[kimmi19]'s diary

126550  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-12-05
Written: (5326 days ago)

You never know how much u love someone until they open there eyes to see you, I think i ben doing this wrong bc i go in with my eyes close all the time so it never work. I not found anyone like you that care about talking and stand of get me in bed that nice but it not how you started bc i think i move to fast and it over before i know it and im heart broken again and again i never win.<img:mood21-gif.gif>

126486  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-12-02
Written: (5329 days ago)

dont mad at me i wrote what i massager u im sorry u are not fuck up u are a great guy ok and i would give anything to be there for u

125991  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-11-02
Written: (5359 days ago)

wow i knew something was wrong i knew you u were sad about something. I know how u feel about all this and yes it suck. I love you 2 and miss you 2

125891  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-10-26
Written: (5366 days ago)

I hope you are not mad not me for what i said i was saying the true about how i feel about you i like you alot you talk to me and you care and you support me in going in to the army. I miss you if i dont talk you, you make me feel happy to talk to you. love u lot

125778  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-10-18
Written: (5375 days ago)

i ben think about this all day about going to the army tell me all what u think

125752  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-10-15
Written: (5377 days ago)

ok i really cant do this no more, i think i would be better off riping my heart out so i can feel the pain no more o right i be dead ya for me

125726  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-10-13
Written: (5379 days ago)

I wish i never got up today or went to work i saw john one the guy that i hate so much it hurt me to think about what happen to us or what he did i cant really trust guy no more bc of him. I didnt need to see him today <img:mood1-gif.gif>

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