[this useris dead]'s diary

16962  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-05-15
Written: (7083 days ago)

I was alone
I felt discriminated against
People everywhere it seemed did not want to know me
I was alone
Did you care?
I was alone
I sat up in bed and thought to myself
Listening to the sounds of my own crying as the tears roll down my face
I was alone
Did you care?
I was alone
I looked out of the window and saw two people walking down the street
Hand in hand they walked, laughing and kissing
I thought if I would ever reach the same level of happiness
You told me I was just kidding myself
I felt really alone
Did you care?
No, you never did


People are always on my case
Home is starting to become a bad place
They are making me look like a disgrace
Everywhere it seems that people are giving me a reason to hate
At school it gets worse
I am beginning to think this is a curse
Why do people use me for what I got?
Why can’t people love me for what I am?
Life is like a two-sided sword
both sides hurt
why do I fall for the same old trick?
With the same old fucking prick
Well let me give you a hint
For you, you stupid fucking prick
If you can’t stand me
If you can’t understand me
There is something you can do
I think its time you


Pretend that every things okay,
leaving it for another day,
you think you'd have more time then,
to remember the past.
But once you reach that peak,
you're feeling frail and meek,
from something else,
that you couldn't prevent.
So you try to remember the hurt,
but you're left feeling curt,
you can't remember the emotions,
you can't remember the pain,
all that you know is that it just feels the same.
The days blur by,
your chest heaves with a sigh,
you're sinking lower in dark waters,
you're remembering envisioned slaughters.
Razors against your skin,
your body is crippled and thin,
with scarlet rivers tainting ivory,
the pain's almost savory.
You can't care anymore,
your eyes feel heavy and sore,
blank and dull,
emotionless face, emotionless body,
maybe it's all in your head,
but you think you'll be okay.
So you'll just keep pretending everything's okay,
and save it for another day.


My whole body's shaking,
I wanna die inside.
Walk away from this life,
Turn around and hide.
A voice keeps telling me,
C'mon, just hold on.
But my heart is screaming,
It's just been too long.
Lightning strikes a tree outside,
A blade attacks my body.
I sink into another world,
Different than this life will be.
Everything grows numb,
A smile forms across my face.
I suddenly feel good,
As I drift into a daze.
This smile is very rare,
And it's not because I'm happy.
If you could look into my mind,
You'd understand and see.
I live in black and white,
I scream but no one hears.
I swim in tears and blood,
And I must live off my own fears.


Used and deceived
Brought to your knees
Lonley and cursed
Love at its worst
Shallow and sly
Never said goodbye
Alive yet so dead
Its all in your head
In pain yet in love
Your hand won't fit the glove
Right yet so wrong
Loves pulled you along
Healthy yet sick
Emotionally unfit
Backstabbed yet again
By more than a friend
Pressured and pulled
Once again fooled
Played with and used
Beat and abused
Impaled and bleeding
Plan is succeeding
Held by a thread
Alive yet so dead


Happy once and smiling once and loving all life gave.
Now to die, a burning pyre, my fiery smoking grave.
A lifetime laughing and loving all, learning who I was.
A thousand lifetimes lonely and lost, cursing what fate had caused.
Blood of millions on my hands, in my ears their dying breaths.
Tortured body mind and soul for so many lives and deaths.
Atonement, no, no forgiveness for the damage I have done.
The only peace to ever know that soon I will be gone.
Always to remember the faces of the dead.
Crying even as I burn for those upon which I fed.
Remember my lesson, no payment for immortality gained.
Nothing but a thousand lifetimes wasted in death and pain.


What is this?
I see
I feel
I taste
This crimson
This fluid
This saltiness
It leaks out of me
Drips out of my every pore
The wounds are deep
You don’t give them time to heal
You reopen them
With your sword of a tongue
Slicing me up every time
Every time you get a chance to
These cruel words
I cannot hide from them
I cannot hide from you
I try
I try so very hard
Yet fail every time
I hide away
For your mercy
I hide in a dark corner
Invisible to everyone
Everyone but you
You hunt me out
You can smell my fear
Sense my weakness
You know when and where to attack me
There is noting left
I have bleed for to long
My remaining blood drips out of me
It collects in pools around my now lifeless body
I grasp my last breath
It puts to much pressure on my broken ribs
The pain is unbearable
My eyes gently close
I whisper my final goodbyes
A tear runs down my face
My life slips away
My soul lingers for a while
I look down on my mutilated body
Then I go
Go to a different place
A place haunted by myself


When people tell me,
I know what you are going through.
No, it's impossible for them to know,
I just want to scream, I'M NOT YOU.
No one understands,
No one needs to know.
Because the real me,
I'm not willing to show.
People think they know me,
Though it isn't true,
Because what you see,
Is a show I put on for you.
People think they want to see me,
Everything I have inside.
I will never show you,
That is something I will always hide.


