[Audio Science]'s diary

128176  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2010-03-05
Written: (5426 days ago)
Next in thread: 129633

I dont understand what is going on in my life at this moment. I am broke, I can't afford anything. I can't even bail my boyfriend out of jail. I fucking hate her. She knew he was almost done, and had to create more lies. I dont even know right now. I feel like I am in the Twilight Zone. WAKE UP! I cant, I just want to snap out of it. It would exactly 2 weeks from today that I'd get to pick him up and bring him home with me and we would put all of that shit behind us. I am not so sure anymore. I'm selling my car, but I'm failing school. My parents said if RJ signed his car into my name, they would be able to post the bond for me until I get my own car sold. I shouldn't have to do that. I know when they see that I'm failing my classes, they'd flip a bitch and say Fuck You. We're Not Helping You Out On This One.
Haha wow.... I sound all emofied and shit, but I just miss him. I can't touch him or anything and it's getting harder and harder as the release date nears.

I just needed to vent....
Hope all goes well tonight.

119634  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-12-08
Written: (5878 days ago)

In 2008...

I fell in love. Absolutely fucking crazy in love. I started my first semester of college. My team won the Super Bowl. I started losing weight. I got high. I got trashed. I colored my hair.

I picked a college to go to in Texas. Still was in love. Made new friends. Had an amazing Valentine's Day.

March: Partied with Simone, broke my arm. Still was in love. No job.

April: Met him. Felt so fucking good. Went to prom.

May: Got my heart broken. He left. Car got stolen. Everything was gone from it. Tornado hit my house bad.

June: Got a job. Tried to get over him.

July: Still worked my ass off. Started talking to my ex again. Woke up and realized that life is not over. 

August: Still kept talking to my ex. Realized I missed him a lot. Fell in love all over again. Got a new car!!! Started school.

September: Grew up!!! Turned 19, still dating Jeff, still worked my ass off. Got a new phone.

October: Still dating Jeff. VOTED! Obama '08!

November: Still dating Jeff, still going to school. New laptop :D

December: Still dating Jeff... freaking out about passing this semester.... still working..

111225  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-02-01
Written: (6188 days ago)

This diary isn't sad and empty anymore!!!

 The logged in version 

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