Page name: if we all listened to god... [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-04-10 23:02:23
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(This is the original text, taken from Elftown with permision, and is going to be edited soon for the purpose of history and understandability.)

<img:>If we all listened to God...<img:>


So if we all listened to god, what would the world be like? Would we be happy? Would it be a perfect Utopia?

 That happens to be what most people dont ask, the christian religion has often advocated that God represents a perfect society. Thus he has laid down a set of absurd, and quite inexecutable rules and lifestyles. The narrow dogma known as any religion that follows the laws of God, Jehova, Allah etc love to use the quite hypocrisy to deny people their natural, and even carnal instincts and desires. They never provide an answer to any of this, they adopt and opine on the fact that the only answer they need is because God says so and God is just.
 Well I dont think we should stand for it, why listen to God? So we can go to heaven? Is heaven even real, why rely so closly on a Spiritual pipe dream to become nothing by a hypocritical martyr serving something that claims to have created you, and says that they are right.

What is God?

 No matter how you look at it, God is a fairy Tale. Much like children believe in Santa, because it makes them happy to know there is someone out there who cares about them enough to bring them presents. If you think about it then god becomes the imaginary friend for grown ups, a person to converse with, who actually cares. The image and statue that can make everything better.
 Many adults say that you have to try to make everything better, when so many of them think that whispering in the night to a "T" with a man on it (i.e a crucifix) because he will make everything better, just cause you asked. God as an apparition was thought up by man, a clearly depressed man, (or groups of them) who were fed up with believing in Odin, or Anubis, or Buddah, because these beliefs did not satisfy them.
 Continuing our story, these people began to fool themselves that if they lived to the moral standards of what They Believed were "right" then they would become worthy in the eyes of a being that they had relinquished their power to, to make a deity that controlled their actions. It seems so much more believable when a God is omnipotent and omnipresent.
 As Anton LaVey said," Man is the only creature who can fool himself," so if you believe in something long enough it comes true, in a sense. These people began to think, began to grow. This figure of "God" now had all lifes answers, he had a place to go when you died, a place of happiness. People began to think," Hmm this guy god says if I do this then i get to go to paradise. Sounds reasonable."
 Upon having many stories to tell, this god was now the factor in which people placed all their energy in, they gave him a form, a name and story because by surrendering their "godly" powers they had given them a form that gave them a purpose they were to stupid to find on their own.
 God is Love, its so easy to find away out of the world that seems so cold and unhappy by devoting your life to a higher cause that you think is more powerful than you.
 Summerizing all my typing," God is a imaginary friend who has the best promise for an afterlife." Honestly, if you start thinking there is a factor that controls you, and your future happiness then why wont you want to appease it?

What God Says

 The "faith" word is strongly advocated here, he provides you with no proof of his existance. He simply expects that belief in him grows until you are spending all your time in church just to go to Heaven. People never pray to god in hopes on anyone else, they will only ever have themselves in mind. That is the main hypocrisy of God, one of the great struggles one faces when taking the right hand path, is the great idea of being selfless, when in taking the path they only have themselves in mind, not the salvation of others. When they try to convert, when they pray for world peace or any other shit they try to get themselves into heaven, even on an unconscious level they really only care about their entry to the "pearly gates" no matter how much they deny it.
 One of many contradictions that ensue in their religion. If you want to read up more im sure there are several wikis dedicated to all the hypocrisy.
 The Main thing that happens here is because God simply doesnt give us enough. If a group of people many many years ago founded a religion just to make themselves happy because they lacked the ability to do so, Why does it have so much influence now? 23.5 % of the world today is some mix of Christian, More than 18% is Islamic, and 2.5% is Jewish. (all according to the Encyclopedia Brittania of 2000 so these numbers have possibly gone up) thus a grand total of 44% of the world follow the same God these people made up many years ago. (even though Islam was founded much sooner than them, but they follow the same god if you think about it so they go on that list). SO why all the influence? because people have a good imagination, fantasy is needed for a fun life, it makes people feel better to believe in God, but why? Because they have Faith. Because they dont care if god never comes down and actually proves he is real, If god came down from heaven, and gave me proof of his existance i would then be motivated to follow him. But instead the image of God says," Believe me im just." (of course thats me summing it up) but since people made up god and spread his word, its the same as a person walking up to you on the street and saying," I am god, I am the truth, Worship me because i created you. I have no proof, but you have faith so you will now believe in me." I mean any christian today will deny that and use symbollic coincidences to try and prove god exists, but when if they really thought about it then it would make my "ridiculous" satement the truth. So basically if they so believe in God, then if i walked up to them and said "I am god" then they would have to believe me right? I can argue this for hours...
 Even funnier is when you beat a christian in a religious arguement then all they will say is "i will pray for you" HAHHAHAhAHHA XD why pray for me? Will it bring you closer to heaven spiritually? will it make you happier? in that case you really dont care about me. And since i am a satanist, the word satan meaning adversary, that would mean i am your enemy, since you have to pray for your enemy, your enemy being the Devil that would mean you have to pray for the devil right? And since praying for the Devil makes you a Devil Worshipper, that would mean your evil.
 So the choice you are presented with is the lesser of two evils. But God says there is never a lesser of two evils, so you must always choose the right thing. Is there a right thing here? Either you dont pray for everyone, and become sinful, or your pray for the Devil, and you become even more sinful! What else is there, what can you do? You can spend the rest of your life arguing in your head about this, why torment yourself? Because its the "right thing to do, because a person who tells me to contradict myself and get rid of my life so i can go to a place i can never know exists, says so"
The Balance

