[Vice]'s diary

42788  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-11-19
Written: (6992 days ago)

Can fire freeze me?
Earth release me?
Breathe the water...
And choke the air...

So begins the end...

Barely conscious...
Heart is beating...
I'm still breathing...
But, in my mind...

My breath goes numb...
My eyes grow cold
The fear I hold...
Quite far from gone...

Voices silent...
My arms feel weak...
I dare not speak...
Love keeps me strong...

Longing burden...
To quench my rage...
A living cage...
I'm bound no more...

Death awakens...
My pain to ease...
My sweet release...
Is said and done...

((Far from done? I'd like to think so... Feedback?))

 The logged in version 

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