[~Fallen Warrior Angel~]'s diary

61152  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-03-26
Written: (6921 days ago)

Well first off I would like to let the world know that, yes, i am ticked once again (bows) no autographs please. Today me and my wonder family *glares at family* were suppose to take a hunting trip in Minnesota. Our original plan was to stay in a hotel about two hours away from my uncles house and leave tomorrow (march 26th) to go hunting…at the moment I am sitting on my tail wishing my mother could read the hunting manual that stated turkey season doesn’t start until April. I hate killing animals for sport, so what is the reason for my distress you ask…I’ll tell you (only because I’m very-very- very-very- very-very-very-very- very-very- very-very- very-very- very-very- very-very- very-very- very-very- very-very- very-very- very-very-very-very bored(I think the ‘very’s’ speak for wouldn’t yea say?))

60055  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-03-19
Written: (6927 days ago)
Next in thread: 60115

I am immensely ticked…not kidding, I am contemplating murder. I have been searching the internet for inspiration for a story, and I thought I could find some ideas from biblical text. I clicked on a link that read monster. After reading the first few line’s I came to discover that it was a sight for Deist philosophers. In English: They are one who believes in the existence of a God, but denies revealed religion. They hate Christianity, but not because they have proof against it, but because they take it to seriously. They use bits and pieces of biblical verses [(mostly the king James version. I have read the James version and it sounds like BS even to me!)] and take it literally! It seems that it has slipped there minds that years ago scholars (dispels of Christ, ext) wrote in ways that the common people could understand, using creatures from Greek mythology, ext. they are almost worst than atheists or evolutionists! *starts to growl* I need to go kill something, one sec.

59786  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-03-17
Written: (6929 days ago)

Due to Tim’s (call me desdenova)earnest request I am professing my undying love for him…I LOVE YEA MAN!!!!...Now we are going to run away together! Good bye!

58612  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-03-11
Written: (6935 days ago)
Next in thread:

*sigh* Journal:A daily record, especially a personal record of events, experiences, and observations….*snorts* I have no idea how many times I have attempted to start a journal/diary but I can tell you for a fact that not once have I completed one. I think the first diary that I got was about six years ago and up in till know I have written nothing in it except for traumatizing experiences (deaths in the family, world disasters, the day my rat ate my Chickens, etc) another journal that I got about four years ago is rotting in cobwebs somewhere under my bed along with another dozen that I received years to follow. Why am I even thinking about starting a journal now, you ask….I have not a clue. I guess it is the need to write my thoughts out so I can see them and have them years to follow…romantic isn’t it? Yea I know. Any way…
To day is Saturday march 11, 2006…amazing how time fly’s hu? It was Friday only yesterday and I was drooling on my desk staring sightlessly at the clock waiting for the last bell to ring so I could go home and sleep. Now…I’m sitting on my tail trying to think about what to put in this insane journal that I am beginning to regret starting…so I am going to stop this journal until I can think of something to say…

45634  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-12-11
Written: (7025 days ago)
Next in thread: 45635

Words of experience

If a significant other says you are:
Hot or sexy, they would be looking at your body
If they say you are cute or hot they would be looking at your face
If they say you are beautiful they were looking at your soul

 The logged in version 

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