[speedy]'s diary

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Written about Saturday 2007-03-17
Written: (6411 days ago)

Current mood: crushed
Category: fucked up Life

dun dun duna dun a and on lol

fuck i hat this would i bet u do to but fuck win im setin here wich u i got nutin elce to do   this is kinda dum lol

fuck its suwisid huh im losin my mind

huh your time has come know your  sole is mine ha hah hahahahahaaaaa

crazzy  crazzyness inside my head all alone in this home going crazzy ha ha haahahaaa fuck this soungs four you u know we true brose tell de end 

ya we can find a girl an stick wit here hah fuck this would

it all the same in they end............. ash to ash dust to dust case it e ternaly all the same . 

eddie thats one of this four u but this ones four the three of us me u charly

yup u thank were crazzy u i bet u do an you new me ma u would to ya i thank your fuck up case its all fucked up that u left me on this wourld all alone on the floor crinig here i wish u were here.............case i need u right know csae i need u right know...... fuck this would fuck dis place case it ...all ...the...same


11:10 AM - 2 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

13 Feb 2007

happy valintins day
Current mood: guilty
Category: Writing and Poetry

happy v day

im sorry for the thangs i did

case i'll never do it again

i might be insain but i know you felt it as i did

the lonelyness inside of me inside of u

u know it true the fealing dat i felt four you

deep inside i felt confused about u. i didint think

the thangs i felt for u would be true

deep inside as are feelings die

we seperate in hope some day

we gain the fealing we once had

to you and only you

my baby u..............

12:14 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

10 Feb 2007

hah you crazzy too
Current mood: artistic
Category: Life

you thank life is all the same but its just a game inside your head lying down in the bed im all confused im stuck wich u in da only thang ta gain is the pain deep inside ware it hides no ware elce would it be inside of me thee an only thee can rescue me from this pain that i gain deep inside it ...... will ........... rise

de end

yup you thank im crazzy yup i bet you do yup i thought it throoo you crazzy to an i bet you thought i couldint rap but yet i just did exsaclky that..........hah i love you to

12:51 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Current mood: cold
Category: Life

you thank life is all the same but as you can you obviusly dont know a thang

to you i right this soung

you see this vains gain pain but it all the same look inside your self look intel you see the same pain an agonny that i see that you left within me

an they onlythang i half to say is .....................to ........ be ..............continued

12:41 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

24 Aug 2006

so confused
Current mood: creative
Category: out thare Dreams and the Supernatural

im liying here cring here

what shoud i do -oo-o000

whare should i go i have nouthing without u

im going crazzy whithout u0o0o0o0o0o0o0   ha ho

so day i live like i use to but with out uuu0o0000 iHAVE NOUTHIN IM AM NOWARE im stuck in a hole of nouthing but unnnnouwn 

so BABY PLEAS COME BACK TO ME IM DOWN ON MY NEES BEGING GOD PLEAS that youed come back to me ---------e ------------he------someday some how you know just how i feal

this is four all those girls that have been in fucked up realationships and four giys that miss the one that the once hade or lost becase of a stuped mastake    this was righton by michael tim brandt

5:21 PM - 3 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

15 Jun 2006


i right this thang to reliss my pain i right this thangs case love hase stolen my hart and toren it away i feel no pain i feel insain without you i will die/in/pain four speedy is gone and skull phantum has retern i come out in the night to put fear in the eyes of eveal i come out to destoy who destoy what i come to love four if you tri to stop me you well be delt with i never sleep youve come to put fear in my eyes but what you dont know is that the fear is already slowly killing you four you will dip die in pain if you destoy what i love i worn the people that hert or threten the ones i love or the one i care about ive warned you know four later is your punishment  hahahahahahahah

8:00 AM - 1 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

14 Jun 2006

what is love
Current mood: artistic

what is love whith out people what is love whithout troble what is this pain ill feel what is the reasen ive been heled after such pain pain know one knows of this pain when well it stop wy wount it stop wy is it that ever time i feel like shit i thank off you just four a secound the pain is goun wy is it that when i find that special one there thare just four the secound i have know life i feel know pain these druges are drivin me insain but win im with you i feel no pain but feel the same i feel like im reagiler not and out cast i ask you four you hart but you do not give it you spit in my face what a desrace you say you love me but you dont show it i wish some day we join hand and hand love well keep use together but four know i will dip insid i feel again i hope someday well be the same again intell then the world well be not a world bbut a shithole a hole of pain and deth a hole of fergoten love  the end is here  love speedy

10:30 AM - 2 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

17 May 2006

ok people i need your coments
Category: Music

this is a song i made win i was board is it good or what?

i bleed i weep case i never sleep blood runs throw my eyes you'll never know case ill never show the truth behind all lies and youll never see they end of me case ill never ever whana leave in tell the end of you and me sex drugs and rock and roll blow right throw my mind and if you ever want to know the truth benith this hiddin soal than you' ll ask youself wy do i trie win nothing ever hapins nothing ever will wy do i tri

or this one

i bleed i weep case i never sleep drugs run throw my vains i never ever care about you never ever will you tri to hide what you never loved and never will benith your eye of sigh and depresoin 

ok im knot don with this yet but im steal tring

4:37 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

31 Jan 2006

self hatred

know i lay my self to drugs and pills as i do this i slit my throwt i need for speed and hatred i wonder if i ever make it in my life i ask the lord in in respns i here no anser what do i do whare do i go know that every thang is sucking i wish i wasint on these drugs thay make me do thang i dont want to do like be slow and slower my friands tell me its the goverment controling

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