, thereby initiating contact. In some cases, they have been known to create fake blogs in the name of the victim containing defamatory or pornographic content.

When prosecuted, many stalkers have unsuccessfully attempted to justify their behaviour based on their use of public forums, as opposed to direct contact. Once they get a reaction from the victim, they will typically attempt to "track or follow the victim's internet activity". Classic cyberstalking behavior includes the tracing of the victim's IP address in an attempt to verify their home or place of employment, to track their online activity, and for any other purpose to monitor "the life" of their victim.

Some cyberstalking situations do evolve into physical stalking, and a victim may experience abusive and excessive phone calls, vandalism, threatening or obscene mail, trespassing, and physical assault. Moreover, many physical stalkers will use cyberstalking as another method of harassing their victims.

Also... Computer Crime/Cyber Crime:


Computer_crime, or cybercrime, refers to any crime that involves a computer and a network, where the computers may or may not have played an instrumental part in the commission of a crime. Netcrime refers, more precisely, to criminal exploitation of the Internet. Issues surrounding this type of crime have become high-profile, particularly those surrounding hacking, copyright infringement, child pornography, and child grooming. There are also problems of privacy when confidential information is lost or intercepted, lawfully or otherwise.


Commentary: Stalking/Cyberstalking

From a Victim_Of_Cyberstalking:
Many areas above I can relate to/with in some way or to one degree or another. Here are just some ways I
have been harassed, monitored, isolated, etc., etc., a synopsis. A more in depth accounting may be read at:
Stalking-Cyberstalking_Ext-Commentary. I have been the subject of:

 <img:> ~ false accusations.
 <img:> ~ "reversed" accusations, also false.
 <img:> ~ threats.
 <img:> ~ VERY close monitoring (through the use of keylogging and tracking spyware).
 <img:> ~ having my PRIVATE information obtained without my consent.
 <img:> ~ unwanted surveillance since 2007 (that I am aware of) and is STILL going on!
 <img:> ~ being knocked offline, the disconnecting of me from the Internet (like I just was) and even kept off for a
        period of time (his designation).
 <img:> ~ having MY passwords used by him to login to my online accounts, including: Facebook, Twitter, Gmail,
        Yahoo, my Sites, and more.
 <img:> ~ Helkern Worm attacks, well over 1000 in the past year of 2010 alone, used for the purpose of "maintaining
        contact" and "communicating" with me.
 <img:> ~ the adding on of contacts to my AOL/AIM buddy list.
 <img:> ~ the invasion of my IMs impersonating another contacts of mine.
 <img:> ~ my daughter being used "as a contact/connection" between him and myself, particularly on Facebook.
 <img:> ~ my phone being used to harass me and/or maintain connection/contact with me and "spoofing applied" to
        conceal the identity of the caller. (Also, the "spoofing of his computer's identity" for the same purpose.)
 <img:> ~ his mission to persuade the minds of others (more victims) to perceive me as a person that's delusional, a
        troublemaker, etc., all to undermine my integrity in people's eyes, re-direct attention "away" from himself
        and his "secret activities".
 <img:> ~ "projection". He has "projected" onto me many times, the very same he is guilty of himself.
 <img:> ~ my browsers being messed with: Google Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.

...I will be adding more. These mentioned are just a very small number of examples I have been subjected to.
I suggest the re-reading of the information presented BEFORE my listing of examples above, so the correlations
may be more readily seen and understood.

For a more detailed accounting, please see: Stalking-Cyberstalking_Ext-Commentary.


A multitude of thanks!

A combined effort of many: taking away the power of the perp! ~ Cyberstalking
To Wikipedia, the Staff and Editors that make this fabulous site possible, and all those that work to continually
add to the wealth of information this website provides to/for the world!

As well, many thanks to ALL the sources and ALL those that have made this information available to share.
Knowledge IS power and by affording knowledge to potential victims, then the playing field between the perps
and the potential victims can become more level, without the criminals only being allowed the upper hand.

Ways to join in, contribute to this mission, please see the main page: Cyberstalking. Thank you! - /Artsie_ladie


Resources => Cyberstalking_Link_Index

A complete list of resource links used throughout this wiki.

Resource links on this wiki-page:
<img:> ~
<img:> ~
<img:> ~


Cyberstalking Main Sub-wiki-pages:

<img:> ~ Cyberstalking (Main/Home)
<img:> ~ Cyberstalking-Stalking (here)
<img:> ~ Adaptive_Personality_Defenses
<img:> ~ Behavioural_Tendencies
<img:> ~ Bullying-Mobbing
<img:> ~ Cell-phone_Users_Beware
<img:> ~ Computer_Vulnerabilities
<img:> ~ Cyberstalking_Link_Index
<img:> ~ Guidance_Versus_Forbiddance
<img:> ~ Hacker-Stalker_Toolbox
<img:> ~ Health_Issues_Of_Victims
<img:> ~ Online_Safety-n-Security
<img:> ~ Personality_Disorders
<img:> ~ Sharing-To-Empower_Victim-No-More!
<img:> ~ Support-n-Survival_De-victimizing
<img:> ~ Tech-Knowledgy_IS_Power
<img:> ~ Victimization
<img:> ~ Victimizing_Methods
<img:> ~ Victim_Of_Cyberstalking


More Related Wiki-pages:
<img:> ~ Grooming, how to
<img:> ~ SHU (Stalker Haters United)
<img:> ~ ???


May God Bless You and Have a "Safe" Day!

May the love of God always touch and live within your heart!

<i>By [Artsieladie]
All creativity on this site, including but not limited to, the art, writing, poetry, ideas and concepts, etc., created
and brought forth by [Artsieladie], aka Sharon Donnelly, is therefore owned by and copyrighted to the same, its creator. It may NOT be used, modified, copied, reproduced, or anything else without my expressed, written permission PER ITEM, including my nearly 11,000 graphics on this site.
To contact [Artsieladie], aka Sharon Donnelly:
Text ONLY emails! Non-compliance means deletion!


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