[Hater]'s diary

13600  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-04-21
Written: (7108 days ago)

The down right damned truth about Friendship going bad:

Coming back from spring break, everything seems to go fine, until one of my three friends, Kendra, Stephanie, and Shaina (Take note these friends call me "Gay" everyday). Before all this had happened, from the story you are going to read, heres something thats considered part of it. So, we are back from spring break and everything, and well I bump into my ex best friend and talk to her like I said in my last post, five, ten minutes at max, and when doing so my 'friends' put my book bag into the boys bathroom, my ex best friends boyfriend got it at least, so I didnt have to.. which honestly I wouldnt have hesitated to do so, and after that they say I hung out with her, and I know I dislike her and what not, but I can tolerate her and i'm starting to think my ex-best friend is better then three, she never called me gay or anything. Anyways! So the next day, they tell me i'm acting weird. Which was Kendra, she was the one who was telling me this. I said, "Alright... how am I acting weird and different?" She didnt give a straight answer. So I ignored it, and what not. Then she said it again, and I asked her again, then nothing, so I told her I have a lot of things on my mind, which I do with school, cause I cant fail ANYTHING in order to pass to the 12th grade. I told her that I was thinking of going to FL and living with my sister, which it was just a thought, nothing more. The same day, a class after lunch, I walked in and they were talking about me. I could tell, anyone could tell. They scattered when I was coming closer and to my seat, and I asked Stephanie. "What were you guys talking about?" She shrugged a little and said, "Oh just something about Shaine laying out in the nude." I knew she was lieing, so I didnt push it any further and sat their silently. After school I didnt hand with them, and went to the library and then went to my english class cause I needed to talk to the teacher about classes next year, blah blah. Now that your caught up, which I might have left some things out but I cant remember it all since i'm over it now, but anyways, giving an update, today Kendra gave me a letter in the morning after the first class, and it says, exactly how its written:

   Hey chick! Whats up? Not to much here just chillen like a villien. So here lately you have been acting different we all think so, because you actually came and talked to use after school, now ou dont. Do you want to be friends w/ us because if you do then you need to let us know b/c if you dont then we can all turn into bitches. I'm not turing to sound mean, ut if you want to go to (I dont know what she wrote on this word, its weird, and it looks like what i'm going to spell) fouder go ahead. Well tell me something.

<3- Kendra

      Write back give
      to in fourth.

After she gave me the letter, I went on to Computer App II class and then Stephanie started to tell me a bunch of crap from yesterday and what Kendra had said after school. Stephanie: "Can I read that?" The letter Kendra wrote me. Me: "Sure I dont care." So she takes it and reads it and says "Well thats mean.." I nodded and said, "Since she said you guys then I figure you are in it too." She told me she wasnt and kept saying that and I nodded, what not. Then she said something about the other day, Stephanie:"Kendra said something like you were mad at her, and didnt know what it was, and Shaina thinks your mad at Kendra to, and its just gone all to hell." I was like.. yeah what ever.. Kendra also started to tell lies about it, but I cant exactly be sure what it was. The conversation went on between me and stephanie. Stephanie:"Oh and also I think Kendra thinks your jealous because shes moving close to me and shaina or something, I dont know." I friggin flipped out, and the teacher was standing near me. "WHAT THE HELL?! I wouldnt wanna move there! Your fucking kidding me!" But thats how it went down, and Stephanie told me not to get her invovled, so I said nothing.

And yep, thats what she wrote exactly, up there. I wrote her back, and I wish I had the letters and I told her I wanted them back but instead she kept them all I guess so everyone in the world could see them, but I dont care, I wrote back and answered her something like:

   Different, and weird? Well, you have to tell me what I'm doing different or what i'm doing wrong, cause as far as I know i'm not doing anything wrong, and really i'm not sorry about it. As for not talking to you after school, it was only one day, and suddenly i'm ditching you. You guys being bitches? To me it seems your trying to give yourself a reason to hate me cause friends dont do that out of the blue just because i'm acting weird. Would it occure to you that i'm having a bad week maybe? Or something else, would it bother to ask what was wrong if I was acting weird? When you said you were not trying to be mean, it seems as if you already have turned into a bitch.. Either way, I love you guys and all, and your cool, but until I get an answer to those questions its not going anywhere.


