# of watchers: 98
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Guard Captain![]() (Badge Credits) Malevolent [Stephen] | Guard Sergeants![]() (Badge Credits) Roaring [kittykittykitty] The Obsessed [Orestez] | Guards![]() (Badge Credits) Kinky [Ringbearer] Monstrous [djxmonster] |
2007-04-20 [zoloftzantac]: google homemade cantennas ;)
2007-04-21 [FireGypsy]: Whoa, WAY too confusing!
2007-04-21 [zoloftzantac]: I suppose, just keep looking around till you find a site you can follow. The basic idea is that if you are anywhere near anything you can get your wifi by making a special antenna out of a pringels can or a coffee can and a few bucks of parts at radioshack. It's called a cantenna and it kicks mad ass, and it isn't really that hard to set up
He gives a step by step discription
2007-04-21 [FireGypsy]: Sweet thanks! I shall try it ^_^
2007-04-21 [Enneigard Rebirth]: um......i think i killed [~*Astarte*~].....*looks at her unresponding punished body*
2007-04-22 [~*Astarte*~]: ah ... I'm very much alive! ^_^ no worries ...
2007-04-22 [Enneigard Rebirth]: yay!!!!!!!
2007-04-23 [Dead Inside.]: Okay. What is this http://www.elf
2007-04-23 [Sunrose]: You can see it because you have wikiprivs, it makes it possible for you to invite friends to Elfpack :)
2007-04-24 [Dead Inside.]: Oh,okay. I'm dumb. DEE DEE DEE!
2007-04-24 [Enneigard Rebirth]: wofl.
2007-04-25 [Dead Inside.]: wofl?
2007-04-25 [zoloftzantac]: UHF600MHz
2007-04-29 [Dead Inside.]: http://www.elf
2007-04-29 [Sunrose]: That's disgusting.
2007-04-29 [zoloftzantac]: uhh ... I've lit the wrong end of my cigarette, thrown up in the parking lot and once I passed out in a stranger's car, but I have NEVER done that :S
2007-04-30 [Tear]: Last night, getting drunk, going on a boat in the middle of a lake with a bunch of buddies at 4 in the morning, smoking a fat chronic blunt, jumping out of the boat, swimming for hours, and then by the time we decided to stop, only one of us noticed that the boat flipped when we jumped out, and all of our stuff was gone. My glasses, and a 130 dollar pair of shoes, on top of socks and a pair of pants.
2007-04-30 [Tear]: That's good ol' fun at it's best.
2007-04-30 [FireGypsy]: Haha sounds like a blast!!
2007-05-01 [Enneigard Rebirth]: lol
2007-05-01 [zoloftzantac]: Bummer, that remeinds me of the time I was skinny dipping while drunk when the river was high and pretty fast. This girl who couldn't swim was wading and she tripped and then shot down river in a second.
I swam after her and eventually helped her get to shore ... about 2 miles down the river from my clothes, shoes, etc. The bank was step, so the only place we could get out was the next beach.
There was no trail back and it was all full of thorny blackberry brambels, so we had to go up and walk on the highway to get back to our clothes :S at least it was dark and there wern't too many cars :p
2007-05-02 [kittykittykitty]: Haha... that's a horror story if I ever heard one :S But why go skinny-dipping if you can't swim? XD
Never done crazy things while drunk :S I feel like I'm missing out. Oh, but once I stole a Keg of beer from the bar while on holiday, and then we spent about an hour trying to open the stupid thing XD
2007-05-02 [Zombiie Natiion]: hey guards, erm i have a situation, [Paladin] has been hasseling me to cyber with him, but i keep saying no.. so hes been messaging my boyfriend [Eventual Demise] saying that ive been sleeping with him blah blah blah. anyway, i confronted [Paladin] about this and he denys all of it so i was wondering could any1 tell me if he did infact message [Eventual Demise] atall or is sumones lieing to me because its making my life extremely miserable and i dont know whats to be done about this boy :( please help x
2007-05-03 [kittykittykitty]: The best way to deal with it is to make a Report on his house, with as much detail as you wrote above, and with relevant message numbers if possible. Not all Guards can read Private Messages, so that is the easiest way to have the matter dealt with correctly. Until then, please block [Paladin] so that he can no longer bother you.
