[MyWings]'s diary

98899  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-05-01
Written: (6366 days ago)

[Questions you can ask me if you want to know more about me but don't know what to ask.]

Yes, some of these questions are kind of pointless or silly, and it's up to you if you want to ask them. If you want to ask me questions these questions are only here to make it easier. You can compy them and send them to me, copy some, or just read over some of them and send me those you want to know the answers to. If there are questions you don't really care about the answer to, don't send them to me.
If you have other questions you want to ask that's not on the list of course you can ask them as well.

There are no questions here on this list about what I think about you, would want to do to you or things like that. If you want to know stuff like that, find a different list somewhere else. There are a chanse I'm not even gonna answer it if you send me one of those, though.

And IF you send me some of the questions, don't be suprised if I send the same questions to you later. If you take the time to ask me questions to get to know me I want to get you as well.

First of all:
000: Are there people you won't reply to: Yes...pervs, mostly. I'm not here to find someone to cyber with or people who say "cool" and "yes" and "lol" all the time. (I hate "lol"...brb, bbl, ttl and soo on are okay, but NOT lol)

"Basic Fact" questions (normally the basics, anyway):
001: Name:
002: Nickname:
003: Eye color:
004: Hair color:
005: Shoesize:
006: Hobby's:
007: Brothers/Sisters:
008: Relationship:
009: Lucky number:
010: Pets:

"Favourite" questions:
011: Favorite color:
012: Favorite music:
013: Fave Country to go to:
014: Favorite Car:
015: Favorite Movie(s):
016: Favorite City(s):
017: Favorite Plush:
018: Favorite Perfume/au de toilette/aftershave:
019: Favoriete Magazine:
020: Favorite sound:
021: Favorite TV-series:
022: Favorite Writer:
023: Favorite Nickname:
024: Favorite Song ever:
025: Favorite song at this moment:
026: Favorite food:
027: Favorite class in school:
028: Favorite drink:
029: Favorite art-artist:
030: Favorite shoes:

"This or that" questions:
031: Laugh or dream:
032: Serious or funny:
033: Fast or slow:
034: You prefer being alone or have relation:
035: Simple or complicated?:
036: Cremate or Buried when dead:
037: Sex or alcohol:
038: Stay up late or go to bed early:
039: Light of dark?:
040: Speak or Silence:
041: Tall or small man/woman:
042: Hug or kiss:
043: Happy or Sad:
044: Life or Death:
045: Gig or Disco:
046: Left or Right:
047: Sausages on top, or on the side:
048: You spend your time rather inside or outside:

"Other facts":
049: Your goal in life:
050: Best feeling:
051: Worst feeling in the world:
052: What are you afraid of:
053: What is the one thing you can't stand:
054: Most romantic moment in your life:
055: Most embarassing moment in your life:
056: What word do you use most:
057: What time do you go to bed on weekdays:
058: What class on school do/did you dislike most:
059: What do you really really dislike to eat:
060: What do you think is greatest about yourself:
061: Who would you like to meet:
062: Who do you admire most:
063: Most sexy person(s):
064: What do you do in the weekends:
065: What was the promise you made to yourself at new years eve:
066: What all is under your bed:

067: What deodorant do you use:
068: What is on your mousepad:
069: As what animal would you like to reincarnate:
070: What would you ask God if you could ask him 1 single question:
071: How many kids would you like to have:

"Yes/No" questions:
072: Are you an emotional person:
073: Do you ever cry during a movie:
075: You believe in reincarnation:
076: You believe in Aliens:
077: Do you smoke:
078: Any tattoo(s):

079: Does true love exist:
080: Most original place to ask your love to marry you:
081: When you die, what will be your last words?:

92190  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-01-11
Written: (6476 days ago)
Next in thread: 92194, 92267

Would you wake me up in the middle of the night, just to tell me you love me?

87124  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-11-12
Written: (6536 days ago)
Next in thread: 87131

i don't know how i am anymore. it might be for the best, after what if heard. last week i scared my teachers. now they're planning of taking me off 60% of all my lessons, meaning i've only got 3 subjects left. i don't mind, but i'm a bit afraid it won't happen after all. and i'm much of a mess inside too, they tell me. i don't know. i'm not there. this morning i dreamt i was to marry Thomas (an ex, and the biggest jerk i've ever met), and i almost agreed, because of the most amazing dress ever, that i'd get to wear in the wedding. as soon as i realized i was about to agree (in the dream), i started to wonder if i really am that shallow. of coruse i didn't agree. i hit the guy instead, so yeah... when i woke up i couldn't get the dress out of my head (hehe it was soooooooooo amazing! red and all). i'm so tired now a days i hardly know how to do anything, and i want to do nothing at all. just sleep (without dreaming!!!) for a very long time. i wish i wasn't the way i am. and i wish it'd all go away.
on top of everything else i can't get D out of my head. didn't know it was posible to miss someone this much.
*sighs* help?

70451  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-06-05
Written: (6696 days ago)
Next in thread: 70539

this is just painful. they've got to give me that medicine as soon as posible now, or i'm gonna break down again. i can't do this! i don't wanna go back to that hospital, and i don't wanna be embarest of who i am right now. i wish it didn't hav to be like this. three weeks is more than i can take right now. four would be even worse. i can't do anything. and i don't wanna cry. but it happens all the time. one day of sleeping isn't enough rest. one night with no nightmores isn't enough. one message every month won't do it. right now love and hate is too close to each other. it can't keep on like this. so why do i know i'll fogive him at once if he send me one before it's too late? when is too late? this friday? next month? after th summer? i don't know anymore. all i know is how much it hurts. i wish it would go away.

68252  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-05-17
Written: (6715 days ago)

1. Login to Elfpack, and go to their wiki, eg stylesheets.
2. Now copy the address under the picture you want, and...
3. Go to the 'change personal dat' thing on your house and paste that address in the part that says 'Stylesheet to use:'...
... Tada! The colours and sidebar will be changed.

68133  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-05-16
Written: (6716 days ago)

some days i'm glad i'm alive
some days i couldn't care less if i were living or dead
some days i wish i was dead

some days i wish i could live forever
some days i may be both alive and dead
some days i'd give anything to die

some days i'm happy when i wake up in the morning
some days i want to sleep all day
some days i wish i didn't wake up

I haven't had any good days for a very long time
I feel like i don't care at least once a week
the rest of the time i wish the world would stop bothering me
and let me die
so that i could be done with it all

no more pain

 The logged in version 

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