Don't ask me why,
I want to pierce the skin,
It's just so tempting,
And oh, so very thin.
You don't need to go deep,
To see the crimson line.
Don't tell me what to do,
Because this skin is mine.
If you go deep enough,
the lines don't go away.
Just a different color,
Beautiful scars, there day after day.
I have always wanted to push the razor,
As far as it would go,
To watch the blood drip down,
To see the crimson flow.


Night, dark alone.
So peaceful and serene.
The only time I don't have to act.
No one to intervene.
It was nice to sit alone,
Under the moonlit sky.
Nothing to worry about,
Only how fast time went by.
I didn't want to move.
The silence it would break.
The slightest move,
Would be like ripples in a lake.
The crickets lightly humming,
The breeze light and cool.
The stars shone brightly above,
Each one a precious jewel.
I didn't want to go in,
Leaving my serenity behind.
The only reason I went in,
Was hoping once again my serenity I would find.


Hatred and hurt whirling around inside,
Crashing my emotions like an ocean tide,
My feelings are so hard to hide,
Many times I’ve kept them in when I should have cried,
I’m the one to blame with my stubbornness and pride,
Convincing everyone that my life’s an easy ride,
I couldn’t end my depression even if I tried,
Because your face would still be there in the back of my mind.


I’m so sick of being weak
You got what you seek
I’m broken down and sad
You’ve made a ton of people mad
Stop being a bitch
Your heartless attitude makes me sick
What the hell did I do?
Tell me, ‘cause I don’t have a clue
You fucking asshole
You ripped out my soul
You left an empty shell
Rotting in this hell
All that time you were lying
Now I’m sitting here, dying
But my love, it’s still there
Though it’s really not fair
That you just left me
How couldn’t you see
That I had more to say
Before you walked away
Maybe you did see it
You just didn’t give a shit
Well, neither do I
Which is why it’s my time to die
But I’m not going by myself
You life is also going on the shelf
You made my pain so real
Now it’s your turn to feel
It doesn’t compare to the pain I feel
But somehow I deal
Just knowing that you, too
Will soon feel the pain I do


Death, In itself the essence of the word
Eternal darkness and nothingness to the world
Inside the bleakness not one glimmer of hope shall arise
Many fight and many take it as a prize
It happens to us all, one time or another
Death comes calling like a baby to its mother
If you try to outrun it, you won't get far
Life burns out quickly, like the one last star.


My flesh stings
The cuts are deep
Too deep
They reveal the bone that lies beneath
My crimson blood runs onto the floor
Mind your step
Try not to slip when u walk across the pools of my blood
They surround my virtually dead body
I have bleed for too long
My body is now cold
So very cold and now almost lifeless
Tears are now falling down my face
Falling into my open wounds
Each tear like a burning poker
Burning its way into my soul
Into my very being
There is nothing left
I cannot go on
I cannot breath
I cannot lift a finger
My life is slipping away
I beg for death
Death is kinder than life
Please put me out of my misery
The pain is agonizing
……..Slipping ……
My soul lingers
I wish my final goodbyes
Then drift away
Away from here
Away from this world
Away to somewhere else


You are the catalyst of my sad emotion.
You are the reason I am so broken.
You kick me when I'm down.
My tears you hold in joy.
Then you talk to me so coy.
I don't understand you
Since when are you like this ?
Since when are our hugs so cold?
I can't embrace you.
Then I try to remember of days old.
to see if I did something so tragic.
I come up empty handed.
The pain you cause in me is not just.
I don't understand it.