 Why is god so popular? In the words of Anton LaVey," The devil is the best friend the church has ever had," This is not only funny as hell. But far to true. See if people just heard that," believe in god, and go to heaven," it wouldnt say what would happen if you didnt. Now they use a figurehead, one that appeals to the nature of the beast. One that will scare people into believing in their god. Thus comes the great balance, SATAN!!!!
 Now the statement is," Worship god, or go to hell." WHy not be afraid of hell? its scary, so by inventing a character that everyone can hate, you give them reason to follow god. What do people do when they are about to die? Pray. Ask for absolution, even if they never once prayed before. Because as you lay dying then you start to think," Oh shit i could go to hell." Fear is what Christianity advocates, along with the promise of happiness. But for my taste the religion has to many heresay "ifs" and "buts".
 If your a christian and reading this, then even you can think," Its so much easier to follow a person who says they can not only give you Bliss, but keep you from chastisement."
 God wants us to give up our lives so we can avoid a horrible eternity. Because honestly, eternity is much longer than life XD.
 But what if there is no afterlife? what if your life is the only thing you get? Then you will wake up after death and have the time to think," Fuck i just wasted my entire existance!"

The great Satanic Scare!

 Through out history Christianity has evolved from a stupid self deceit system, into a scam for obedience. We have seen many scams the church uses, satan being the number one. They hope the world will become all christians so they have no opposition. (Later down the page i will discuss what the world will be like if we all listened to God. Thats why i started this page.)
 Lets have a few examples:
-Pope Leon wanted his church to have a great painting, so he sold indulgences. He said," Give me money and a sin will be forgiven" obviously a scam for money cause honestly, how can you compete with that offer!. Well so many people had their sins forgiven, it seems less indulgences were being sold. The lo and behold he said," If you buy more indulgences then your future sins will be forgiven." Once again another indulgence rush occured. Then it evolved into," You can get your family members forgiven! Even dead ones in hell, buy enough indulgences and They will go to heaven!." Come on people, how often does God forgive people because their rich! Yet another example of Christianity and their ultimate stupidity!

-My Personal favorite story is the great scare. Many years ago, the church invented the "Black Mass theory" stating that if you werent baptised, or your baby then evil devil worshippers will kidnap you and sacrafice you. That would have been a good story to draw people in and it did. But the funny part is the Church made it all up! Then the best part is the church later that year put a price on baptisms! XD tell me if you see the scam in that.

Jesus kills!

 My Father once told me," jesus has killed more people than the Black Plague, and has caused more unhappiness then all the economic depressions in history." To true (isnt my dad awesome?) think about it. For every baby, mother, father, brother sacraficed in the "satanic" masses, how many more died in wars over God? How many Muslims, jews, Christians have died for God? How many innocents have died due to witch hunts? Just tell me how many people have these religions killed?!
 How many Homosexual people are miserable because of Christianity? How much misery have people gone through because they turn to god to make everything better when he does nothing? Can you come up with that number...
 Point is, just how many innocent have been hurt due to the belief in God? How often have you heard about "Satan" and his followers killing people? Satanists today would never harm a person like that! We allow Gay people to be gay, we open our doors to "sinful" people that really have done nothing wrong.
(another thing about gayness, is the fact that people are made fun of it, but why? The answer is because god says its wrong. If your reading this, please tell me how gayness hurts anyone? i just dont get the hatred toward a natural thing like gayness)
 Christians look for reason to harm people, if a person is a Wiccan, they must be burned. A muslim is a devil worshipper and must be hanged, a Atheist must be corrected for they are wrong. Dont you see what your God does to people? Personally i dont care about people, but i dont think its fair anyone should suffer over something non-existantant and his rules, if anyone should suffer its because they deserve it, not because a imaginary friend says so!

God is a Racist

[I will use the term "colored people" here, i dont mean any offense, and i dont mean to bash anyone! But i dont have a better term to use! So read the red print before you start calling me racist!]

 This will be a small statement because it doesnt happen anymore. But mostly around the 18th and 19th century (even sometimes today) people used to see black people as the Devil, simply because of their skin. Like Huckleberry Finn said in Mark Twains book, when he was helping a black man named Jim he had the choice to turn him in because he was told that if you helped a black man you would go to hell. WEll after all he concluded he wont make Jim suffer, so he said," I will go to hell." Its stupid that he thinks he would go to hell for helping a person of a different skin color!
 Really im not one to care about "colored people" (sorry to everyone, but i hate using that term! no offense intended to anyone!), like Martin Luther King JR. said," Judge people not by the color of their skin, but by their actions." so if you want to be a racist at least do it for the right reasons, hate people of a different color because they have wronged you and proven they dont like you. Great for you thats your thing, but dont hate "Colored people" just cause they have black, yellow, red, or even white skin and "God" says they are the devil! thats just flat out stupid.
 Luckily those thoughts are only in the KKK and various other individuals. So i used the "God Is racist" fact as a historical reference to the Christian disease.

What is The Devil?