2007-05-04 [zoloftzantac]: Do that, and also have [Eventual Demise] block him, learn how to block some one here -> block
2007-05-04 [Hedda]: [Zombiie Natiion]: Nothing you say seems to be true. [Paladin] hasn't harassed you nor [Eventual Demise]. The only problem is your sudden attack in a message to [Paladin], but that's for you to sort out and non of the guards' business.
2007-05-04 [Asrun]: Going to Mexico tomorrow! :D
2007-05-05 [kittykittykitty]: Yay! Have fuun ^-^
2007-05-06 [Zombiie Natiion]: [Hedda]: how you do you know that what i say isnt true? have you seen his messages? hasnt he deleted them? my boyfriend wouldnt lie to me and [Paladin] HAS been pestering me to cyber
2007-05-06 [Dead Inside.]: Because [Hedda] is the Vice Mayor of elfpack and can read any message's anyone has sent to anyone. Even if they deleted the message [Hedda] could still find them and read them.
2007-05-07 [Hedda]: [Dead Inside.] is correct. You should really try to write correct or you're risking to get kicked out for telling lies to the guards and we're not as patient with misunderstandi
2007-05-10 [Dead Inside.]: Message this read to tryin for ass dumb your at off ass my laugh and back sit I where part the is here this now.
2007-05-10 [Ihsahn]: wtf?
2007-05-10 [RabidSphinx]: that was dumb. yet really easy to read...
2007-05-12 [Tear]: Vice Mayor?
How about Owner of Elfpack.
2007-05-12 [RabidSphinx]: Owner of Elfpack? how about sexy pole-dancer? or is that something he only does for me...? ;)
2007-05-13 [Larova]: I like the way your head is shaped.
2007-05-13 [RabidSphinx]: whose head?
2007-05-13 [Larova]: *Takes a breath*
I don't know.
*Trails off in thought*
2007-05-13 [FireGypsy]: Too many crack cookies does that to you XD
2007-05-14 [Dead Inside.]: Message this read to tryin for ass dumb your at off ass my laugh and back sit I where part the is here this now. Now go back and read ir backwards.
2007-05-14 [FireGypsy]: Umm...you did tihs bferoe...and it is gteintg rlealy old rlelay fsat...so sotp dnoig it...
2007-05-14 [RabidSphinx]: i read it backwards the first time you posted it, when i realized by the third word that reading it correctly made no sense. it's not terribly clever
2007-05-15 [zoloftzantac]: I read it forwards and didn't have any trouble with it ... still not very interesting in either direction
2007-05-15 [..oops..]: burnout... i almost couldnt read that!
lol. im so slow.
2007-05-15 [FireGypsy]: It is siad taht if you lavee the fsrit and lsat lertets aolne and smbalcre the letetrts in bweeten taht you can sltil udnaersntd waht is ssposuepd to be wtreitn.
2007-05-15 [Tear]: Most of the time, that's true. now scramble almost didn't work too well. I had to look at it twice to catch it.
2007-05-15 [FireGypsy]: I dunno, I saw it in one of those spam bulletins on Myspace once, except it was a whole paragraph about it and I understood it fine.
2007-05-17 [..oops..]: yeah no... i totally did not understand that.... sorry.
2007-05-17 [FireGypsy]: Well, I made that one up XD like I said, the real one is in a bulletin, I just tried to mimic it. Then again, I think that in the bulletin the letters in the middle were placed specifically so that you could understand it easily, whereas in mine I tried to make it difficult.
2007-05-29 [Enneigard Rebirth]: burnouthappy is gorgeous.
2007-05-31 [Fool on the hill]: yeah and we all agree the i could be the chosin pne
2007-05-31 [Enneigard Rebirth]: what's a pne?
2007-05-31 [zoloftzantac]: You knpw, Nep the chpsin pne, he's here tp save the wprld ...
2007-05-31 [Enneigard Rebirth]: ph yea, he gpes tp kick spme majpr ass and fly arpund like a little matrix super man!
2007-05-31 [shinobi14]: Heya guys. *waves to Guards*
Hey, check the image at the bottom of [Heavy Bass]s house. Does that count as pornographic, or is it "artistic nudity"?
2007-05-31 [Asrun]: artistic.
2007-05-31 [..oops..]: if she was wearing a thong or she was in a sexual pose, then it would be pornographic..
then again, i don't have final say so..... :-)
::puts on innocent face::
2007-05-31 [Asrun]: How would wearing a thong make it pornographic? If anything that is LESS pornographic.
