[Some Magical Indulged Tremor!!]'s diary

58673  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-03-12
Written: (6894 days ago)

Hey guys and girlies...yeah my bday is coming...yay 13 days the 25th YAY..and my friends bday is the 30th..YAY...lol we are gonna have a duble party...YES im still having boy truble..kinda..he is totally avoiding my calls and emails..i want to just give up and forget about him..but its so hard...and i dont know how to get him out of my mind..ive tryed almost everything...Drinking, things that make me happy..nothing seems to get me the way he does...happy wise THIS SUCKS

57573  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-03-04
Written: (6902 days ago)
Next in thread: 57712

So..my boyfriend dumped me a while ago about a month...SO FRICKEN sad...it sucks but he is such a jerk its not funny..like he is leading me on or something and it really hurts b.c i LOVE him...my friends say ill be okay I DONT THINK SO!...what should i do...he told my really good friend shelly that he would answer her in 2 weeks its a been a week in a half almost so i dont know if he is just f-n around or what....HELP ME!!

48199  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-12-30
Written: (6966 days ago)

0kay so like i love gerard arthur way im obessed with him its offical..i knew i would be when i first saw him and heard his beautiful voice! he is just so sexsi and i love him to peices.!..hmm well i had a dream about him last night it was so awesome and now i just wish it would come true!....love the one and only ..KD!!! yay yay... i love gerard arthur was so SHUT UP

 The logged in version 

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