[PussyLiquor87]'s diary

50945  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-01-19
Written: (6833 days ago)


Sevral animals have extra extrodinary large brains like humans. Some examples of this is the elephant which displays several forms of intelegance. from memory to problem solving. some trained elephants have been known to learn tricks like painting. they also show signs of being social. from 1 source i hear that when an elephant dies the herd picks up some of the bones and carry the bones with them. some beleive this is their form of sorrow of the departed. another great example is the whale, they somtimes hunt in packs called pods. this shows coperation teamwork and language skills. they surround a school a fish and 1 swims with their mouth open. they also use high pitch squels that stun some prey. thes are both very large animals. but some have a smaller body like the dolphin. We sometimes dont think how they hunt in groups like whales but also are playful which was proven to improve inteligence so how does this compare to us? well they are inteligent and use this to survive in the wild. some beleive that in 1000 years they will be on top of the food chain. i dont know but if an animal can think and lear maby we should learn about our more primitive selves.

49947  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-01-12
Written: (6841 days ago)

        pro and con speech

-animals are not equal to humans they are not moral creatures
-saves lifes both humans and animals
-needed to increase knowledge
-some animals reproduce faster than humans
-so you can gather info faster
-alot of diseases are cured
-it is ethical that animals depend on humans when helping humans they help themselves
-find solutions to their problems
-experiments are safer and more healthy than the natral enviornment
-over 80 medicines designed for humans can be used on animals
-Animal Experimentation,opposing view points_Gale Group
Green Haven Press

SO in conclusion,animal testing is necessary for the scientific world.

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