 The Roman word "lucifer" means keeper of light, using this name the christians wanted an example, an example of what happens when you fall from the light of God. Mixing other devils and demons from other religions (mostly polytheistic and animistic ones like the greek or Roman gods). The apperance and story of Satan is used to describe what God doesnt want people to be like, he is a fairy tale used to scare people into Church.
 The image most people see Satan as having, is half goat half human (baphomet for example). Well that can from Satyrs, and the God Pan. So why is it used? Humans as an animal (getting into that later) have invented ways to seperate themselves because we think that being an animal is degrading and disgusting. So making a figurehead of evil appear as half animal only makes him more disgusting. He helps christians in many ways:
1. He scares people into church
2. He helps christians make people decieve themselves that they are not animals.
3. He Gives people a person to blame, rather than god.

Satan, Lucifer, Belial, Leviathan

 The four kings of hell, the one universal being that has been created by the true satanist religion by Anton LaVey. These four are the rulers of the truth, they tell people that their lives dont have to be devoted to God. Inspiring Humanist thoughts and using greater and Lesser magics as tool. Removing misery and suffering. Read the Satanic Bible for more information.
 The cool part is, these guys dont exist! They are symbols, not idols to be worshipped, Satan is the part in us that holds the animalistic value of life, the dark lord teaches us to avoid god, and how to be happy by not limiting your perfectly natural actions. Things like Sex, gayness, greed etc are not evil, there is no evil, no good. nothing to devote yourself to, you are a god!
 As a human we have the ability to make choices, things like god trap us into making one choice all your life, on this path you miss many things, the four kings are what divide humans from the christian beast. These four require no worship, no prayer toward them. Nothing, just be a human, walk on all fours (as a metaphor) and dont think of good and evil, just think of the moment, and what the moment brings.

The Seven Deadly tools

 The seven deadly sins are embraced by the side of you that is named Satan, Lucifer, Belial, and/or leviathan. These are not sins, they are tools, things that lead to emotional, physical and social gratifacation (if you are in high school health class you learn that all three of those are the key to being healthy). Whereas God likes to tell you not to do these things, you can never live up to your potential and be healthy by following god.


 Greed is the most powerful of all tools. Greed is ambition, drive, the courage to get what you want and want more for yourself to be happy. Being what it is greed is also deadly, having to much is never the matter, but how you handle it can hurt! In lieu of never getting what you want, you can get to much to keep. Sometimes you must make mutual deals to get what you want. Caring only about yourself is good, but sometimes to get what you want most means caring of others. Like if you have a lover, if you dont care about your lover then you get nothing out of them when you could potentially get the most from anyone.
 Lesson about greed, use it in a productive way, dont be a self serving asshole, share what you get and you will get a sweet return. Its easy and a simple process that so many ignore. But with god, you will never have greed, never have that drive to be greedy and get what you want, thus limiting yourself, making yourself miserable. And also depriving others of what they deserve out of you.


 One of my favorites, when god says sloth is evil, he means you must always give to the world, until it hurts. XD well give enough, but dont out do yourself! Be lazy, take a vacation sometimes, lay down and rest. Feel free to sit on your fat ass all day if you have nothing to do all day! simple as that!


 Hard to describe actually, anger like greed is a double sword. Hard to use but not convulse into, anger is used to defend yourself from outside forces. Be it physical defense and mental. You need anger to defend everything, rather then just saying "I surrender because God says i cant get angry!". But its hard to justify anger, using it to much will indulge your life in it, you cant be happy while your angry, use anger to be happy, then use happiness to avoid anger as best as you can. Humans use anger so they dont have to anymore. God says anger is bad, well i say its bad to rob people of their natural defense called Anger!


 Look at greed, envy is helpful like greed is. Want what your neighbor has, it leads you to a point where you can get it! Envy is a drive! a motivation, but it can have harmful effects. Just decide what you want, and then using YOUR morals and values find best how to get it. Never use GODS morals and values, or else you will never get it!


 Well this is the great posterboy why people become satanists, lets hope they dont do it just to get laid, but lust is what we need. Being lustful isnt a bad thing, having sex doesnt hurt anyone (possibly yourself, but you think about that before you do it) sex is our most natural instinct, sex can be love, as love can be sex. It doesnt ever hurt as long as it is a mutual agreement, rape is what must be avoided here people. Why we avoid rape, go ahead do it if you want, but i hope you get thrown in jail for as long as you can! Rape is a sick act, it hurts you as much as it hurts the other person, if you truly want to have sex with them, then its in your power to do so in a way that well "spreads the love". Sex is pleasurable for a reason, its fun, it can help relationships, sure it procreates, but if sex was made just for procreation then it would be a boring or painful act. Why must we limit ourselves from sex, the pleasure it brings, the release of stress to do it? the relaxation it will bring after, the whole "i love you so much you were so good." response you can get? If your a christian, look me in the eye and tell me how sex hurts people if you have it in a loving way?
 Temptation is our greatest tool, if a woman has nice legs (^^) then she should show them off to people to get her way! If sex will get you what you want, then do it there could be consequences to it, but thats why we make sure its what we want isnt it?
 Sex is becoming more appropriate, even in the church, nuns are wearing shorter skirts and priests like to hear about the juiciest sins a person has to offer (watch detroit rock city, that part when Jam was confessing was funny as hell.) But like i was saying soon the sins of sex (that people were burned for) will no longer be frowned upon, the nuns and the legs thing could evolve into nuns wearing skinny clothes (which i really dont mind because some nuns are really hot <- yes i stole that from the satanic bible...)


 My favorite sin, as much as a person desires to be appealing, so they should do it! It makes a person happy to love their apperance, combing your hair, wearing new clothes, things that make you feel sexier help you get what you want. It makes you feel better about yourself, creating a world were you like what you see makes it easier to enjoy. God says, that vanity is harmful. Well whats wrong with loving yourself? If you make yourself so attractive that you feel you can run down the beach into your own arms, then voila, you are happier, and can get a mate easier.


