Page name: SB Alternate Past [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-05-30 07:49:16
Last author: WASHACKED
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SB Alternate Past

[Re started :D]

Story so far

Armond is just a young boy but 14 who get's a young servant girl pregant with his child. The child is born when Armond is 15, yet Armond has to raise a son, finsh school, deal with his parents and siblings, as well as try and not raise his son like his father rasied him. The boy mother having died durning child birth, Armond relly has to do this alone. What will happen in the end....

Charaters who are under SB War, cause where to lazy to copy and paste XD inless Michelle ends up doing it any way XD.

Our charaters shall go here.
SB Alternate Past Characters

Twist. Recarnation.

Maximus is professed to marry this woman, having been married to her in anouth life having to always be reborn every time he dies. But as he See's her out side one night at about the age of six the slayers who had been hunting the Turrner's slay him. With just enough time lift in Max;s life Armond puts a spell on him making a mark in Armond's own blood up Max's right leg and up his body and down his right arm and on the right side of his face Maximus will be re-born. Max dies a few days later, to every one's dismay.

He;s than born again a few years in to the future, Armond still being his father but the woman did not tell Armond what had become of her and she gave Max up for adoption. Max was soon taken in by the woman he was proficed to love. Yet in this life it is again cut short when he is about nine he's attacked and being bitten by the woman who raised him he turned to a vampire. Yet somehow her venom was poisonous to him and he died yet again.

Now in this life Max isn;t made for thousands of years later, Armond had gotten drunk and being kicked out of the bar he had found a young young woman wondering the forest alone on her late night jog. He had taken her to his house and rapped her many time having almost being drunk all the time since it was close to the day Max died and his birth day. When she had finally got free she found out she was pregnant and not being able to get rid of the child she raised him it being Maximus....

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2010-04-25 Max screamed as loud as he could

Remus growled and kicked Max, "SHUT IT!"

2010-04-25 Armond groaned and stood up shakely."Leave him alone!"

2010-04-25 Remus chukled, "Yes you'll stop me boy?" He chukled and kicked Max again

Max yelped as he went back and hit the side on his crib he whimpered

2010-04-25 Armond threw a fire ball at Remus

2010-04-25 Remus ducked and glared at him, "Boy stop now!"

2010-04-25 Armond."No you leave my son alone!"

2010-04-25 REmus, "Or you'll what?" He reached to grab Max who was saying

2010-04-25 Armond growled."I'll kill you"

2010-04-25 Remus laughed, "Yeah ri..." He dispered in the future

Max cryed he had a few broken ribs and his arm was cut from when he was kicked in to the crib it caught on the crib side and you could see the bone

2010-04-25 Armond ran over to Max and picked him up."Shhhh your okay daddy's here."

2010-04-25 Max's crys got a bit quiter

2010-04-25 Armond held him close."You'll be okay son"

2010-04-25 MAx screamed seeing his bone on his arm

2010-04-25 Armond held him as he shhhhed him."You'll heal."

Elina and Alyla ran into the room.

2010-04-25 Max screamed more

Niol ran behind them looking in

2010-04-25 Armond held him.

Alyla."What happened?"

Elina."Father hurt him"

2010-04-25 Max screamed more shaking his sceamed sounded like he was gargling water a but casue one of the broken rips punshured a lung and it was filling with blood :O

2010-04-25 Alyla sighed and put her hand on Max's forehead and healed him

2010-04-25 Max still cryed

2010-04-25 Armond rocked Max and held him close

2010-04-25 Max sniffed and held on to ARmond crying

Niol, "Wheres dad?"

2010-04-25 Armond shrugged."Don't care." he held Max close to him

2010-04-25 Niol frowned and looked at him mum and sister

Max shook crying

2010-04-25 Elina."Future."

Alyla sighed."Thats where he is"

Armond kissed Max's head as he held him close

2010-04-25 Niol, "How?"

Max cryed barling his face in Armonds shirt.

2010-04-25 Elina pointed to Max.

