[Bullet G♥s In He♥rt CoMes .:Out:.]'s diary

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Written about Wednesday 2006-11-29
Written: (6518 days ago)

ok so today was my worst day and my best day all at the same time....the smorning me and my b.f broke up....i cried hystarrically and almost fell over because i was hyperventilating so much...i was probaly crying worse then what i would of is my parents had just died......i went through the halls missing him ...he was no longer by my side holding my hand and taking each step of the day with me....no more kissing goodbye before/after each class....no more talking no more touching no more of anything except seeing him in the halls looking so happy with all of his freinds....smiling and giggling and being who he was before me and him started dating......i wrote him a note saying i understood completeing why he broke up with me and that was why i wasnt mad at him that was why i was trying to accept the fact that me and him were over.....but i couldnt....i jsut felt like i was forgetting something or forgetting to do something the whole day...and finally after 5th hour he came up behind me and grabbed my hand and i said "really???" and he said "yeah" i wasl liek omg were back together....and now im so happy...happier then i was the fisrt time me and him started dating...

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