Seeing an ass and side boob isn't porn (excluding underagers). Especially if it's a painting by a member.
2007-06-02 [shinobi14]: Okaaaay. This one HAS to go.
[tomorrow's tragedy]. Get her to take it down. Pleease... T___T
2007-06-02 [Asrun]: Thank you Shinobi14, it's gone.
2007-06-02 [shinobi14]: Your welcome. And thank YOU!
2007-06-02 [Ihsahn]: click here for free porn :P
2007-06-02 [shinobi14]: Ihsahn!! You're back?
2007-06-02 [Ihsahn]: I've been back....
2007-06-02 [Asrun]: Still waiting for Ihsahn pr0n
2007-06-02 [shinobi14]: There will be Ihsahn prOn? Oh dear... Im out.
2007-06-02 [Big Brother]: Ishahn pr0n? where!!!
2007-06-02 [shinobi14]: Look Jon... we know that Ihsahn prOn would be the sexiest the on the market since Sasha's Elfpack’s Sexiest Mrs. Santa Claus Contest entry, but you dont have to make it THAT obvious... ;)
2007-06-03 [Big Brother]: Sasha has had better stuff since then ^_^ and i know of some that i shouldn't lol, and she by far beats Ishahn...it's not even close! i just wanted to know where it was so i could remove it before anyone is blinded or dies....Ishahn
2007-06-03 [RabidSphinx]: too bad Sasha photoshoped and airbrushed her whole picture. the cheat.
I would rather see Ishahn p0rn myself, his is real...and hardcore. ;)
2007-06-03 [Ihsahn]: Hardcore and rusty, as well as blinding, also might give you that bitter beer face. LOL This is as close as your gonna get to ihsahn porn it has no nudity
2007-06-03 [shinobi14]: Id rather see the Photoshoped stuff from Sasha than the Ihsahn prOn, but im loving the beer.... *drools over beer*
2007-06-03 [Big Brother]: who cares if it's photoshopped ^_^ plus i've seen most of the originals...i think....and Ihsahn, lookin good =P beer, look of being slightly lost, unshaven, and pink walls...i wouldn't expect a less weird lookin pic from you.
2007-06-03 [shinobi14]: Hmmm... originals... lucky git. ^-^
Haha... the walls are great. XD
2007-06-03 [FireGypsy]: Wow, jealous much! XD I photoshopped the border on the picture by hand, and airbrushed my skin to look softer. And I blurred the background. Why does that bother you so much? I need to get good at it somehow if I plan to school for it someday!
I love you Jon!!! You should vacation down my way soon ^_^
2007-06-04 [Big Brother]: ^_^ i plan to sasha lol, need a job and gotta pay off loans first =S
2007-06-04 [Ihsahn]: I was lost cause I was drunk, like I usually am, the pink walls, uhm that is a long story that involved alot of beer......
2007-06-04 [Big Brother]: do any of your your stories NOT involve beer or alcohol?
2007-06-04 [Ihsahn]: very few....
2007-06-04 [playboy_bunny18]: Can anyone check the authenticity of letter # 23663116
2007-06-04 [Ihsahn]: write a report if you really want something done.
2007-06-04 [playboy_bunny18]: how do I do that??? I'm not really familiar with this stuff
2007-06-04 [Big Brother]: or instead of waiting for [Hedda] or [Sunrose] to come online you can copu and past it to a guard...but nothing official can be done this way, we could only give advice as to if it seems authentic.....
2007-06-04 [Sunrose]: I go here every day, waiting for me shouldn't that big of a task.
Nothing official can be done by a Guard who can't read messages, nothing unofficial should be done either.
To [playboy_bunny18]: What exactly in [23663116@] do you want us to confirm?
2007-06-04 [Big Brother]: unofficial=adv
2007-06-04 [Asrun]: I got an apartment yesterday! ^_____________
2007-06-04 [Asrun]: Shinobi: Just gave you some more info on council wiki.
Thank you very much. I'm SO excited.
2007-06-04 [shinobi14]: Yeah, lets keep the convo on that wiki, eh? XD
Errrm.. Ihsahn... why are you still marked down as "Away"?
2007-06-04 [Asrun]: Cause we don't like him! >;I
Just kidding, We all love Ihsahn. :D
2007-06-04 [shinobi14]: Haha... and then you have the "part time" guard. XD
You guys are all crazy. Although i dont know [Ringbearer] too well...