The wounds on my heart are getting bigger
The devil makes me pull the trigger
I can’t say “no”
Cuz then I’ll suffer more
I couldn’t stay away from the razor long
I found it, and I locked the door
The radio plays my favorite song
As I’m losing my blood, I fall on the floor
The memories are running through my mined
I am lying on the floor half blind
I can feel and smell the blood
In my head I scream “Oh God!”
I am scared, but there is no “other” chose
I can hear in my head a weird voice
It is telling me to go in to the light
But the light is not bright
I committed a suicide
The gates to the heaven are off of my site
I cut myself just for fun
But now, the fun is gone


I'm crashing into a pit full of despair,
My heart's barely beating;
I look about me,
Everybody is fleeing.
Why is everybody leaving?
What are they running from?
A man came around from behind me,
And gave me a quick shove.
I hit the ground,
And skinned my knees;
I stiffled back a cry,
And looked around me.
I spotted something out of the corner of my eye,
I slowly turned my head to see what it could be;
It was blood,
Pooling about me.
Tears streaked my cheeks,
Now I knew what had gone wrong;
This was my fear,
That I would die like the end of a sad song.
I let out a cry for help,
But no one ever turned to see;
Me lying there,
Bleeding freely.
Those that I thought were my friends,
Passed me up without a glance;
My heart ached,
Why couldn’t I be given a second chance?
I felt my heart beat fade,
Drifting into the dark;
All the world's despair,
Had met its mark.
This is my world,
Bleed me;
My lost hopes,
My Insanity.


Its too late to kiss me now
my face is no longer there
invisible to the world I am somehow
its not like you even cared
you now decide to show emotion
when you know its way too late
telling me about your promotion
acting like your my mate
the awkward smiles which you give me
the uncomfortable hugs I receive
I wish I could say don't come near me
but I can't im way too weak
years of abuse have corroded me
beatings have worn me down
if you could only see
i'm not the funny clown
don't seek perfection in the eyes of deceit
I told myself everyday
I should of taken notice of myself;pushed down my feet
I was just a toy for you to play


You make me want to cut
To hit the veins deep
With the way you've lied to me
Or rejected me
You make me want to burn myself
To feel the stinging pain
And feel the burn you placed on me
You make me want to cry
To induce another ache in my head
That I will numb with an assortment of pills
You make me want to hate you
Only I can't


You lied to me
When you staged your intervention
It was really about you
And the cuts on your body
As red as the ink I write in
I want to make it flow
This time from your body
To show you real pain
I hurt you; you hurt me
We were joined forever
In and endless cycle of tears and blood
The friendship ended
Because you saw me in you
Or you in me
And it terrified you


Battered and Bruised
Used and Abused
Never even cared...
Mangled and Torn
Misused and Worn
Still don't care...
Lied to and Maimed
Ripped up and Blamed
Care yet? Thought not....
Dieing and Broken
Sick and Mistoken
Are you caring now?


Bite my nails till they bleed
Screaming till the pain recedes
Looking back upon myself
Thinking how I cut myself
Knowing that it won’t make this end
Make this pain slip away
Make this all just go away
Send me back to a place and time
When everything felt fine
And the wounds you made would mend


Yes there is something wrong
But I really don’t want to talk
It’s just my life feels like
One long and boring walk
I don’t want your advice
Or any sympathetic hugs
And I don’t want to stay at home
And swallow prescribed drugs
I’m not feeling too well right now
I’m feeling a little down
My mind is my worst enemy
And my face will only frown
My brain is screwing up
But you know I can still hear
I can hear the rumors flying
And what you say when I’m not near
I’m not a mindless guy
And you don’t handle that to well
I’ve just one thing to say to you,
Will you please just go to hell?


Strike the match
Light the fuse
Fight the urge
to Ignite the room
Drop the torch
Plop to the ground
Mop up the tears
Sop up the sound
Crinkle the paper
Wrinkle your brow
Tinkle the alarm bell
Sprinkle kerosene around
Laugh at the insanity
Graph the impact
Calf of sacrifice
Half-baked and half-cracked
Burn in this hell
Churn around inside
Turn away from the pain
Yearn to quickly die
Lie on the floor
Cry out the fire
Sigh at the hopelessness
Die a death not admired
Ashes to ashes
Lashes singed to dust
Crashes of sound
Sashes of rust
Lease on life lost
Peace of mind taken
Grease-stained corpse
Cease fire forsaken.


