# of watchers: 31
Fans: 0
| D20: 2 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
Number of voters: 80
a) [Chath errdegahr]
Number of votes: 1 (1%) Voters: [Chath errdegahr]
b) [Ringbearer]
Number of votes: 1 (1%) Voters: [Ringbearer]
c) [zoloftzantac]
Number of votes: 38 (48%) Voters: [bluefaerie], [The Darkest Star.], [oxyJ3N], [~Neo Angel~], [Jitter], [Predator Elder21], [Jino], [GOT-SKILLZ.], [Ma Vie En Rose], [Big Brother], [Wally :(], [W!ld KAT], [Bookwyrm], [Deepest_Distance], [Jen-Bunny], [Asrun], [EveningMist], [Charybdis], [wretched-reaper], [wheelsy], [Kagomeyasha], [Chellie Bear], [Mare Pacificum], [mitsuharu], [punk this, bitch], [Orouriel], [sk8tyler_91], [HowlofDoom], [ScareCrow], [†Raziel†], [PAULUS], [;;Melodrama Junkie], [Flippantly], [superego], [WYSIWYG], [anarchy], [Raiyr], [80's Metal Head]
d) [~Neo Angel~]
Number of votes: 1 (1%) Voters: [ArchangelGabriel]
e) [Predator Elder21]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
f) [Kaze]
Number of votes: 3 (4%) Voters: [~*Astarte*~], [Sunrose], [Yncke]
g) [Mataza_71191]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
h) [Tony.SKANK™]
Number of votes: 2 (3%) Voters: [imdaonlyone010], [shellygriffith]
i) [Predator Elder21]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
j) [skullhead]
Number of votes: 9 (11%) Voters: [zoloftzantac], [Umino Katsuro], [Domiera], [Jez], [Fitz], [Mataza_71191], [Love like Winter.], [The Purple People's Chosen One], [Shatureel]
k) [Jez]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
l) [kyba_the_elf]
Number of votes: 1 (1%) Voters: [kyba_the_elf]
m) [viking prince]
Number of votes: 2 (3%) Voters: [Amaranthine], [citizen kickass]
n) [Some Random Thursday]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
o) [Ma Vie En Rose]
Number of votes: 1 (1%) Voters: [xLoveEternalx]
p) [Whim]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
q) [levs]
Number of votes: 2 (3%) Voters: [levs], [RedPhoenixVII]
r) [Blinded Seraphim]
Number of votes: 1 (1%) Voters: [tha_crazy]
s) [Box]
Number of votes: 6 (8%) Voters: [Lycan Khan], [Box], [xxГøвiη_AмαziŋGټ], [Doll Maker], [Dragonrider454], [__Gone__]
t) [SilentScream]
Number of votes: 1 (1%) Voters: [SilentScream]
u) [Chainer]
Number of votes: 1 (1%) Voters: [Chainer]
v) [Skull Duggery]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
w) [Jino]
Number of votes: 1 (1%) Voters: [Lust]
x) [jobby]
Number of votes: 1 (1%) Voters: [jobby]
y) [Fitz]
Number of votes: 1 (1%) Voters: [skullhead]
z) [Tayleur]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
B) [Amaranthine]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
C) [FireGypsy]
Number of votes: 1 (1%) Voters: [Mr P.]
D) [Fitz]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
E) [Orouriel]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
F) [Ultiem]
Number of votes: 5 (6%) Voters: [hytrjuhytjhgjg], [Mom], [Ihsahn], [Niall Adam Setherton], [Ultiem]
G) [otto45]
Number of votes: 1 (1%) Voters: [otto45]
2006-04-28 [FireGypsy]: yay i have one vote! i feel spedcial =)
2006-04-28 [Blinded Seraphim]: would i get in trouble for voting for myself?
2006-04-28 [zoloftzantac]: when aren't you in trouble ;)
2006-04-28 [Blinded Seraphim]: umm...well there was that one time, wait, no...i still got caught...
2006-04-29 [levs]: if you didn't think your joke was the best then why bother putting it up?
2006-04-29 [Box]: ...For fun...DUH!
2006-04-29 [Blinded Seraphim]: basically :)
2006-04-29 [Box]: yep
2006-05-02 [Box]: ^^
2006-05-02 [Blinded Seraphim]: lets see, i got...1 vote...fudge
2006-05-02 [skullhead]: yea and your lucky you got that one vote.
2006-05-02 [Blinded Seraphim]: -_-
2006-05-02 [skullhead]: Come on be honest you didn’t put any effort in to it
2006-05-02 [Blinded Seraphim]: true, i did more for fun that anything else :P
2006-05-02 [skullhead]: There you go that wasn’t so bad, it was a good comment you know and it took guts to say that about the boss. and you got to have some fun.
2006-05-02 [Blinded Seraphim]: im just glad i didnt get banned XD
2006-05-02 [Blinded Seraphim]: yup, pretty much
2006-05-02 [zoloftzantac]: hahaha, yep, [Hedda] is a good sport ^_^
2006-05-02 [Box]: yah
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