2007-06-04 [Big Brother]: I'M NOT CRAZY!!!!! *looks at the self made title* PROVE IT!!!
2007-06-04 [shinobi14]: *looks up* Nuff said. XD
But YOU are great. XD As i know. =]
2007-06-05 [Ihsahn]: I am marked aw away due to various reasons.
2007-06-05 [shinobi14]: Fairy snuff. =]
2007-06-05 [FireGypsy]: Yay I finally have internet! *dances* Awe Jon it will take years to pay off loans! You should take a road trip down here ^_^ Just make sure you have a hybrid car haha!
2007-06-05 [Big Brother]: you wanna help pay for the expenses? and pay me what i'm NOT getting at work???
2007-06-05 [FireGypsy]:
2007-06-06 [Sunrose]: I check the reports each time I'm on, some people though have no patience at all and wonder after one minute why it isn't being taken care of. They will have to be a bit more patient. Especially since it is an online problem, rather than one of life and death.
2007-06-06 [Big Brother]: i just ignore mean messages and continue with my life ^_^
so he job i'm getting at a call centre for Sears is not on the phones =P i'll be working on network issues, doing reports, and taking calls from the call centres to hear them complain and give me work! no gay customers for me!!
2007-06-06 [Asrun]: Jon: that's awesome. :D call centre jobs on the phones suck. >P
I just ignore mean messages too. :O
2007-06-06 [Big Brother]: ^_^ i got my interview today at 4, if i don't get this one (and i probably will) i'll just get a phone job instead.
2007-06-06 [FireGypsy]: Whaaaa! I just got a job at Victoria's Secret in the mall XD Yay for moneys and sexy underwear!
2007-06-06 [Big Brother]: i want pics of you modeling everything there ^_^ you would do that for your hubby right??
2007-06-06 [FireGypsy]: I am working in the store, not as a model XD I have training tomorrow at 10 =) Oh I am so busy busy now! I have to finish making my hooping/pirate costume for the pirate festival that I will be hooping/fire-d
2007-06-06 [Big Brother]: you should drive down here in Nov for the con ^_^ i'm gathering a small group *points to mood*
2007-06-06 [FireGypsy]: You mean up there ^_^ I have an anime convention of my own here called Metrocon, in which myself and 5 other people are putting on a HUGE fireshow based on the fire nation from Avatar. And if they like us, which hopefully they will, we will get a contract.
2007-06-06 [Big Brother]: see if you can do the show at this con ^_^ who know, they may pay some expenses lol, like admission, food, and hotel...probab
2007-06-06 [FireGypsy]: That is a little far O_o
2007-06-06 [Big Brother]: not my problem, you want me go on a road trip there, why not you come here???
2007-06-07 [FireGypsy]: Because you have friends that want to vacation here in the tropical state of Florida! And the only thing Canada has to offer me is beer XD It is not much of a vacation land, and I would never be able to get enough people to road trip with me there.
2007-06-07 [Asrun]: Canada has some of the most beautiful areas in the world... I'm serious. :I
2007-06-07 [Big Brother]: yes, we do have the best beer and some really good clubs and bars lol. Matt and Joes is a fun place ^_^ http://www.mat
2007-06-07 [Asrun]: THE BARS ARE BETTER IN TORONTO JON! >I <3
2007-06-07 [Big Brother]: i know ^_^ but i'm not in T-Dot now am i??
2007-06-07 [FireGypsy]: It does seem like a fun place ^_^ There is a rocker club not too far from where I am. Adam and I have been meaning to go.
2007-06-07 [shinobi14]: *says in exaggerated English accent* Well, i say you all come over to Merry Old England, and we'll all have a huge party, go to some clubs, wot wot. XD Have a jolly good time. ^__^
2007-06-07 [FireGypsy]: I would, but I wont for fear of ending up talking like that XD
2007-06-07 [Asrun]: And England is damn expensive. :/
2007-06-07 [FireGypsy]: Haha! Well today was a fun first day at Vicy's Secret ^_^ Watched a hell of a lot of boring videos though O_o
2007-06-07 [Big Brother]: i just got the call confirming i got the job in Operations, the operations office i'll be in is the central office that oversees the other centres aswell ^_^
2007-06-07 [shinobi14]: Wow, well done, Jon. ^__^
2007-06-07 [FireGypsy]: Nice! I get to try on sexy underwear all day ^_^ And I get a 20% discount! 30% after I have been working there for a month. So I am going to stock up!