Now that swhat I wrote back, and there was more but I dont remember it all since I dont have the letters that I asked for. I gave it to her in English and she gets all pissy at me for writing what I did I guess. So, she writes me back and I dont really remember what they said honestly but it said something about me getting made over a letter she wrote, and there again she never did answer those questions for me so I could figure out what was going wrong with me, if there was a reason. So I write back and suddenly, taking the letters I wrote, turning and reading it to random people, and then they all stare at me like i'm some sort of ass hole. I never did jack shit in this fight, and I didnt start it, least I dont think, and all of a sudden i'm the bad guy. Why do I get to be the bad guy, is it because I'm originally the outlaw? Anyways, this went on through English and I was just sitting there reading what not. Class it up and I go to the library again and read and do homework, but then after the same class that they were talking about me again, they all were huddled up cause we were going to watch movie. I sat on the top row by myself as they passed the notes from earlier to each other and talking about it of course. I ingored it cause I could really care less. So anyways, I never talked to them and after school, went back to the library and screwed around a bit, and then went out to get a drink of water and they were walking down the hall. Kendra did something and I knew she was making fun of me by the way she made the sound, and when I walked back in the library, she did it again except louder. I didnt pay any attention to it, and if this keeps up, I'm walking up to them, getting in their faces, and say, "If you have some shit to say about me, say it to my face, otherwise if its behind my back, you better be prepared cause I WILL gladly do something about it." I wouldnt stoop to their level though.. but thats pretty much it so far and maybe tomorrow I'll fill in some more info about the story.. its a drama, and I HATE dramas in school. All I have to say is I think they are rather hateful and immature for no reason, and to me, which again I dont think I did anything. If you spot something in this pathetic story that I've done wrong, then point it out. I'll update tomorrow, say what you want, and bash at me if you wish, I really dont care anymore and I'm not losing sleep over it. Heh. Ally out.


13573  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-04-21
Written: (7108 days ago)
Next in thread: 13591

Alright people! This is the right time I need someones help, and anyone. I'm usually the one who keeps friendships and other relationships together, and it seems that I cant keep my own together.. So tell me this now. I have three friends, Kendra, Stephanie and Shaina. Well, they are cool in some ways, but they call me gay everyday, or at least kendra does and then I guess everyone else follows along. Anyways, i have an ex best friend, and I stopped and talked to her between 5 and 10 minutes. Kendra, Stephanie and Shaina go put my book bag in the boys bathroom, which I really could care less cause I'd walk in there anyways. Heh, thats not the point, anyways the point is, when I talked to my Ex best friend yesterday, I get blamed for hanging out with her today. I mean I admit I dislike her in some ways but I can tolerate her since we've not been talking for a while. Anyways, they accuse me of hanging with her yesterday, as well as saying i've been acting weird ever since spring break, which they never gave me an example, so I dont know what they mean. After that, they seemed to talk about me BEHIND my back, in class. I can careless about what they say, just dont go behind my back and say it, if you have to say something, SAY IT TO MY FACE. Well, after all that I didnt hang with them after school, and probably wont for a while, I just hung in a teachers room or in the library... There is an upcoming Dollywood trip coming up in our Chorus class, and they are all in it, and we were going to be one group, i'm questioning myself on if I should go or not.. what do you think? I really need someones advide, I dont care what it is, I just need some.. I've been giving advice all my life, and worrying about other peoples problems other then mine, until today. Please help me with this...if anyone is out there...


13487  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-04-19
Written: (7110 days ago)

Well, I best start writing in my diary and this isnt going to be long since I'm in school and all. ^_^ I have to start sometime though dont I? Either way this is the first post.. Wooo! Since I have been here I've been way to lazy to do anything on here, but now i'm getting back into the groove. Well, when I got up this morning, and started to school, it started off bad like yesterday.. cause the other day, like sunday my grandmother wanted to go four wheeling and shes still mad at me that I didnt wanna go. How f'ed up is that?! Anyways, now everymorning she wakes me up with a mean hateful tone like always and I wish my dad would get back from his long haul trip.. >_< ... My bestest friend Josh, or "BD" is soon to go into the AF, and I dont know what to think, i've known him for a month and finally now, just when I'm starting to open up more, he has to leave.. which makes me rather sad when I think about it.. oh.. and If your reading this Josh, you have that damn song stuck in my head now and it plays over and over.. anyways I have to go, and I love ya guys ~.^ Toodles.


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