Will you remember me when I'm gone?
When my breathing has stopped
And there’s no motion going on?
Would you still love me if I said goodbye?
And pulled the trigger
With my last sad sigh?
Would you notice if I was pulling away?
Waiting for a good time
To call it my last day            
Would you even feel sad?
And cry for me...
Because I am dead
Will you remember the good times and forget the bad?
Because where I'm going...
There will be no time for remembering feelings I had


In the plywood case I am to stay,
And on the satin I drift away.
One of the two there walks by,
Pretending to care, pretending to cry
After one final look at my face,
It’s time to leave this dreary place.
At the cemetery, no grave for me,
I don’t care, I am finally free.
I’ve wiped away each bloody tear,
Now it’s time to go away from here.
Six feet down I slowly sink,
Then I open my eyes and blink.
It’s better this way,
Now that I’m away.
I wasn’t alive. I didn’t die,
I didn’t hurt. I didn’t cry.
Didn’t exist, never will,
Empty gap left to fill.
Despite each bloody tear,
I was never really here.


My love, you are,
my guiding light,
you save me from,
the dark of night.
My love does grow,
day by day,
I wait for you,
to show the way.
Like a flower,
blooming in the heart,
I'll love you forever,
'till death do us part.
But the blood has spilled,
the flowers have dried,
and with my body,
our love has died.


I've given into those voice,
The only one that has been my friend,
Thought what he says is painful,
He's been there up to the end,
Even when you so-called friends where there,
You never paid attention to me,
I was a joke for you guys to laugh at,
Did you guys ever truly care to see,
My memories were as a bright red stream,
Guess you were color blind back then,
Remember when you guys found me crying,
Or have you forgotten way back when,
At that time the voice was the only one who asked,
If everything was alright with my mind,
Though I may have lied to that voice,
And told them there was nothing to find,
Though they made a good point when they said,
It would only be the two of us when it comes undone,
And I'm truly sorry to those around me,
But it must come down to one,
I've lost all will to continue,
My innocence has died long ago,
My emotions have left my soul and my heart,
And I'm forgotten by all I know,
It's been an issue for me being here,
But soon that shall be rectified,
And I'm truly sorry I've burdened you with my voice,
Take solace in the fact that I've died,
Did you ever sit and stare,
Blindly basking in the warmth of light,
It shall feel more bittersweet this day,
Because at this point I'm Dying Tonight...


So deep so cut
but where’s the blood?
I take this razorblade so full of hate and trust.
And I thrust the blade
into my flesh
thinking of how I want to die
and say my last goodbyes.
But why aren’t I to bleed
like all the times before
I just want to be here no more
I keep cutting myself every time
being deeper but still
What the hells wrong with me?
Is this gods way of asking me to stay?
If so I’m sorry to say but I don’t
believe in you and never will
so just get the hell away
I push the blade farther and harder
then ever before but this time
cutting into the bone
but only to reveal the same thing as
So I decide to apply pressure
to my wounds and then release
that’s when my blood starts
to flood.


Why him? Why that day?
Why did he have to go away?
Why didn't we help him?
Did his friends even know?
Did we try to help him?
No, we just let him go...
Never showed signs of sadness or fear;
He pushed those away who tried to get near.
He was so kind, he was such a good friend.
Who would have known he was at his wit's end?
I wish I was there to help, but instead,
I can't get rid of the thoughts in my head.
"I'm fine, don't worry 'bout me" he lied;
I cried so hard when I found out he died.
I lay so silent here in my bed;
Tears still in my eyes from what I had read;
If it wasn't for that one stupid pill,
Just think about this --- he'd be living still.


Once again, I am lost...
In my choice for what I think should be best.
I don't know what to say...
...What to do...
I just want this pain to end.
I don't want to hurt anymore...
I just want one I can love..call my own...
But one must always lose what they care for.
What they love.
I hope that the world is happy...
For doing this to me.
For leading me from this reality...
Impair my visions, make me feel fake,
I want to know what the blood feels like again.
I want to hold the cold steel between my fingers...
And never see the light of the sun again.
I want to feel the cold, sharp pain,
Warmth leaking out of me, as if I were nothing...
A lifeless shell...
Dear Mother...
If I don't wake up tomorrow...
Know I love you.
Know that..I care.
If I don't wake up tomorrow...
Please don't think I hate you..
For I love you.
And to you..
If I die..
Before I fall...
If I can see...
Your lovely smile...
One last time...
Forgive me if I don't wake up...


Forgive me if I don't wake up...
Having reached the breaking point
i can go on no more
it's as if i'm on the shore
staring into crashing whitecaps

should i plunge in,
or turn my back to the sea?
there's only so much time
one soul can grieve

one foot in the water
i can neither turn back
nor turn around
the beach is silent,
nary a sound

until time has decreed
to be swept away
with the incoming tide


I don’t want to be alone tonight
I don’t think I’m safe tonight
I don’t want to be alone tonight
With no one here to hold me tight
No one here to tell me it’s all right

With no one watching over me
I just might take my life tonight
I shouldn’t be alone tonight
But she isn’t here again
When she comes home
In my body will my soul reside?