2007-06-07 [shinobi14]: ... can you get your beloved boyfriend to take some pictures for the more perverted ones? *cough* JON *cough*
2007-06-07 [FireGypsy]: O_O
2007-06-07 [Big Brother]: i only get 15%, but Sears has ALOT of stuff ^_^
2007-06-08 [FireGypsy]: True, but nothing super sexy =Þ
2007-06-08 [Big Brother]: well i don't really want that kinda stuff for myself...
2007-06-08 [Tear]: Sasha, I would go on a roadtrip there, except I might have to take a train or something to get to where you are first. Think we can sneak pot across the border?
2007-06-08 [Big Brother]: it's really easy to get that stuff over ^_^ will you pass customs on train,bus or car? *is a pro at smuggling*
2007-06-09 [Tear]: Train, possibly, if there is a station at the border. A bus, hell no, and a slim chance with a car. Sasha, we can have a good ole time.
2007-06-09 [Big Brother]: bus is the easiest, car is pretty easy...not sure bout a train...don't think you will have any issues if you use a ziplock bag and get a can of coffee, stuff the bottom of the can and refill. i found coffee kills the smell the most for dogs (small chance they will be there), i haven't had any problems using that method now if there is an x-ray i got no clue if they would see it, if they did i don't think they would care too much.
2007-06-09 [Tear]: Coffee grounds neutralize the smell of anything, and if you have the weed broken up, no one would notice it in the can, if the x-ray got through the can.
2007-06-09 [Big Brother]: ya, but it may see the outline if the bag ^_^ but hey if you know all this why did you even ask?
2007-06-11 [FireGypsy]: But how will you separate it from the coffee after? I say you stick a baggie full in a jar of peanut butter ^_^
My new kitten is SO cute!!
2007-06-12 [Big Brother]: how do you separate it from the coffee?!?!?!yo
2007-06-12 [FireGypsy]: Oh duh XD But I think someone carrying a can of coffee is suspicious. Unless you really really like coffee or something O_o
2007-06-12 [Big Brother]: you can get a small can, and you don't have just a can. and in Canada just make sure it is Timmies coffee, it will be not at all suspicious.
2007-06-12 [Asrun]: ....Have a bag of groceries with the can in it... Then it makes it look like you're bringing up groceries.
2007-06-12 [Big Brother]: you don't even need that, who crossed the border to buy food? you would be surprised by how many ppl. bring their own coffee when they travel, i do, the hotel coffee normally sucks.
2007-06-12 [FireGypsy]: I don't drink coffee. O_o
2007-06-12 [shinobi14]: No, but you would bring the coffee with you, right? ;)
If you knew what was in it, who cares?
2007-06-13 [Asrun]: My family that lives in Fort Erie buys groceries over the border.
2007-06-13 [Big Brother]: O.o that's different, i like to buy booz in the dudy-free shop ON the border.
2007-06-13 [Asrun]: Yeah, the Duty-Free is awesome. :)
2007-06-13 [Big Brother]: a 40 of 100 proof Canadian club for $19 ^_^
2007-06-18 [Shayla.]: i need help on trying to find someone that can put an elfpack secret message on my page..
Will someone please help me?
2007-06-18 [Shayla.]: hey anybody
2007-06-18 [FireGypsy]: Be patient, none of the guards are on at the moment ^_^
2007-06-18 [Ihsahn]: It helps if you state what you want written on the ss comment, depending on what you want written I might help.
2007-06-19 [Tear]: A bag hidden inside a jar of coffee grinds, not loose pot.
2007-06-19 [shinobi14]: I thought that was obvious, lol.
Unless you want REALLY interesting coffee. ^___^
2007-06-19 [Shayla.]: umm i want i dont have MSN/IM/ or messanger
2007-06-19 [Asrun]: Shayla: Done.
2007-06-20 [Shayla.]: thanks mucho
2007-06-22 [kittykittykitty]: Yuk to coffee and yukyuk to cannabis! Can't beat a cup of tea or a pint of bitter or stout :B At least thoses alcohols aren't illegal (though I suspect the price of intoxication for either is similar)... for most anyway. I get tipsy off a pint harhar
2007-06-22 [shinobi14]: Awww... bless ya Kitty. ^-^
Yuk to coffee indeed. Then again, English = Stereotypical Tea-lovers. True?! XD
2007-06-22 [FireGypsy]: I love tea ^_^
2007-06-22 [Shayla.]: i love tea to im drinkin some right now yeah me
2007-06-23 [shinobi14]: Indeed so do i... =]
But a pint of beer doesn't go amiss either. XD
2007-06-23 [FireGypsy]: Aye, beer is good, but what about the rum?