Armond held him closely to him

2010-04-25 Niol nodded

Max cryed claming a bit not relising he was fine

2010-04-25 Armond kissed Max;s head."Your okay now son"

2010-04-25 Max sniffed and looked at the scar on his arm than stoped crying and sniffed

2010-04-25 Armond rocked him

2010-04-25 Max held on to him

2010-04-25 Armond held him close.

Alyla."We'll leave you." she and ELina walked out the room

2010-04-25 Niol fallowed them out

Max sniffed

2010-04-25 Armond sat on the bed as he held Max.

2010-04-25 Max held on to him

2010-04-25 Armond held him close

2010-04-25 Max sniffed

2010-04-25 Armond kissed his head.

2010-04-25 Max smiled a bit

2010-04-25 Armond smiled at him

2010-04-25 Max cuddled him

2010-04-25 Armond cuddled him abck

2010-04-25 Max, :Bads man gones?"

2010-04-25 Armond nods."Yes Remus is gone"

2010-04-25 Max, "No more hurts?"

2010-04-25 Armond."No more hurts"

2010-04-25 Max smiled and nid his face in Armond shirt

2010-04-25 Armond held him close

2010-04-25 Max looked up at him

2010-04-25 Armond kissed his head

2010-04-25 Max giggled

2010-04-25 Armond smiled

2010-04-25 MAx cuddled to him

2010-04-25 Armond held him

2010-04-25 Max looked up at him, "Daddys oks?"

2010-04-25 Armond nods."Now I am"

2010-04-25 Max, "Now?" He looked at him confussed

2010-04-25 Armond."Now that your safe"

2010-04-25 Max nodded a bit

2010-04-25 Armond held him

2010-04-25 Max cludded to him

Niol walked in, "Mum wants to know if your gonna eat something."

2010-04-25 Armond."Yeah tell her I'll be out of dinner soon"

2010-04-25 Niol nodded and walked out

Max held on to Armond

2010-04-25 Armond held him

2010-04-25 Max layed his hea don ARmond's sholder

2010-04-25 Armond held him as he walked out the room

2010-04-25 Max held on to him

2010-04-25 Armond walked to the dinning room

2010-04-25 Max held on to him

Niol was eatting

2010-04-25 Armond put Max in the high chair then he sat down.

Aro, Elina and Alyla ate

2010-04-25 Max smiled and giggled

Niol ate, "Has he even ever sat in that?"

2010-04-25 Armond."Nope." he ate.

Aro sipped his blood

2010-04-25 Max sucked his thomb watching them

Niol nodded and ate more

2010-04-25 Armond ate.

Aro looked at Max."So that thing got rid of dad?"he chuckled

2010-04-25 Niol looked at Aro with a frown

Max sucked his thomb and looked at Aro

2010-04-25 Armond."Yeah he did. And he's not a thing."

Aro."But he's not a true vampire either."

2010-04-25 Niol frowned at Aro more

Max frowned

2010-04-25 Armond sighed."Aro not now."

Aro."yes now"

2010-04-25 Max sucked his thomb more lookigna t Aro with wide eyes

2010-04-25 Aro."I bet he hasn't even had any blood yet"

Armond sighed."Aro."

2010-04-25 Max looked at Armond

2010-04-25 Aro looked smug."He hasn't has he?"

Armond sighed."he hasn't"

2010-04-25 Max looked at Aro

2010-04-25 Aro chuckled.

2010-04-25 Max held his hands tp Aro

2010-04-25 Aro."Oh I think he should try some"

2010-04-25 Max sucked his thomb more

2010-04-25 Armond."Aro."

Aro held his glass of AB neg to Max."Drink it"

2010-04-25 Max frowned at him not really used to feeding himself

2010-04-25 Armond held the cup."Just try a bit."

2010-04-25 Max took a sip and smiled holding Armond's hands making him move up and he drank the cup which had been full

2010-04-25 Armond smiled as he moved the cup move up

2010-04-25 Max finshed it

Niol, "Ummm you guys do know you just gave him AB- vergins blood, and your supost to give kids like o+ to start."

