[Snickerz]'s diary

126250  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-11-17
Written: (5344 days ago)

so bored. nothing to do. tired of reading. my head n eyes hurt. tg for music.

all there is left.

119484  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-11-26
Written: (5700 days ago)
Next in thread: 119498

i hate the world. i hate my life. please, someone, anyone, shoot me.

117357  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-08-08
Written: (5810 days ago)

i am so on it is mental. i mean. several hours of talkin about sex and the one person who can get even your turnoffs to be turnons instead. well, wouldn't u be ready to jump something?


76627  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-07-17
Written: (6563 days ago)

I am so extremely bored that i can't even tell you. I'm officially single again... Yay... i'm seriously bored. there's no jobs i can get. i have no money to go
karaoke-ing. and there are no musicals/plays for at least a month to audition for... there is literally nothing to do!

73494  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-06-28
Written: (6582 days ago)


just what i need. another blog for the world to yell at me for. but u have to love the name... lol...

music rec:

Run Away by Pink

73381  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-06-27
Written: (6583 days ago)

ugh. i feel lousy. life sux. i just got over bein' sick. joy o joy. tg for my gramma pickin up my pix from coldwater though. 25$ total. ugh. anyways i uploaded an awsome pick of me. hope u enjoy....
Smile all!

Music Rec:
Hate Me by Blue October

73033  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-06-25
Written: (6585 days ago)

hey. life sux. what else is new though rite?

72789  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-06-23
Written: (6587 days ago)

evil... just plain evil... i just read this fwd from my mom... it's so evil...... in a funny way... most people wouldn't even understand why it's funny...

72407  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-06-20
Written: (6590 days ago)

~The following are emails between myself and my exboyfriend Jon... I am putting them here so that, if I seem distressed, you all may be able to understand a part of the reason why...~
i know what you mean but its hard i got no life anymore so why stop


From: alee mcrae <freakyrain2007@yahoo.com>
To: shaelene little <shaelene_2003@hotmail.com>
Subject: RE: SEX JOKE
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2006 12:23:51 -0700 (PDT)

if u are sorry u're into it then quit. Jeez! not too hard to figure out babe... i gotta go cuz my idiot boyfriend is flirting w/my sister.

shaelene little <shaelene_2003@hotmail.com> wrote:

i wish i robbed a bank all i gotta say its a bad thing for what i did i cant trust my own self anymore after what i did i told my mom to fuck off and because now im doing cocaine it sucks i hate it im sorry im into it now

From: alee mcrae <freakyrain2007@yahoo.com>
To: shaelene little <shaelene_2003@hotmail.com>
Subject: RE: SEX JOKE
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2006 09:07:18 -0700 (PDT)

Damnit jon... u know i don't like guessing games... what the hell did you do??? Rob a bank??? u're scarin' me jon...

shaelene little <shaelene_2003@hotmail.com> wrote:
nope not that its something nobody can trust me with ever again

From: alee mcrae <freakyrain2007@yahoo.com>
To: shaelene little <shaelene_2003@hotmail.com>
Subject: RE: SEX JOKE
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2006 12:06:25 -0700

i have no idea... u got a chik preg.??? i'm clueless, babe.....

shaelene little <shaelene_2003@hotmail.com> wrote:       

imma have to move out of here after grad other
wise im dead and wont be alive for what i did take a guess for what i did

From: alee mcrae <freakyrain2007@yahoo.com>
To: shaelene little <shaelene_2003@hotmail.com>
Subject: RE: SEX JOKE
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2006 10:22:51 -0700 (PDT)

what exactly did u do??? I just
stayed up all night online just to reply to any e's u may have sent so u better tell me! 

shaelene little <shaelene_2003@hotmail.com> wrote:
what its true i did something i cant reget myself for doing and i have to take the pain to you know

From: alee mcrae <freakyrain2007@yahoo.com>
To: shaelene little <shaelene_2003@hotmail.com>
Subject: RE: SEX JOKE
Date: Sun, 4 Jun 2006 22:31:29 -0700 (PDT)

WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!? I DON"T EVER WANT U 2 SAY SOMETHIN" LIKE THAT AGAIN DO YOU UNDERSTAND??? IT ISN"T FUNNY AND I HIGHLY DOUBT U DID SOMETHIN" THAT BAD... I'm sure if u told me that i wouldn't hate u... believe me, one of my friends is a convicted
sex offender and i still love him 
enough to stay the night at his house.. hell i've been known to stay there a couple months at a time and he has YET to touch me... damnit jon... Superman u know i still care about u... are u trying to make me upset again? i just got over another bout of nausea and depression... seriously hone.... whatever...   
MISS U,    

shaelene little
<shaelene_2003@hotmail.com> wrote: 
i understand holy shit its hot outside im dieing of heat...shit im laughing to hard i see a fucking funny ass mother fuckin picture...im bad i should be somewhere else besides enjoying the free world i dont deserve no friends anymore shit i did something bad i cant say i wish i could tell but all of you peeps will hate me for what i did im gunna get someone to beat me up real bad or either shoot me for what i did...by september i
wont either be alive or be hurt reall bad but ya email me back kk

fuck the
world and everything in my life boo ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: alee mcrae <freakyrain2007@yahoo.com>
To: shaelene little
Subject: RE: SEX JOKE
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2006 10:35:47 -0700 (PDT)

no comment. YOU SCARED THE HELL OUTTA ME!!!!!!!!!!
i thought we agreed we were gonna be friends.... Jon.... I would LOVE to get back with you......BUT I'm already with someone... I AM SO
Miss u lots,

little <shaelene_2003@hotmail.com> wrote:     
i miss you too i want you back i cant get
you out of my head and i cant get over you alae your the one who has my heart email me back i will check my email at lunch dont forget i love you alot and i cant get you out of my head my
life just aint the same anymore without you in my life love you and miss you tooo


From: alee mcrae <freakyrain2007@yahoo.com>
To: shaelene little <shaelene_2003@hotmail.com>
Subject: RE: SEX JOKE
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2006 10:22:11
-0700 (PDT)

What's wrong Jon???? Are you okay??? You don't have any terminal illness do you??? (I have
every right to freak out cuz nothing is goin' right today...) Write back soon.   
Miss You,

shaelene little <shaelene_2003@hotmail.com> wrote:
i want
to talk to you k so
email me back plz

72404  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-06-20
Written: (6590 days ago)

losing my mind... hate computers...lol.
music rec:
Paris Hilton's: Stars Are Blind

71681  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-06-14
Written: (6596 days ago)

I know baby you're frustrated
(uh huh)
but I'd like it if we waited
(mm mm)
Get a little more acquainted,
it's better when anticipated
(oh, Just take off your clothes)

anyways i'm about to log off cuz i have to. stupid library rules. anyways. i won't be on probably til next week. sorry to my pals. later.
Music Rec:
Who Knew by Pink

71212  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-06-09
Written: (6601 days ago)

When I see you baby
I wanna take off your clothes
Just rip off your clothes
Just take off your clothes

When I see you I want you to
take of my clothes
Just rip off my clothes
Just take off my clothes
Well make yourself at home and take off your clothes
We'll get naked and we'll see how it goes

I know baby you're frustrated
(uh huh)
but I'd like it if we waited
(mm mm)
Get a little more acquainted,
it's better when anticipated
(oh, Just take off your clothes)

I wanna touch your little
your little hip bones
your collar bones
and all your other bones
and your happy trail
it's my happy trail
Youre treasure trail,
let's see what goes down

Come on baby you're fixated,
(uh huh)
I think I'd like it if we waited
(uh uh)
Get a little more acquainted,
it's better when anticipated
(no its not, just take off your clothes)

Just take off your clothes

So come on baby don't be shy,
and let's begin
and I'll take off your clothes
Cause everyone knows
you like me it shows
and you know how it goes
If you take off your clothes
we'll see how it grows
I just wanna know

If you take off your clothes
(you take off your clothes)
and if you take off your clothes
(I'll take off my clothes)
and i take off my clothes
(I'll rip off your clothes)
Rip off my clothes
(I'll rip off my clothes)
Rip off your clothes
(I'll take off your clothes)
Take off your clothes
(I'll rip off my clothes)
Rip off your clothes
(I'll take off your clothes)
Come on just take off my clothes

I know baby you're frustrated,
(uh huh)
but I'd like it if we waited
(just take off your clothes)
Get a little more acquainted,
(that's right)
it's better when anticipated


71210  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-06-09
Written: (6601 days ago)

lol. tg for music or i'd die....

music rec:

Take off your clothes-by Morningwood

70466  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-06-05
Written: (6605 days ago)

oh goddess... y did i say i was gonna be organised this summer??? i'm cleanin' out my folders on my email and in one folder alone i had over 400 emails... and i have at least 30 email addresses!!!!!!!!!!

70461  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-06-05
Written: (6605 days ago)

fjdkl;a jfdkla;ieoiankdnvb ffdjdaf

i'm so bored.

70447  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-06-05
Written: (6605 days ago)

life is so much better now...
the beauty of music.... lol... and people....

Music Rec:

Mandy by Jonas Brothers

70443  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-06-05
Written: (6605 days ago)

party sucked. killey sucks. everyone sucks.



 The logged in version 

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