2007-06-23 [Shayla.]: beer is okay im usually vodke and mixxes of fruity drinks never tried rum
2007-06-23 [FireGypsy]: Never tried rum? Well ye be missin out lass!
2007-06-23 [Shayla.]: ill try it just for you lol
2007-06-23 [FireGypsy]:
Hey anyone else notice that videos aren't showing up on wiki pages? I have even checked wikis that I know have videos and none show up O_o
2007-06-24 [shinobi14]: Errrrm.... maybe there's a problem with YouTube.... O___o
2007-06-24 [FireGypsy]: No I figured it out, the URL has changed to have it play on elfpack.
Man last night was crazy!
2007-06-24 [Shayla.]: what happend last night if you dont mind me askin
2007-06-24 [FireGypsy]: Just my weelkly Saturday night firedancing gathering at Cleawater Beach ^_^ I was out there till 3 am spinning! Twas crazy!
2007-06-24 [Shayla.]: haha fun
2007-06-24 [FireGypsy]: So much fun! Minus the midget that was giving us problems haha!
2007-06-24 [Shayla.]: hahaha hey im short but no midget
2007-06-24 [FireGypsy]: No this midget was drunk and bragging about his "amazing" fire breathing/eati
2007-06-24 [Shayla.]: hahhah wow amazing i would roll on the florr laughing and pointing well its cause im a loser and half-ass mean
2007-06-24 [FireGypsy]: Twas pretty funny, hopefully today when he is sober he can realize how much of an ass he made of himself!
2007-06-24 [shinobi14]: Im sure he will, Sasha. XD
Haha... you guys seem to have quite a life over there. ^___^
2007-06-24 [FireGypsy]: Yeah, having my own place, awesome friends, and crazy hobbies is pretty nice ^_^
2007-06-24 [shinobi14]: Screw crazy hobbies, more like life-threateni
But meh, whatever turns you on. XD
2007-06-24 [FireGypsy]: Hehe
2007-06-28 [Angelgeddon]: Hey i have a question my friend keeps on getting these unappropriated messages from people and obviously she doesnt like if you would give her a message at [Love begins] she would really appreciate it. So she can but a warning sign above her or she can give you some names of the ppl that keep on bugging her. Thanks.
2007-06-28 [Ihsahn]: she needs to make a report if she wants it to stop.
2007-07-02 [zoloftzantac]: If people get too annoying ask them to stop, if they don't you should block them, if problems still continue then you should report them.
Signs above houses don't solve problems.
2007-07-02 [Mental Terrorist]: I have a question. How come when I was reported for taking art from Google, I got them taken down and was told that if it happend again I would be banned for breaking the Uploading Art Rules!?
Then when I say something, because i personally dont own the copyright, its ok??
2007-07-02 [Big Brother]: i see nothing bout art being removed from your profile from google, only ET images and a few other things for breaking rules other than the copyright rule.
2007-07-05 [zoloftzantac]: Are you sure this happened on EP and not ET?
2007-07-10 [CHACHA]: i need your help with something. if you read the rules i would like the people know that if they don't follow what i have to say or feel. then they would be block by me, i have been doing that. now its getting wrost. i just wish some people can stop asking me about messager and yahoo plus ask me if i want to cyber and i told them no. i just need someone to make something above my page to wrang people if thy ask me or mess with me thy would be blocked
2007-07-10 [Ihsahn]: put it in your description then. an ss comment won't help.
2007-07-10 [Bookwyrm]: Even putting it in your description may not help. You're still going to be bothered by some members. If they continue to bother you, just block them. They don't need to be warned about that.
2007-07-10 [Dead Inside.]: I could be really mean and give away the ending of the seventh Harry Potter book. Bawahahaha...
2007-07-11 [Bookwyrm]: That's nice. Let's not. :P Do you have a question?
2007-07-11 [Shayla.]: Hello everyone *waves*
2007-07-12 [zoloftzantac]: If people become too annoying just block them. This is a social website, try not to get too annoyed if people show up and want to talk to you.
2007-07-12 [Larova]: I was born on a social website.
2007-07-12 [Shayla.]: haha
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