Descriptive Poems
Wolf's Fury
By [
Blood Moon Wolf]
A silent fury can never be tamed
their rages are quick and deadly insane
with wrath and power immeasurable
until their jaws clamp around you
then the last thing you see through your bloodshot eyes
is the pain they try to hide.
Only then will you start to understand who they really are
By [
Whispers they sound all the same
Wanting, yearning, pondering how
Keeping closed, tied with a pretty bow
Eyes shifting, sweat crawling
Asking how they found out.
Heads turning away from that of scandal
Trying to sneak in the word of mouth
Thoughts reeling. What if she told?
Did she break that trust, that one I hold dear?
Keeping myself from my clouded thoughts
Yet beneath the skin doubts grow
Growing between anger and fear
Somewhere between, I think its confusion.
Confused that my confidant may have betrayed
I think my skin is turning a shade of red
Those whispers are now growing
Burying deep inside of me
No! There's now way she could
In this habitat, betrayal is life
I must stop these thoughts, I know it's safe
This is not the best feeling
Secrets in high school, an immature stress
By [
Blood Moon Wolf]
It’s called Anger
We all feel it
Sooner or later
For me it’s always sooner
Being angry isn’t always a good thing
But sometimes anger can help
For some anger is a way to deal with problems
For others it is a necessity of life
For the rest anger is just another emotion
Anger for me isn’t good or bad
But sometimes it can lead to pain
And pain is never a good thing
See anger can help, or it can hurt
Just be careful how you use it
The Battle
by [
He plummets towards the ground. Clearly in guilt for allowing such a bite to hit his chest. Landing upon his back, he takes out a photograph of the last person he truly desires to see while lying under the alter, on his death bed. The battle-field is covered in smoke, the picture, misty. A silent rain drop slides down a pedal just as a tear does to his facial despair. His would-have-soo
n-to-be wife in the image smiles to him. Dropping sudden hope for a new life. A life that he wanted. A life he won't get to earn. Miles away in a small, tethered, shutdown crib a woman cries. A woman cries at a picture of a man. This man is to be her husband if he shall return from the front. Weeks arrive, weeks depart. A woman is weak on a hardwood floor. Crying to a picture of her would-have-been husband. News never appears as seconds race towards hours, who then race for days upon weeks. A shadow walks in on the woman's life. Sheltering her, and gripping at her top. He is masked and capped in brush and scum. His white teeth burrow the lips that are crusted with sun-dried blood. It crumbles under the weight of the words, " I will always come back for you." In a small, tethered, shutdown crib a woman smiles for the first time in many weeks. A strong woman. and a willful, broken man are reunited under the small fact of the only thing that is famously known to be blind, love. Love that tested the strengths of two weak beings.

Rise of a Servant
by [Retribution]
He's crawling on the stoned floor outside the palace walls.
Begging and moaning like an inhuman zombie for life.
The emperor stares down in superiority and glee,
the servant weak, mudded, and torn rags, lays near death.
The palace walls, like a breeched fortress opens,
The servant crawls as if only two years of life in him,
towards the emperor's throne he there drops.
Power, greed and musk of hate fills the eyes of the emperor.
As if reflexes, he turns, shuns the servant for death.
The night fills the atmosphere,
the sun hiding from the servants' fate.
The cross hangs high and the servant hangs low.
The last spoken murmurs leak from the servant's mouth.
"In vain and pure rage, let me live higher than this cross hangs over your lands."
Day breaks, dawn kissing the emperor's meek face.
a split of sight, a ray piercing through his lids.
a quick, faint gasp.
a gasp that means loss of dignity and self worth.
a revenge stand at his bedside.
The servant unhinges his grasp from the blade.
Emperor lays lifeless and decaying.
Servant, like smoke in air, evaporates, disappears.