2010-04-25 Armond put the cup on the table."Bugger."

2010-04-25 Niol sighed

Max reached for the cup

2010-04-25 Aro."Okay so he is a vamp."

2010-04-25 Max frowned and made whining sounds reaching for it

Niol, "You guys gave him the good blood have fun."

2010-04-25 Armond looked at Max."No more"

2010-04-25 Max frowned but still reached for it

2010-04-25 Armond."maximus no more"

2010-04-25 Max frowned and reached more whining

2010-04-25 Armond ate as did Elina and Alyla

2010-04-25 Niol ate

Max whimpered more jumping up and down in his seat

2010-04-25 Armond."Your not getting any Maximus." he ate

2010-04-25 Max frowned and whimpered louder

2010-04-25 Armond ate more

2010-04-25 Max frowned he started messing with the high chair, "DOWNS!"

2010-04-25 Armond looked at Max."No."

2010-04-25 Max, "Downs, downs, downs, downs!" He jumped in the seat

2010-04-25 Armond."No, Maximus. Now behave."

2010-04-25 Max, "No downs!" He yelled never really getting like this before

Niol frowned, "Whats wrong with him?"

2010-04-25 Armond sighed."He's a kid remember? They get like this"

2010-04-25 Max, "DOWN!"

Niol frowned, "But he always lisens to you."

2010-04-25 Armond sighed."Maximus behave now, please"

2010-04-25 Max, "DOWNS!" He yelled

2010-04-25 Armond sighed."Maximus." he snapped

2010-04-25 Max frowned, and throgh up

Niol, "Told you something was wrong." He reached over to the blood glass and sniffed it her frowned and passed it to Aro who had the best nose

2010-04-25 Aro took it and sniffed."Fucking hell not good. No one drink the blood."


Aro."It's poisoned."

Alyla gasped."What?" she stood up and walked over to Max.

Armond picked up Max and held him as Alyla cleaned off the sick with a cloth

2010-04-25 Niol frowned and pushed his glass away

Max looked at ARmond

2010-04-25 Armond kissed his head."What kinda of posion?"


2010-04-25 Niol frowned, "Didn;t we find out Max is algrigc like more than we are too?"

Max whimpered

2010-04-25 Armond."Maybe"

2010-04-25 Niol frowned

Max thoght up on Armond

2010-04-25 Armond sighed."Nice."

Alyla took Max and held him."Lets get him to the SB hospital. Armond got get changed."

Armond."Yes mother." he walked out the room

2010-04-25 Max shivered

Niol laughed

2010-04-25 Alyla held Max close to her.

Elina glared at Niol."Shut up."

Amrond changed his shirt

2010-04-25 Niol closed his mouth giggling

Max had a fever already

2010-04-25 Armond walked back into the room and he took Max off his mother. He held Max close as he teleported to the SB hospitail.

Alyla, Aro and Elina followed.

[Your the doc Max XD]

2010-04-25 Niol fallowed

Max held on to Armond and closed his eyes

2010-04-25 Alylya asked the nurse for her family doctor.

2010-04-25 DR. M came out, "So wheres the tike?"

2010-04-25 Armond."here is his." he held Max in his arms

2010-04-25 DR. M nodded knowing how Armond was he went over and looked at Max as Armond held him

2010-04-25 Armond looked at Dr.M."Well?"

2010-04-25 DR. M, "Just let me see him I need to get him to another room."

2010-04-25 Armond nods and handed Max over to Dr.M

2010-04-25 DR. M nodded, "I'll call you back in a bit." He walked out with Max

DR. M came back with a frown

2010-04-25 Armond, Alyla, Elina and Aro all look at Dr.M when he came out.

2010-04-25 DR M, "He's in a well he went in a coma from the alergic ratiob he's on mations you can come see him."

2010-04-25 Armond stood up."I want to see him"

2010-04-25 DR M nodded he walked to the room where Max was and opened the door

Max layed with like a ton of machines hooked up on him

2010-04-25 Armond walked into the room and he and looked at Max."Son..."