Who will save me from myself?
When no one is here to take the knife
I don’t want to end my life tonight
Though I maybe dying tonight
I would rather be crying
But as the night envelopes
And my darkness enshrouds
Drag the blade across my skin
It is only a little sin
The crimson tears flow

I don’t know what is wrong
All I know is to this world I don’t belong
This body I detest, just won’t rest
My masochistic mind won’t cease to exist
Now it puts my will to the test

The pain pulses through me
Bring the pain, it is better than nothing
Bring the violence, without it it’s all the same
The pains all I got tonight
But tonight it’s all I need
As long as I’m not numb anymore

The pills seemed to be placeboes
No more will I pollute myself
With the doctor’s magic potions
No more pathetic pills

I watch as my life withers away
With pen in hand
So much left unsaid
And all I can bear to say
Is I love you, and I’m not afraid

No not again, I can’t handle this
No more monotony
No more melancholy
Just one cut to bring me back
To bring me back from numb

It isn’t my fault
I don’t want to be dead
It isn’t my fault
I’m numb, again
It isn’t my fault
It’s all in my head
It is my own fault I’m alone
Just leave me alone

I don’t know what to say
I am getting cold
It is getting late
Alone again
There is no stopping fate

These crimson tears
They from a pool of blood
My world falls in to shadows
Everything fades
Nothing left but phantoms

There goes the knife
Can’t even hold it tight
Just one last breath until my embrace with death
But with it let me say
I don’t know what I’ve done
I’m sorry
And I Love You


Is it just another MISTAKE that you were never aware of making or did you TRUEly think they would CARE to hear those words again? it’s nothing P E R S O N A L to contraDICT those PROVOKing thoughts, thus HARDening a perfect soul....a truthful heart, the most BEAUTIFUL existstance; the blameless all of a sudden GUILTY of the most PERPLEXING and HORRIFIC mind games - almost considered an OPPORTUNITY for heartache, BLOODSHED and SORROW....it’s DEADly the thoughts CONSUMing who are ARE; a craving, a yearning....the questions remains, “IS IT REALLY WORTH IT?”....not just of your own SELFISH, senseless soul but also of those UNWORTHY of your inconsistent NEGATIVity which you use to DEGRADE those even LOWER than YOUR SELF........you consider it P E R S O N A L when the AGONY of those over POWERED by your spiritual FETISH for inhumane glories come to HAUNT you, CHOKING away all you worked for......TWISTED, a BITTERness to satisfy NOTHING....to wake the DEAD or even grace them with your presence; such UNNATURAL ideals....a P E R S O N A L attack? or maybe a sign that it is just another MISTAKE.....nothing P E R S O N A L....just another MIXED UP ending to a NOT-SO-PERFECT story.......


Do you have any idea how much your words hurt?
It's not like I choose this.
Oh yes.
I woke up this morning and I thought,
"I know, I'll slice my flesh to ribbons."

Do you think I do not get enough shit already?
It's not like I haven't heard it before.
Oh yes.
Every word you speak is new to my ears.
"What's that? It's bad for me? Oh, I didn't know."

Do you have the slightest notion of how it feels?
It's not like it's a pleasure thing in the sexual sense.
Oh yes.
I get off on cutting myself, on hurting myself.
"Mmm, yes, give me more, feel the pain."

Do you understand that it's not about death, but life?
It's not like I'm trying to kill myself when I cut.
Oh yes.
Each scar is a failed suicide attempt.
"I must really suck at killing myself, to have failed so often."

Do you realize how fragile I am around anyone?
It's not like I'm invincible.
Oh yes.
I can listen to you berate me for hours, and still take more.
"You are right. I am a horrible, selfish person. I see it now."

Do you realize how strong I am after everything?
It's not like I'll fall apart if you speak to me.
Oh yes.
I am a weakling and I cannot handle a conversation.
"Please, don't hurt me, I must be breakable to have survived for so long."

Do you realize that I am finding my own spiritual path?
It's not like I need you to guide me.
Oh yes.
I am a bad little Christian boy who has turned his back on God.
"I'm so sorry. I have sinned. You can burn me at the stake."