 This word sounds so evil, but really if you like food, eat it. Eat pie until you get fat! Eat more, stuff yourself! Treat yourself to what you want, pies, candy, meat, beer, wine, liquor all these things that are tasteful to you, if you an afford them then spend your fill. If you feel fat, and dont like it, use vanity as a tool to become skinny again. If you complain you cant stop eating, then you are forcing yourself to be fat and you are removing potential! Work out and loose the weight, its never hard! Or if you want to be fat, go ahead, be fat, nothing wrong with fat people. Self control here is unnecessary unless you really want to look better or be healthier! Why should god tell you what you can and cant eat.
Words of Foamy the squirrel," If you want to be a fat ass, fine be a pig. If your an anorexic jackass with a thyroid problem, Fine be a twig!"

Well that sums the sins up, now if you can read all that and tell me why they are evil, without the phrase "god said so" please go ahead.

note: The word "evil" was first used by christians, the word evil is meant to describe affiliation with the opposite of morals and values god represents. But the most intresting fact is the word E-V-I-L is L-I-V-E backwards. think about that.

Christianity and culture.

 With lack of anything else to talk about i will go to the popular fact of culture. Humanity has developed all sorts of lifestyles, clothings, and music. None of which should be called evil, or good. People like Conservative Christians sheild themselves from all cultures, calling music, dress and ways of living evil. This statement is basically a challenge, we all know what god says about music, peircings, tattoos, clothing etc. I need not repeat it, so if you think its evil, tell me why, so i can prove you wrong. Rules of talking to me about this:
1. No using God as an excuse.
ha i just took away your weapon! :P

People and ignorance to my text

 I will now clarify what a few people cannot seem to realize, people have read this text and have completly sent it through one ear and out the other starting at the word "satanist". WEll i will now clarify!
 A satanist doesnt worship, acknowledge or believe in satan. when you see the word satan in this document look at it metaphorically.
-Satan is nothing more than a word/ figure.
-Satan is greek for "adversary" or "opposer"
-Satan is not a being
-Satan is the side of humans that is not god
 When i think religion i think of 2 sides, the right path, and the left path. The right path are Christians, wiccans, pagans, etc, anyone who believes in a god or spirit or anything like that, any monotheistic or polytheistic beliefs. A left hand path would be a satanist or aethiest. They do not worship or believe in a god. WE USE THEM AS METAPHORS!!!!!
 If you are going to be stupid and ignorant enough to say this contradicts itself by me worshipping satan, just know that i never once said i even believe in him.
 Satan is the figurehead of our animalistic thoughts and desires. A name that we have given our beliefs and theories, not because he is the devil and rules hell, because his name means "adversary"!!!!


The conclusion

 Well anyways, youve heard my opinions, but why did i spend four hours bashing christianity? I have my reasons.
 I did not make this page to:
-Insult individual people
-Try to convert people to satanism
-Try to get people away from God.

Im putting it this way, whatever works for you great! If your a christian, muslim, Jew, protestant, or if you worship the great green arklesiezure from Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. If it makes you happy, i dont give a shit, im not here to convert, im here to speak my mind. I dont force dogma on you so if you argue with me on anything, be a fucking adult about it! If you want to make me a christian go right ahead, im open to any comments on this page.
 Just know this, ive never gone to any christian wiki and bitched at them, i dont go to anything christian and try to insult them, i wait for them to come to me to act like an immature dickhead.

Im not interested in christianity as MY religion, dont force it on me

All i wrote this for is to have people say," Ah i never thought about things that way..." i want to let people know the beliefs of another person, and if they want agree to it. ask me questions, learn more. be open minded.

Now before i hear crap like," Well your not open minded, you probably dont even know anything about christianity." Im gonna make it simple for you, i know everything there is to know about religion!
i have read:
-The bible (twice)
-The Koran
-Parts of the Torah
-The satanic bible
-Satanic rituals
-Thelma by Crowley
-All the Magick books by Crowley
-Various biographies of religious figureheads

I have in my life been a: Christian, Pagan, Odinist, Gnostic, Atheist, Agnostic, and i pretended to be a muslim once or twice (god that was funny!) currently i pretend to be a christian around my family (helps me stay out of trouble) but in reality i am a true satanist. Out of all the religions i have been though, i have learned from and added them all together into one universal belief. adding them up into satanism was an easy task. And now thats what i call myself, and i believe i will the rest of my life because i have studied most every belief, and once again what i have removed from each of them makes me what i am today.

Think about that before you debate with me!

All this is the opinions, beliefs and ideas of [Nazarath the Maggot King] dont talk to me in message form, just argue, debate, or compliment me here.

-order of the ersatz christians
-RELIGION people always shove it down your throat
-A note on satanic ritual
-the bible: the book of contradictions

Want all the answers? go here:


Hail Satan!


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2007-04-13 [Looni Commanda]: You still haven't swayed me in my beliefs.

