Page name: Featured Member [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-10-31 23:57:51
Last author: Sunrose
Owner: The Dark Lord
# of watchers: 1
Fans: 0
D20: 3
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Featured Member

Welcome to the Featured Member page! Here you will find a list of people whose houses are being considered by the Featured Member Bosses!

You can suggest someone in the comments box of this page but that doesn't mean that he/she will be considered as houses have to fit in to Featured Member Criteria.

The featured member bosses will also look through random houses so please specify if you do not wish to be featured!

[this is not an official page: no linking to official pages allowed as if it is an official page; if you wnat to link to official pages do so in a different setting so it doesn't look like the settings of official pages, thank you]

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