# of watchers: 7
Fans: 0
| D20: 14 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
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Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2005-11-29 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: As the meal ended, Snape stalked hurriedly back to his classroom.
2005-11-29 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: McGonagall stayed in her seat
2005-11-30 [Fallen Child Athena]: Draco got up and went to his dorm.
2005-11-30 [LexiLouLou]: Alexandra walked out of the hospital wing with a piece of chocolate in her hand and went to the Gryffindor common room. "I can't believe I missed lunch, I'm starving!" Ron walked through the portriat hole with some lunch for Alexandra, "Hey, I got you some food.
2005-12-01 [Fallen Child Athena]: Draco sat down in a chiar and trows a book at a wall. "who does that girl think she is?"
2005-12-01 [LexiLouLou]: ((Who is he talking about?))
2005-12-04 [Fallen Child Athena]: ((Alexandra))
2005-12-05 [LexiLouLou]: ((Why? Does Draco like me <3)) Alexandra looked at the food and took it to set it down on the table. Then she went bak to Ron and wrapped her arms around his neck, "THANK YOU! I'M SO HUNGRY!" Kisses him on the cheek. Ron blushed and smiled, "You're welcome."
2005-12-07 [Fallen Child Athena]: ((no he does not.....he thinks your strange for hanging on to Ron)) Draco gets up and heads to his dorm.
2005-12-07 [LexiLouLou]: ((Aw, that sucks<--3))
2006-01-12 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: ((XD this is gonna be good, methinks...)) Snape sat very formally in his chair, as if being graded for his posture, though he was alone. He very slowly stroked his sleeve.
2006-03-28 [Fallen Child Athena]: Draco gave the password and went into his commen room
2006-07-31 [BC boy]: sweet
2006-08-11 [Voodoo Child]: hey u must all love HP so if u wood like take my poll! thanx
2006-08-11 [LexiLouLou]: ((We already know about ur poll))Alexandra satrted eating her food dantily, "Ron, you want any?" Ron had been staring at her food the entire time, "Um, sure, why not?" Ron sat down next to her and started eating her food. Not like a pig though.
2006-08-22 [Aes Sedai]: Tonks stands nearby, waiting for the oppertunity to speak to Ron alone.
2006-08-29 [LexiLouLou]: ((WHY? HE'S MINE!!!!)) Alexandra looked at Ron and kissed him, "I love you Ron." He smiled and kissed her forehead, "I love you too." Alexandra stood up and walked up the stairs to change. Ron sat on the couch and continued eating.
2006-08-30 [Aes Sedai]: As soon as Ron is by himself, Tonks reveals herself and sits by him. Morphing her nose and hair back into their original shape and colour. "Ron..."
2006-09-01 [LexiLouLou]: ((UH OH!!!!))
2008-04-28 [Uchiha Sasuke.]: (( :| Isn't Ron claimed? ))
2010-06-09 [LexiLouLaBelle]: I'm just informing you all, but [LexiLouLou] is no longer using her account, because I am her. :)
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