I didn't actually personally talk with jim, because Usually it was my mother that talked to him. In fact, just a couple of minutes ago I was talking to her. Jesus was killed on a cross, And I don't know how to prove it. Even if there is the theory that he is imaginary, and I get comfort knowing he is there and I will go somewhere good, I like to stick with it. I find little things that catch my like a fish on a hook when I read scripture.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but may I jsut ask a question?
Hebrew was the correct text that the bible was written in. Not greek, or Roman. but Hebrew. Do any of you study hebrew? I know I bring my mom into this alot, (because yes I do trust her. She brought me into this world, and my life goes on good so far). She studies a lot of hebrew, and I want to ask you a question. Do you?
In hebrew, Joshua, (or in hebrew it is pronounced Yeshua), means salvation. Joshua, is Later in hebrew pronounced Jesus. And Here is one thing that I like to bring up.
Children, like you said believe in the fairy tale of santa. Yes, Santa is not real. But, in a way he is.
The children know, there is someone that is going to leave a gift of love under a christmas tree, and when they open it, they will most likely love it. They get gifts on christmas, that their parents gave them. Yes, the parents tell them that 'santa' gave the gifts to them, but the kids don't know it was the parent. The only thing they don't know, is the true destination, and the identity it came from. But they do know that they are going to recieve something with love. Jesus, is yes as you put it, a comfort. And bringing up the moral thing, if he wasn't telling the truth, he was lying. So would it be a lie, if he said 'I am the son of god'? The new testiment shows us that he died on the cross to save us from our sins, so that we would be promised salvation. God sent us this man, so that we would be saved. That is what we were promised, and in every way, Yes i do believe he was the son that God sent.

Going to your birthday thing, yes I admit that is true. His birthday was not in December, you are totally correct that it was indeed in the summer area.

I know that my mom seeing jesus doesn't proove anything, but with the knowledge (which I can't seem to interpret fully still) that I have so far, I like to believe she was seeing something. Yes, I do also admit that it might have been a 'happy place' for her lol. I know that you guys probably think that I am pissed at you and moaning and complaining about you being atheist (if thats... what you call this? really sorry if I'm incorrect) but really I do enjoy speaking with you, because you look deeper into things that others. Asking why is good... and it's a sign that you are intelligent people. We need more intellegence around. (I wish I could say I was intellegent... but I aint lol I try)

2007-04-13 [VampireKisses]: Ok so here is two people who are arguing over the same thing. Here is two personal storys from both sides.

One) there is a god.

I was in the bath room, When I stubbed my foot and I screamed "GODDAMN IT". The lights started to flicker. Well I just ignored that and grabbed a glass to get a glass of water. When I tryed to get water it was all cloudy. I tried repeatedly to rinse out the cup and try again. It would not go clear. So I finally said, "sorry for taking your name in vain, Lord.". It all stopped lights stayed on and the water went clear.

Two) god doesnt exsist or he don't care.

I was in the kitchen. And all the sudden about 10 feet away from me there was what most people call a "Demon". He was just staring at me. Laughing at me and telling me I'm going with him, because his "Master" wanted my soul(or something like that I was a lil younger). I said " in the name of jesus christ, leave at once. He was still there laughing at me like I said something like pull down your pants and let me bang you. He came towards me and my father walked in and he disapperd (my father also claimed to be a black pope and that is the reason he disapperd).

So I can see both sides. Remember this is all opinions and believes. So dont try to be too mean to each other. And don't try to make the other one believe you the picture says(even tho I don't agree with the picture) Don't shove religon down each others throat. Thats all I got to say...for now.

2007-04-15 [Nekko fox]: Okay, first off, Messir Tang decided to make the comment which started this little foray of ours. Nextly, LATIN was the first language that it was written in, not Hebrew. [The Voice of Indifferewnce] has a genesis link in his house. And, might I add, Jim's comments are even LESS worth your time because they are NOT second-hand knowledge, they are third-hand. And we keep bring up this little matter of "Believe half of what you see, and nothing of what you hear." We don't care about your opinion, and we're not trying to change it; we're trying to bring you out of your box. As for TOAV's comments...What on EARTH are you talking about? First off all, Demon's don't visit people unless you are dead. Were you dying? And what's this whole "Black Pope" thing your blathering on about? Next, what does the glass have anything to do with anything? I've taken the Christian lord's name in vain, repeatedly, and even added choice expletives. Even going so far as to say "Jesus Fucking Christ Tap Dancing Bananas" and variations of. Light problem? My light flicker occasionally. It's called faulty wiring. Hire an electrician. Cloudy water? Plumbers can fix that small problem. It could be lime sediment that was leaking intop the pipe but simply sealed itself off because of lime build up. And lastly, I'm not an Atheist, by any means of the word. I'm, if anything, gnostic pagan, believing in the true Gods, and questioning everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, before I make an opinion or rational decision. Now, I pass the buck over to my dear brother Rauel.

2007-04-15 [The Voice of Difference]: Well, I wouldn't believe anyone if they didn't have sufficient proof. How do you know he wasn't just lying by ommission, where he didn't lie, but he withheld key details? How do you know he was the son of god, but just one of the gods? Like there were many, and his father sent him to make you think that he was the only god? Happened all the time in Greek and Roman times.