2010-04-25 DR frowned watching

2010-04-25 Armond walked to Max and sat down on the chair. he held Max's hand.

2010-04-25 Max sleept more

Dr M, "So no one else had any blood?"

2010-04-25 Armond."Not sure ask the others"

2010-04-25 Dr. M nodded, "OK." He walked to the waiting room, "Did any one else have any blood."

Niol shook his head

Max sleept

2010-04-25 Aro,. Elina and Alyla shook her heads.

Armond held Max's hand

2010-04-25 Dr M nodded.

Max smiled a bit under his breathing mask

2010-04-25 Armond held his hand.

Alyla."Will my grandson but okay?"

2010-04-25 Dr. M, "Right now where doing all we can where just trying to get the Silver out."

Niol, "Could he die?"

2010-04-25 Alyla frowned at Dr.M."Could he?"

2010-04-25 Dr. M sighed, "Yes I havn;t told Armond yet."

2010-04-25 Alyla looked like she might cry

2010-04-25 Mr. M frowned at her, "I should go tell him." He nodded and walked to Max's room knocking on the door, "Mr. Turrner."

Niol frowned and hugged his mum

2010-04-25 Alyla hugged Niol back.

Armond looked at him."yes?"

2010-04-25 Niol, "It will be ok?"

DR. M, "Well about your son there's about a 50% chance he might die."

2010-04-25 Armond froze

Alyla nods."Of course it will son"

2010-04-25 Dr. M, "WE are doing all we can."

2010-04-25 Armnond nodded a little but was in shock

2010-04-26 Dr. M, "We're sorry."

2010-04-26 Armond nods

2010-04-26 [Time ski[ three week.]

Max sleept he was doing worse do to getting a coma

2010-04-26 Armond was watching him as he sits in the chair

2010-04-26 The heat thing did a long beep as if some one died :O

2010-04-26 Armond."Maximus!"

2010-04-26 A nurse and a doctor ran in.

Nurse, "Sir step out." She told Armond as the doctor went to Max

2010-04-26 Armond."No!"

2010-04-26 The nurse, "Please step out!"

2010-04-26 Armond."No!"

2010-04-26 The nurse, "We'll call serciy!"

The Doctor had started CPR

2010-04-26 Armond stayed in the room but when scercity came in the room they had to drag him out.

2010-04-26 They worked on Max more

2010-04-26 Armond was kicking and yelling to let him go

2010-04-26 The men frowned and pulled him out

The doctor did more CPR

2010-04-26 Armond still kicks and yells

2010-04-26 The man, "Sir they can;t help if your in the way!"

The nurse locked the door... it took an hour and Max did come back the doctor walked out with a frown

2010-04-26 Armond growled at the man

2010-04-26 The doctor, "He's ok he acully woke up too you can talk to him MR. Turrner."

2010-04-26 Armond nods and he ran into the room

2010-04-26 Max was rubbing his eyes trying to sit up

2010-04-26 Armond stopped when he saw Max

2010-04-26 Max looked at Armond and smiled holding out his arms, "Daddys." His voice sounded off

2010-04-26 Armond walked over to the bed and he held Max's hand."Son"

2010-04-26 Max smiled a bit more than looked aroud, "Wheres ares wes?"

2010-04-26 Armond."In SB hospital"

2010-04-26 Max fronwed, "wHys?"

2010-04-26 Armond sighed."You almost died"

2010-04-26 MAx frowned he loooked at Armond with wide eyes than started to cry

2010-04-26 armond shhhed him."But you didn't son."

2010-04-26 Max cryed more

2010-04-26 Armond kissed his head.

2010-04-26 Max cryed and held on to him

2010-04-26 Armond held him as he shhhed him,

2010-04-26 Max cryed more

2010-04-26 Armond held him

2010-04-26 Max cryed

2010-04-26 Armond."Your okay son."

2010-04-26 Max sniffed nodding

2010-04-26 Armond kissed his head

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