Do you realize that I only want your love?
It's not like anything you're doing is helping me.
Oh yes.
We've spent an hour discussing my issues and I feel so loved.
"Thank you for showing me how much you care."


Red roses steal my heart
from its chains inside
Red roses draw me out
to concealed demise

Red roses tear me down
with blindness and with hope
Red roses churn within
and dares me still to cope

Red roses leave me out
in wind, in cold, in heat
Red roses drain me dry
to make my last days sweet

Red roses gouge my heart
Til I’m no longer here
Red roses leave me now
with only shreds of fear

Red roses forget me still
in the desert of my life
Red roses fill my mind
whittled with its knife

Red roses, roses dear
so sweet and yet so hard
play your poisoned hand
the sweet, illusion card

Red roses see me here
and take my painful bait
Red roses tear me down
And fine my present state

Red roses closing in
for such a final blow
Red roses place precise
for where my heart should go

Red roses snared in chains
they wither slow inside
Red roses hold no hope
locked close in my demise

Red roses, rot away
for I see you as you are
Red roses painted here
on such a deadly scar

Black roses, lust and grief
you fade within these chains
Black roses of my heart
my pit of death and pain


Apoun my lifeless suicide
I crawl apoun my knees
The blood that shall be mine
Shall be the blood that shapes my shrine

Crying to the gods and Goddess of death
I beg apoun my knees
asking for forgiveness and for the pain to be released

As they turn their heads in shame
I crawl apoun my grave
Laying there in regret
And wondering in pain

My heart begins to slow
and my pain begins to deepen
As i lay apoun my grave
I start to fall asleep


As death begins to lay; its cold kiss apoun my cheek
I wonder how i got there and how it came to be
For death's tricky ways has token one more soul;
My life apoun death has now token its own toil
Poison vile to my lips
Death comes closer, every sip.
Cold steel blade to my wrists.
please accept a poison kiss.
Empty bottle in my hands
And yet you’ll never understand.

Understand that I want this.
Understand it brings me bliss.

Fumes of gas that reach my nose.
Tingling feeling down to my toes.
About to jump, it feels so right.
I don’t expect to see the light.
Cute black belt around my neck
Tightened to the end.

Understand that I want this.
Understand it brings me bliss.
Suicide it’s in my head.
Someday I will wake up dead.
And if the bottle’s empty


…in the morning you’ll see I’ve gone.
i walk through the halls of the hopeless.
i walk through the halls of the dead.
i'm wondering how we got here,
trying to remember what it was that you said.
i stare at your body; covered in sheets.
White sheets stained with red.
You look as if your sleeping and i know.
somehow i know you can't be dead.
it's as if you want my heart to break
and i can't act as if all this is fake.
The pain is so unbearable and you know.
You know this is a pain i can't take.
I'm shaking 'cause i feel the cold
way deep down in my bones.
Yet still i've never liked feeling so alone.
I can't let you leave me like this,
baby think of all the years we'll miss.
You know you can't forget my kiss.
We'll sink far away into our bliss.
But i guess where you are you can't see
what your taking away from me.
So baby let us leave behind this place
can't you see all the pain in my face.
there's one othere body lying near you
and i wonder why i never realized i died too.
I walk through the halls of the hopeless,
lost in the charnel of the dead.
I'm haunted by the ghosts in my head.
but from you i know i cannot hide.
Just promise me one thing
say you'll be on the other side.


It’s not normal,
How could it be?
To think of death,
As the only way to be free.

I’m so trapped,
This life is closing down,
The walls fall around me,
As im deafened by the sound,
The sound that punches,
From inside my chest,
The pain has found a voice,
A sound that could deafen,
The entire planet,
It screams of all the times,
I hurt so much,
Nothing could repair me,
It howls,
At the every tear that slowly destroyed me,
Corroded me.

How can no one see this!!
How can no one realise,
I’m really not dealing with this life,
My only consciousness,
Is brought about by a knife.

Please kill me,
Please make me someone new,
At least destroy the memories,
Of the nightmares ive been through.

I cant pretend much longer,
Things are not ok,
I cannot live,
There’s not much more of me to give,
So maybe its time,
I gave this life away.

I wish that I could be,
So much more than what I am,
I try to improve this tattered shell,
I just keep hoping that I can.

The hope is wearing thin now,
The dreams are long since gone,
I think that this is it now,
Quite simply,
I can’t go on.

 The logged in version 

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