2007-04-15 [Looni Commanda]: In the commandments, one of them is to believe in Yaway, (God) and believe he is the only god. When Yeshua, (Jesus) says that he is god, I like to think of it like this.
If you have a large glass of water, and pour it into three seperate cups, it is still the same water, but in three different bodys; representing the father, the son, and the holy spirit. There are not three gods, they are all equal as one.
I do not mock your faith at all, and I am deeply sorry for thinking you were an athiest, my apollogy. I'm not trying to be mean about anything.
But when you say The bible was written in latin, I'm sorry I believe you are wrong. The newer copies (which were still very old) were written in latin. But, the person who I mentioned before, my grandfather's friend was an archeologist who was the man that worked on the dead sea scrolls. You might be right about the New testiment being written in Latin, but the Old testiment was not. The old testiment was definately written in hebrew. Very very ancient hebrew. Abraham was the beginning of the Jews, and their writing was Hebrew. That was in the era of the old testiment. Moses is believed to have written the first five books of the old testiment. It makes no sense to say that the jewish nation spoke in read latin in their religious circles. I believe you are referring to copies that much of the new testament is translated from into english. But understand it is not just one manuscript that is used. there are many. They all agree and point although sometimes they do contain minor differences because of language.

2007-04-16 [Looni Commanda]: I respect your statement that if anything you are agnostic. this shows me that you have no intention of placing blind faith in anyone or anything. in this, you agree perfectly with the bible.

2007-04-16 [The Voice of Difference]: First, if you are going to state something from somewhere, realize we know what you're talking about. Abraham, did not start the Jews, his son did. His other son started the Islami religion. Old hebrew is known otherwise as Latin. Did you do your research to look that up?

You can believe whoever wrote what, just have good reason for it. So, back on that topic, does it make sense that some will have a different meaning, because they were translated from different languages. Don't you think that that would be a conveniant excuse to explain why some traditions are different. For example; Christmas. Think about it, do research outside of freinds.

I'm not agnostic either, I'm a simple polytheist. My religion doesn't have anything to do with my curiosity and intelligence.

2007-04-16 [The Voice of Difference]: Taken from someones house:

A new pastor was visiting in the homes of his parishioners. At one
House it seemed obvious that someone was at home, but no answer
Came to his repeated knocks at the door. Therefore, he took out a card And Wrote
"Revelation 3:20" on the back of it and stuck it in the door.
When the offering was processed the following Sunday, he found That his card had been returned. Added to it was this cryptic message.
"Genesis 3:10." Reaching for his Bible to check out the citation, he Broke up in gales of laughter.
Revelation 3:20 begins "Behold, I stand at the door and knock.”
Genesis 3:10 reads, "I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid for I was naked."

2007-04-16 [Looni Commanda]: lol!!! ^_^ i like the little joke at the bottom. I'm sorry... who said they were- never mind I was looking at [Nekko fox]'s comment. Did he say he was Agnostic? O.O I'm sorry. my mistake again. But anyway, the Christmas thing is more over not even about Jesus anymore to some. Some people do christmas just for the food and gifts, and some do it as the actual religion of Jesus being born (even though we did agree that he was definately born in the summer.) But about the Hebrew thing, I don't think that's right, because Latin didn't come from the middle east. Old hebrew has barely changed, and Latin wasn't even around when Hebrew was. Hebrew was the original text, and when Latin was made, it helped when they had to write bibles in english. THEN they wrote in latin.

2007-04-17 [The Voice of Difference]: The christmas thing you're talking about is called, "Commercialism," and seems to be an excuse for a lot of weird traditions christians will celabrate.

I'll look that up and get back to you on the language bit. Until then; go here and read:

It has 173 reasons why god is a murderer. Go ahead, look up what it says in your 'Biblio'.

"Thank you, your honor. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I'm Gary DeVaney. It is impossible to be critical of evil while you praise it. It is impossible to defeat what you defend. As the prosecutor of the God of the Bible, I take legal issue with selected C&V charges that the defense will attempt to support. The jury is to judge the innocence or guilt of each count of murder as required by law. Judging all sides of each controversial or legal issue is important. The question is the highest form of thought. This is the time to think and to question. Most believers can not question what they believe. When a believer can not question, he / she remains mind-set. The no-win paradox for the believer is - if they do question what they believe - they prove not to truly believe it. That usually limits the believer's ability to judge the murderous God of the Bible as documented Chapters and Verses. Please, do not believe me or any other man. Judge the evidence, the selected Bible Chapters and Verses for yourself. You are the only thinker in your entire universe."

                      -Quoted from the above link

2007-04-17 [Looni Commanda]: god never really killed anyone. The people chose to die for him, in defence of him. roman soldiers held Jesus's trial at about three or two in the morning (kind of a more over illegal trial) because he had over thousands of followers that were willing to stick up for him if they had a regular trial. They were willing to die, God did not make them do anything. God is not a person playing us all like puppets, he made us because he wanted to take care of us, and to love us. The thing about Christianity, is that it is mostly based on Jesus's reserection. Without that, there wouldn't be any Christianity. He reserected, and people seemed to know it. Einestein, proved mathmatically that everything leads to one source. A strange correlation between the old and the new testiment, is how very similar the two are. The old testiment, basically repeats the whole process of what the new testiment says. For instance, Noah's ark. The people that told him he was crazy, and would not enter the boat because there was not going to be any kind of rain, died. Noah told everyone it was going to rain (even though it was not raining at all), and that there was going to be a flood, the people that didn't believe him didn't come onto the boat. Noah kept the door open, so anyone who believed him could enter. When the flood started though, he closed the door. The people that didn't come in, were killed by the high waters. In heaven, God keeps his gate open to anyone that wants to come in. All you have to do is love him. You don't have to be good, donate to the poor, or walk around preaching. All you have to do is love Jesus Christ. So he keeps the door open for anyone that wants to come in, and if you are in denial of him, get there, and say 'go ahead shut the door nothing will happen,' you will most likely go to the pit. God in fact, did not make hell for people. He made it for Angels that were evil, Satan. It was not his will that any man go into that pit.