Yudan's Philosophy
By: [Yudan333]
I find myself pondering as of late the meaning of life.
Why am I here? What is my Purpose?
I have lived everyday enjoying what gifts I have received;
Especially the gift of life.
But then i delve deeper and find thought;
It wont last. We die and end. Then nothing?
So why push yourself so hard for something only temporary?
Why push for a good school and good job and home;
When in the end you die and it passes to your kin.
And then they will have the same fate. Death.
So if we all have a due date;
Why does it feel like we are pushing closer to it?
Sure it would be nice;
Good Education,
Good Job,
Good Home.
But wont it all be in vain at some point?
Especially with all this talk of the 'End'.
Now I'm not saying don't go for it;
No, by all means push yourself and do your best.
Because it is what you believe that matters.
So get that Education,
Get that good pay Job,
Get that beautiful Home you want.
Get that dream girl or guy and have kids.
Enjoy your life because it can be only lived once.
Don't be stuck in a bad situation,
Find a way out so you can be free of it.
Don't put yourself in the middle of drama,
Its a bunch of BS which will make you wonder where the adults are.
Don't do anything illegal,
You WILL get caught.
Don't be afraid to say no,
Chances are you will save yourself some trouble.
Don't mess around with a partner who's always gone,
They most likely being a player.
Don't say things that will hurt someone,
Behind their back or at their face; it's not worth loosing a friendship.
If you know someone who isn't loyal and is lead astray,
Offer advice but I suggest to just leave them be and go your own way.
If you live at home help your family,
They will be grateful and even if they don't say they are; i know otherwise.
It's the little things that make the biggest of differences.
Think of 10 things you are grateful for.
You may be thinking I can't think of 4. Well try harder.
Here is what I am grateful for:
I am grateful for supportive friends and family.
I am grateful for a working vehicle to take me where I want to go.
I am grateful that I have a roof over my head and not in the streets.
I am grateful for my phone which lets my listen to music and keep in touch.
I am grateful for clothing that keeps me warm in winter and cool in summer.
I am grateful for the earth for supplying the food and water which I need to live.
I am grateful to be alive even if the path is rough.
I am grateful for my education and having the motivation to keep a solid 4.0.
I am grateful for the choices I made to stay happy.
I am grateful for being a beautiful, intelligent, creative, fun woman who will always keep smiling.
Enjoy what you have,
It may be gone before you know it.
Don't make up excuses to help people,
Showing kindness allows us to feel human.
Plus in helping a stranger or friend or family member,
You feel better about yourself.
We all have our inner demons,
Put them in the closet; tell them their grounded forever.
Forget the insults.
Remember the compliments.
Make time for you:
Sing in the shower,
Dancing while putting clothes away,
Both while you vacuum.
Walk 10 minutes each day,
Enjoy the air which is around you.
Pretend to be happy,
Even if something bad happened; tomorrows another day.
Make life how you envision it.
Heaven lies within your mind.
Think of what you want and how to achieve it.
The universe will listen.
I will tell you my own experiences in the Universes way.
I was unhappy in a state I was living in. Sure I smiled everyday,
But their was a sadness in my soul. I wasn't truly happy.
I wore a mask and pretended to be ok.
I wasn't at home with myself.
I didn't belong.
I envisioned me back home where I felt peace.
I thought of it everyday.
Made a date to go there.
Hit some bumps pushed date back but still strive for the chance to go home.
Now I am where I wanted to be for so long.
The place I feel at home.
The place I can be free.
I know you're thinking hippie due to these philosophies perhaps.
Though I only speak from experience. So please feel free to ignore.
Or perhaps listen. Maybe it will be of some use.
Maybe just maybe,
You will strive towards happiness even more now knowing this.
Maybe you already know all this. But were refreshed and reminded.
Live the life you have.
You can't be someone your not.
You can be yourself and be happy.
You can enjoy love and heartache.
You can be weak and strong.
You can be lost then found.
You can smile and laugh.
You can cry and whine.
Be particular.
It's your life.
Make something of it.
The world is your playground.
Now, go play.

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