2007-04-21 [The Voice of Difference]: That's the problem. Where does it say that? And again, we know what you are talking about when you mention a story, we don't need you to retell it to us from either your preacher's or your mother's piont of veiw. Remember the, "Form an original thought," bit we talked about earlier?

People focus on loving Jesus, rather than learn what he taught.

2007-04-22 [Looni Commanda]: I do know what Jesus taught, that he would be lifted up on a cross for sin, that he would rise again in three days, that we could recieve forgiveness from him for our short comings, and evil ways. That we must love each other as we ourselves desire to be loved. He taught that he saw satan fall like lighting. I'm not sure what it is you think he taught that I do not know. ? ? But I also know, that jesus was a jew who claimed to follow believe and honor the old testiment which he called the law and the prophets. If he claimed this, it means that he taught we, are to believe not just in him. but also, in the law and the prophets. The only people he told us not o believe were people who add to these things in such a way that they take away from what these people taught. It is impossible to believe that Jesus was a great teacher if you don't believe what he taught. This is why I say he was not just a man; he is the Messiah for the law and prophets, all described precisely who the messiah would be when he came. I do believe that the things that he taught are true. I do not contradict myself and state that he was a great man, a good person, a fantastic teacher, and yet deny half of the things he said to be the truth.

2007-04-23 [The Voice of Difference]: I like that, in your first line, it says, "forgiveness from him", meaning Jesus. Did you also know that in John 8:15 & 12:47 Jesus said: "I judge no man"?

In John 4:22 Jesus said: You people worship what you do not understand. We worship what we understand, because salvation is of the Jews. Are you Jewish?

It says in Isaiah 7:14 The "virgin" (almah) shall be with child and his name shall be Immanuel. In Isaiah's day, 'almah' simply meant, "young woman" - Not a virgin.
And, why is the Messiah's name Jesus Christ instead of "Immanuel"? Who calls Jesus "Immanuel" when referring to Him? Do you call Jesus Christ "Immanuel" when referring to Him? By what name do you call Him? Did not Isaiah state: "His name shall be Immanuel."?

You're right. You don't contradict yourself. You contradict what you're refering to.

2007-04-23 [Looni Commanda]: Yeshua meant, "I condemn no man" when He said I "judge" no man. He had not come as the roaring lion of Judah yet, he had come to offer forgiveness which means He came as the Lamb.
He shall return as the roaring Lion and save His People Israel
which consist of both the Jews and the Gentiles who have been
grafted into the Tree spoken of in the New Testament.

Salvation is "of" the Jews....this means that salvation came
through the Jewish does not matter whether of not
I am Jewish...what matters it that the Messiah had to be born of a Jew.

The word almah was translated by Jews BEFORE Yeshua was born as VIRGIN in Issiah 7:14 in the Greek Septuagint. The JEWS chose to use this word when they could have simply chosen to write the Greek word for "young unmarried woman." Did you ever stop to think that what matters is what the word meant
during the time period the orginal writer wrote it (which is
previous to the birth of Christ. Maybe they began to use a different meaning in Christ's denial of Christ. 

The TITLE Jesus Christ means Yeshua Ha Maschiach it is NOT
a first and last name and in the Jewish Religion people are given many names (titles) to represent something about WHO they are. Jesus is Greek for Yeshua which means "Salvation"
Christ is the Greek Word for Maschiah in Hebrew which means
Messiah. The Old Testament shows that the one named Immanuel
is ALSO the salvation of God.

By the way, my teacher is a JEWISH Rabbi...I belong to a JEWISH congregation of believers in Yeshua (JESUS)

2007-04-24 [The Voice of Difference]: Then how can you reciave salvation from him?

He was already alive when he said that. It didn't matter where he was born from. As you say in your next paragraph, "what matters is what the word meant
during the time period the orginal writer wrote it"

He still wasn't named Immanuel. And in his day, it meant young woman. Right there shows that people translated it to be percieved wrong. The 'VIRGIN' birth couldn't have happened. First, it says in Matthew 1:16 Jacob was the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary…
This introduction to Joseph and Mary starts off with Joseph being Mary's husband. Doesn’t husband mean that Mary was already married to Joseph? And in Matthew 1:18 Mary was betrothed (Catholic) espoused (KJV) to Joseph but before they lived together she was pregnant. And Mark 6:3 documents: Is He (Jesus) not the son of Mary, the brother of James, Joses, Judas and Simon? Luke 2:7 & John 2:12 also provide evidence that Jesus had brothers and sisters. Specifically, if Mary sexually consummated her marriage with Joseph to make it legal and had more children, how could Mary have remained a virgin? Galatians 4:4 Paul said: Jesus was made of a woman made under the law… KJV
Galatians 4:4 Paul said: Jesus was born of a woman born under the law… Catholic
Paul was the biggest NT writer about Jesus. Paul said nothing unusual about the birth of Jesus. Doesn’t “born under the law” mean that Mary had married Joseph, had sex with Joseph and bore Jesus legitimately under the law?
When he shows up, I still won't believe him. Have you ever heard, "If on the path, you meet the Enlightened one, kill him." Do you understand what that means?

I know what his title is. My NAME IS Joshua.

Good for your teacher, it's just another mans word that doesn't really matter.

So, now you're sounding to contradict yourself. Jews don't believe that Jesus was the Messiah, that's majorly what seperates the Jewish from Christians.

Believers tend to attach their egos to their God, President, company, team or love-object. When criticized, believers blindly defend those criteria as if they were defending their own egos. If someone other than God had done these things would you have taken side with him or her? Can you explain your attitude even to yourself?

2007-04-24 [Looni Commanda]: I’ll be completely honest with you…all of the killing that goes on in the Name of Jesus, Allah, and between races, nations, countries, tribes…these things horrify me. But I do not blame race or religion for murder, thievery, jealousy, or betrayal…I do not think it is the differences between
human beings that causes the problems among mankind so much as I do that it’s this one common factor that all human beings share…they are imperfect in their ways and capable of doing imperfect things. We all fall short of perfection but some fall further away from it than others do. People that want to control others, or that envy etc…will use their religion or nation as an excuse to act out all of the things that are within their heart. I do not deny that religion or culture can intensify what is already there, but underneath all that religion there is a person with a
free will. If religion were the true problem, everybody that murders in the name of a religion would be “not guilty by reason of religion” People know that it is wrong to murder, to steal, to cheat, to lie etc… But they can fall so far into these things that they are desensitized…have no empathy and therefore no will to restrain themselves. I believe in freedom, so long as that freedom is not used to harm others. In other words, I do believe that it is necessary to maintain law and order in
order to sustain life. If someone is an absolute danger to society for instance, that person must be held accountable and be prevented from doing further damage.

The end of your last posting confused me…I do not want to reply to it until I am sure I know
What it is your asking me. Could you be more specific? I don’t want to write a reply that does not apply to what you asked me to begin with. You asked if I’ve been shocked by what God has
been reported to have done with these selected Bible chapters and verses…the verses you sent
To me…in regard to the virginity of Mary…are murderous evil deeds? I am not sure if you forgot to send me some verses or if my computer is not showing them…or if I am missing something you are trying to tell me. I don’t like murderous evil deeds…but I am not sure how they apply to the virginity of Mary (or non-virginity). I do not think an evil group of scholars rewrote the scriptures so I’d believe in Jesus so if that is what you wondered about…what I don’t like is the men who slander the translators of the Bible. People have tried to tell me that the vowels were taken out of The Divine Name of God by some evil Jewish Scribes…I laughed so hard because
I know that in the Hebrew language there are NO VOWELS! There are now vowel markers…but
Hebrew is constructed purely of consonants! There have NEVER been any vowels in the Divine
Name YHWH. People make accusations that don’t turn out to be true…but if you have some that are true I want to be the first to see them because it is good to know the truth

As for the verses in reference to Mary…I don’t believe God did anything wrong to these verses.
I also do not believe that the translators of my Bible tampered with them. Why would a Hebrew
Scholar that does not believe in Jesus because Jesus is not even born yet tamper with a verse
And make it look like a virgin is going to give birth to a son and call that son Immanuel?! The people who translated that verse to read “virgin”…were Jewish Scholars that translated the Hebrew Bible into Greek BEFORE Christ was ever born. My offense is directed at whoever made
Such an erroneous claim and since I have heard all about this before you ever forwarded this…
I do not mean that I am offended with you. I have researched this and I know that the person
Who originally made such a statement is WRONG…I can prove it to you.

In regard to Isaiah 7:14
If you read the whole chapter in CONTEXT…you will see that the person giving birth HAS to be a virgin because if she is just a maiden or young woman…that gives birth to a child and calls him Immanuel…it is NOT A SIGN OF ANYTHING OTHER THAN NATURE! God is offering in this verse to give Israel a sign from heaven…a sign that will make it obvious to everybody that it is a miracle and not just an everyday normal event.  Babies were named Immanuel back then…young women often under the age of 14 gave birth to these babies…it happened ALL THE TIME…so how would this be a sign from God? Even if someone invented this book of Isaiah, the person would be intelligent enough to make his Almighty God at least look like one! The God would do something supernatural…or nobody would notice the sign! The word almah can mean virgin and it is clear to me that in context…this verse was meant to be understood that way. I am not suggesting that you believe it’s true…that is up to you…I am merely saying that whoever wrote it wanted you to understand the word almah to mean virgin. If it were translated the other
Way the paragraph would not make sense.

There are other places in Scripture that back up the view that Mary was a virgin until after Jesus was born…in the Old Testament. But I am already running late…I will reply to the rest of your posting soon…and I do like it that you show me these things. I do want to check them out…it is
In my best interest to do so and I am glad you take the time to do what you do. I wish there were
More people like you…the world needs somebody to keep them thinking and searching. You sound intelligent…I have a feeling if anybody can show me something that arouses my suspicions as to the integrity of the translators of the Bible and the writers of the New Testament,
It will be you. At least the things you tell me are not ridiculous! They are valid questions and worth scrutinizing and doing some research on if I haven’t seen them before. I think it’s important to Examine all things…you’re right to speak out if you think someone is dishonest…I cannot fault That. I want to know if there are grounds to think so and feel confident that if there are you will find them and pass them on to me.

2007-04-25 [The Voice of Difference]: Another good person to talk to about the inaccuracies of the bible is [Ronin Wolf'sheart]. He'll surely have some good insight to the discrepancies you may have. But he is on Elftown.

2007-04-25 [Looni Commanda]: I can't click on it you didn't type it in right??

2007-05-29 [Looni Commanda]: oh jeez im stupid he's in elftown lol I didn't see that

2007-06-07 [The Voice of Difference]: It's okay.

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